Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Donald's Triumphant Blog

Who doesn't have a blog these days? Even celebrities are getting into blogging and so is real estate mogul Donald Trump. He has launched an official blog through Trump University. The blog is subtitled as being about "ideas and opinions from Donald Trump and his circle of experts." The fact that Donald Trump has become a so-called Blogger is huge. You didn't see "Trump The Website" right way, but now he's recognizing that here's a medium he can embrace to extend his message. It'll be reflective of what's topical in the news, business and education. Although he won't tackle popular culture or entertainment. Everybody wants to hear what The Donald, his billions, his hot wife and of course his hair is up to next and what a better way to find out than his blog at

Check out other celebrity blogs in my post on
06/29/05 Celebrity Blogs Including Mark Cuban's.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bjork's Infamous Swan Dress To Hit eBay

The swan dress born by Iceland's most famous export Bjork is set to be auctioned for charity next month. The dress was worn by Bjork to the 2001 Oscars and made fashion headlines around the world. The auction is being run by Oxfam. Overall, more than 150 celebrity items will be sold in the auction which is to be run on eBay. Other items will include a shirt from Kofi Annan, a helmet from Blur's Damon Albarn and a pair of sunglasses from Yoko Ono. An Oxfam spokesperson said: "We wanted people to give things that were personal and had a story behind them because bidders will then know they are getting something particularly special to the person concerned and all in aid of a good cause."

As I was writing up this post, I thought to myself how ugly the Bjork dress is. From what I recall, there was another celeb with a different dress that caught even more attention, but yet they aren't auctioning that off. You know the one. I'm talking about the infamous J Lo dress! I bet if they auctioned that off, it would receive huge bids. Then again once I think about it, chances are some 400lb woman would buy it and try and squeeze into it. Not many can pull off a dress like J Lo's. Some things are better left out of reach and unobtainable to the general public, whether the money raised would go to a good cause or not.

Monday, August 29, 2005

10 Year Anniversary, Windows 95 Remembered

August 24, 1995 was a momentous occasion for the computer industry as Microsoft introduced Windows 95 to the world. The long awaited new operating system not only sparked the explosion of the Internet, but for the first time computers became inspirational tools that would make our lives better. The Windows 95 launch event took place on a 12-acre sports field at Microsoft's Redmond campus. It took 20 days and over 200 people to prepare for the festivities. Bill Gates' address was beamed simultaneously to 43 other events in cities around the world - not an easy feat in 1995.

Over 70,000 people tuned in to watch the launch event live via satellite. The Empire State Building in New York City was even lit up with the Windows 95 logo. Fields in England were also painted with the logo so it could be seen from the air. In Poland, journalists were taken in a submarine to experience "a world without Windows." The launch was a hit! 20 national magazine cover stories, 13,000 newspaper stories, 800 radio news spots and 2,000 television news segments all covered the arrival of Windows 95, which would usher in a new era in computing. Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Windows 95. I hope nobody is still using it, but love or hate Windows, I think we can all agree that it was a huge step forward in terms of technology. I'm not sure if computers or the Internet would be the same if it never existed.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Viruses, New Weapon Of Choice For Workplace Violence

During the dot-com heyday, an employee downloading a virus onto a company's network was almost always assumed to be acting unaware of any danger. However, in today's era of increased outsourcing, corporate downsizing, salary reductions and failed pension-plan promises, company networks are increasingly being attacked by disgruntled employees. In this hostile environment, searching for the source of sabotage should start inside.

A recent study sponsored by Risk Control Strategies, a threat management and risk assessment firm, found that an overwhelming majority of 223 security and human resources executives who manage between 500 and 900 employees said workplace violence is a bigger problem now than it was two years ago. As a result, 23% said employees have intentionally and maliciously downloaded viruses over the past 12 months. The study found that hitting employees in the pocketbook is prompting the burgeoning retaliation.88% of outsourcers cited employee backlash as their primary concern. Viruses used as a weapon against senior management is a problem that can't be solved solely through technological means. For IT security managers, internal investigations will require a whole new set of workplace violence-prevention skills and unprecedented coordination with HR executives. Below is a good guideline to help combat this problem.

Employ Creative Background Checks - It may seem like an obvious step to take, but you would be surprised at the number of companies that overlook this or don't dig deep enough into a potential employee's background before they are hired. Look for key sings. A willful destruction of property is among the numerous types of criminal offenses that surface. Behavior such as this sometimes goes undetected because they tend to languish in the courts. To be extra safe, ongoing screenings should be done even on current employees. Background checks aren't just for pre-employment anymore.

Pinpoint Potential Perpetrators - Workplace violence is almost never spontaneous and, therefore, is foreseeable and preventable. Historical research shows that there are a number of consistent characteristics associated with a perpetrator: predominantly males, between 25 and 40, who don't handle stress well and are manipulative, chronic complainers, among many other traits. However, since a large number of people who pose no threat at all could meet some of these criteria, they should be used in context with other factors such as "red flags" of detection.

Be Ready To React To Red Flags - In addition to fitting a certain profile, violators display warning signs that reveal their propensity for violence, which can include leveling verbal threats, exploding in physical or verbal outbursts, eroding the employee/supervisor relationship, harboring grudges or brandishing weapons to gain attention. Violent acts are often preceded by off-hand remarks to friends and co-workers revealing intentions. Many times, employees haven't been trained on what to look for, the individual isn't taken seriously, or there is no mechanism in place to capture this information and funnel it to the appropriate individuals. Not only should this information be shared with HR, but in turn, with IT security. Approximately 86% of past workplace violence incidents were visibly apparent to co-workers and had been brought to management's attention prior to an incident. Unfortunately, more than 75% of these incidents continued to develop as a result of management's inaction or inappropriate actions.

Like never before, IT managers must monitor their employees to identify the potential enemy within before an act of sabotage is committed. If there is no monitoring, devastating financial damage to the company's network and brand could result. Coordination with HR will be a critical component to ensure that potential problem individuals surface quickly and that mitigation techniques are rapidly employed. I don't know about you, but I have someone who works for me now who fits this profile too well. He has to bitch at everything I ask him to do. I hope he doesn't go postal on me one day.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Society Now Blaming Video Games For Teen Pregnancies

Just when you thought you've heard it all, now comes one of the most ridiculous accusations of all time. All I can say is "give me a break"! We have all seen people angrily pointing the blame finger at video game makers and video game players. They try to argue that video games, as a digital form of entertainment, is the source of all evil. They claim that playing your PS2 causes such things as school shootings and other acts of violence. Funny that the only thing video games has given me is an a sore thumb from time to time and the occasional over-inflated ego trip after I pull out a close Madden football win. So now those same idiot parents, teachers, religious leaders and even the devil herself - Hillary Clinton are all trying once again to pass the buck off on video games. This time the video games are the cause of teenage pregnancy! (Can I get a loud "bullshit"?)

I don't care what argument people give, video games DO NOT cause anyone to have unprotected sex, shoot up a school or do anything else "bad" that some are claiming they cause. Bottom line, the kid is f*cked up to begin with and the parents are usually to blame more than some silly video game that is played. Sure a game like "Grand Theft Auto" might egg-on an already mentally disturbed person, but the game DOESN'T CAUSE their behavior. Besides, games like that have a mature rating anyways so your kid shouldn't be playing it to begin with. So now you can throw that defense out the window. It reminds me of how ridiculous I thought it was years ago when a family was suing Ozzy Osbourne because their kid listened to his song "Suicide Solutions" (which also had a mature rating) and then killed himself. Sorry, but the kid had problems BEFORE Ozzy sang a note into the microphone. How about blaming his unfit parents for not getting involved in his life enough to at least keep him from buying a CD that he is too young for anyway? It irritates the hell out of me that there are so many people in this world who can't take responsibility for their own actions. They always want to point the blame on someone or something else and that's just dumb.

65 out of 490 young ladies who attend Timkin High School in Canton, Ohio are pregnant and people there say video games are to blame. (Hmm, I wonder what the average IQ of that town is.) Whose fault is it that more than 13% of Timken’s girls are with child? To me it's a no-brainer. Some would say fault-finding isn’t a fruitful exercise, but in this case, it’s critical. Suspects range from movies, music, TV and video games to lazy parents and lack of discipline. Only one thing is sure, movies, music and TV shows don’t impregnate teens. So it looks like that would leave lazy parents and lack of discipline, correct? Hey, I’m just a blogger and not a doctor, but I thought for sure that video games can’t impregnate teens either. In fact, if most female reactions to a boyfriend's or husband's video gaming habits are any indication, games are a very effective method of birth control.

A Video Gamer's Wet Dream, PS2 Movie Theater

If you've ever got into video games at all or even if you are just the casual gamer, then I bet at one time you have gone to the movie theater and thought to yourself how cool it would be to have your PlayStation hooked up to that giant screen. I know years ago I wondered what it would be like to see a game like Mortal Kombat stretched out 20 feet wide with surround sound pumping. Well that was a long time ago, but finally it seems that a company may have the same idea. The company is called "HoloDek" (from the holodeck on Star Trek) is testing out the concept of letting gamers play with huge, high-definition screens that envelop the user. It is a movie theater for gamers. The test facility contains 42 gaming stations with high-speed PCs and high-definition monitors ranging in size from 17 inches to 13 feet. There's a screen that is 20 feet wide and 12 feet high called the "half pipe." Another spherical screen will soon offer a 360-degree wraparound gaming effect. Their goal is to make it socially acceptable to enjoy the gaming experience.

I'm sure they will charge for this, but a price has not yet been determined. Do you think this will be a hit?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Build Your Own Mac Computer For $199

Macs are sleek and sexy machines, but just like sleek and sexy sports cars, you have to pay for those jaw dropping looks. Macs are not cheap in compared to the price of your average, say Dell PC. A Mac computer runs roughly $2,000 - more or less depending on your configuration. The 1st generation iMacs looked like gumdrops. The 2nd generation iMacs looked like desk lamps and now the 3rd generation iMac (as pictured below) looks like...well let's just say it's just different. So for those of you that love the Mac, but can't afford the price tag that comes along with them, I have good news for you. As promised, I'm going to tell you how you can build your own Mac computer and do it for just under $200! Interested? Read on...

Since Apple has introduced OS X for Intel processors, you now can build your own Mac from scratch. No longer is it necessary to use Mac hardware to run OS X. You can use PC parts now and still run OS X. That I like! You can purchase virtually any case, motherboard, CD-ROM drive, hard drive, processor, RAM, ect from just about any computer store online. Or if you want to really save some cash, use extra spare parts you have laying around from older computers you no longer use. Sure this mod may be a little ghetto and it won't give you that cool Mac computer look, but it will be a Mac just the same. If you want that real Mac look, pick up a used iMac case off of eBay and use that for the mod. Obviously, there are still many reasons why you’ll want to buy a true Mac - Apple quality, support and innovation. Although if you are a diehard Mac lover who has shallow pockets (which many starving artists are), this may be the way to go.

By the way, you can download a free (technically illegal) full working version of OS X for the Intel processor via BitTorrent. Look for the file named "Apple.OS.X.x86.Developer.Kit.Install.DVD-deadmoo". It will be 2.33GB so dial-up modem users need not apply. Also if you don't know what torrents are or how to build a computer, you may want to scratch this whole idea and just get a second job and buy a real Mac.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Farwell?

Pull out your hanky or grab a Kleenex, because I'm about to announce some sad news for my regular blog readers. I'm going to be taking an extended absence from blogging for awhile. I'm not sure how long, but rest assure that I will be back sometime next month. Until then I hope everyone continues their own blog and will stop by and visit mine again when I return. I promise to have some good posts so you don't want to miss that. In the meantime, check out My Archive for a complete list of all my past posts to keep you entertained. Bye...for now.

Psst, update in the Comment section about my next blog post.

12 new posts to be added to the blog today (Fri 9/2/05), so stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

iBook Sale Turns To An Ugly Stampede

Sometimes I wish I made these news stories up, because I'm embarrassed to admit I come from the same human species as these people do. We all know Mac people can be a bit crazy, but crazy enough to stomp on one another just to save some cash on an iBook computer? Damn, that is nuts! It did happen though. Chaos erupted at Richmond International Raceway in Virginia as people stampeded through the gates in a rush to buy used iBook laptops for $50 each. Mothers clutched their children for protection, people screamed as they were knocked to the ground, a stroller was demolished and cars inched through the crowd. I won't deny it is a great deal, but seriously get a grip.

Photographed above, a crowd rushes through an open gate, some falling down but all hoping to get a cheap iBook at the RIR complex. "It was total mayhem, I can't believe people are so barbaric" exclaimed one woman. The crowd started forming at 1:30AM and by the time dawn broke, people on foot had formed a line half a mile long. Others waited in cars parked nearby or milled about the entrance. An official estimate put the crowd at 5,500. Other observers estimated a crowd size more than twice that. When gates opened just before 7AM, the crowd had already grown surly. Many in the crowd were yelling at police officers who said they were there to just try and keep people from "inciting a riot." When the gates swung open, the stampede began - literally.

Several people sustained minor injuries. One person was taken to the hospital with a leg injury. In all, 17 people were treated, the majority for heat or diabetic related problems. Inside the gates, a second crush surged outside the warehouse where the laptops were being sold as people pushed to get through the door. Police struggled to keep the crowd under control and relieve pressure on those at the front. It was like the people are going to die if they don't get a computer. The scene calmed significantly when police back-up arrived and barricades were erected. Inside the warehouse, the pace slowed and people civilly purchased all 1,000 laptops for sale.

This catastrophe could of been avoided by building your own "new, not used" Mac for under $200 and tomorrow I am going to tell you how to do just that. Too bad all these crazy people who got stomped didn't know about my blog beforehand because then they wouldn't be picking their teeth up out of the asphalt. Oh well, like they and learn.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Have A Wife With None Of The Responsibly

Remember my post on 06/06/05 eBay Human Ad Space Overload? Do you remember how ridiculous, and at the same time genius, of an idea you thought that guy had to auction off his forehead? Now how crazy or brilliant do you think it sounds if I were to tell you that a Ventura, CA man is auctioning off his own wife? It's not perverted like you are thinking. He isn't selling her to the highest bidder for sex or anything illegal like that. Although he is giving "one lucky winner" (highest bidder) the chance to call HIS wife, THEIR wife. The reason he is doing this is because he says he simply can't handle how much she talks and he needs a break! He didn't realize the sheer amount of work and responsibly it would take to be married to a woman that never shuts up - lol. Hey, he said it, not me. Here is the ad in it's entirety...

Share My wife with Me ….. Please
Want to be married but don’t want the commitment? Well I’m married, but I need a little quite time. Emma's a chatterbox !!!

Up for auction is the right to call Emma (my wife), your wife and friend. We have been married for a little over three years. I realize now this is not a one-person job! My wife loves to talk >>>>>>>>> ALL THE TIME>>>>> She even talks in her sleep. I simply cannot keep up. I need some “me” time!!!!!

So up for auction is a time-share with my wife. I’m NOT going to mail her to you. I’m NOT going to set you up with a date with her. You cannot have sex with her. However, you can email and write her and if she wants, you can call her. You get all of this for 365 days, Note you may cancel any time . I will even send you a couple of photos of her to keep in your wallet.

WARNING: Emma is:
comes with some attitude
Can hold a conversion better than anyone I ever met!
flirty (and it drives me crazy)
wonderful cook
loves flowers
In addition, did I mention she LOVES TO TALK!
Starbucks junkie
She loves jewelry, actually it’s part of my motivation for putting her up for auction, she costs me a fortune!
BUT BEST OF ALL SHE IS AWESOME born and raised California Girl

You wont get her in the mail, you will just be able to tell people that you have a new wife and best friend. You wont be disappointed, Emma is an awesome. Good Luck. Note you may cancel any time.

I find the whole thing funny, rude but still funny. From what the guy said, it seems that his wife was ok with the deal. What does that say about their marriage? What if his wife met a great guy this way and ditched her husband for him? Then I guess the joke would be on the husband. Anyway, I'm sure you are dying to know how much the blabbing wife sold for, right? Well the auction has ended and whatever the reserve price was, it wasn't met. However he did get 9 bids and it reached $21.50 before time ran out. Oh well, better luck next time trying to pawn your wife off on the rest of us. To be honest, I think the husband set the reserve extremely high so nobody would actually win the auction. I think the whole ad was just a prank and a way to get a little "Internet fame" out of it - looks like it worked.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Free Wi-Fi, The San Francisco Treat

If you are like most people these days, you have ditched your dial-up Internet access and you have gone broadband. Looking back, you can't imagine what it would be like to have to return the process of dialing in, waiting for the connection, having your phone line tied up and then surfing at a snails pace crawl! Back then you accepted it because you didn't know any better or you had yet to experience the always-on, instant and fast connection that only DSL and cable can bring you. Now with that said, if you have gone Wi-Fi, then you can remember back to a time when you were tied to your desk - literally. With Wi-Fi you are free to move yourself indoors or outdoors without the hassle of cables or lines. Not only are you reeking the benefits of a fast connection, but you are doing it all wirelessly! It's great, but the only thing that doesn't make it perfect is that you are limited to range in which your Internet access will expand to...unless you live in SF.

San Francisco wants ideas for making the entire 49-square-mile city a free, or at least cheap, Wi-Fi zone. Taking a step toward bridging the so-called digital divide between the tech-savvy and people who can't afford computers, the city government issued guidelines for a plan to ensure universal, affordable wireless broadband access for all San Franciscans. The city is soliciting ideas for an ambitious system that would put Wi-Fi in the hands of people whether they are working in a high-rise office tower, riding on a cable car or living in a low-income housing project. According to an annual ranking compiled by Intel, San Francisco already ranks just behind Seattle as the most "unwired city" in America, thanks to a ubiquity of cafes and restaurants that offer Wi-Fi. Last year the city erected antennas to make one of its most popular tourist destinations, Union Square, a free hot spot and three others are set to go up later this year.

About a year ago I heard plans of this taking place, so I'm happy to hear it is finally being done. I hope other cities also adopt the idea because for many, the Internet has almost become a necessity to our everyday living. It's such a useful tool for research and communication that it almost seems silly for every city not to seriously consider following the "free/cheap Wi-Fi for all" trend that SF has adopted. Of course it is the home of Silicon Valley so I'm sure the fact that the city is already crammed with tech gurus gave the much needed nudge to get the plan rolling and in place.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Blogger Flag Button = Censorship?

Recently Blogger has made some changes to it's service. One change which you may of noticed is the addition of what is called the "Flag button". It is located in the upper right hand corner of your blog's navbar. Some people are a little confused as to what exactly this button does and what purpose it serves. I want to take a minute and clear up any confusion, especially to those that are worried that this flag button is some form of speech censorship put into place by Blogger. In fact it is not a form of censorship. The idea of it is to be used as a tool by everyone to flag objectionable content. Now that simple purpose statement there is a little gray, so I am going to attempt to explain what exactly that means.

Have you ever found yourself clicking the "Next Blog button" over and over again only to come across a blog that wasn't exactly to your taste? Maybe it was politically incorrect, potential hurtful or just plain gross? Well, one person's vulgarity is another's poetry...or something like that. When it comes to judging which is which, things can get a little tricky. That is why Blogger has launched a new feature on the Blogger navbar called "Flag As Objectionable". This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. In turn, Blogger will take action when needed. Now I know none of you would flag my great blog! Right? You better be nodding in agreement.

For more information on how this feature works, read What is the "Flag" button? (Note: a blog has to be republished in order for this new button to show up in the navbar.)

Blogger has also made 2 other recent changes that I should mention. They have added a free plug-in for Microsoft Word that works with Blogger. It's called "Blogger for Word". You can work in Word like you normally do and then save your document as a post to your blog. Once you install the plug-in and restart Word, some buttons will appear. These buttons allow you to publish, edit and save as draft from within Word. The second change Blogger has made is the option to require word verification for comments. This option (off by default) gives bloggers a tool to help prevent the automatic creation of comments by spammers.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Gas Prices Too High? Use The Power Of Pee

We are all b*tching and moaning about it. With gas prices skyrocketing everywhere, some are paying $3 or more a gallon...and that is just for regular unleaded! What if you are like me and you have a car that only runs on premium? Well then you are shelling out even more. Then my other car is an H2, yes I know dumb considering the mileage it gets (and no I didn't buy it to make up for lacking in another area - I'm just fine down there I can assure you and so can a few women). The gas guzzling Hummer gets roughly 9 miles to the gallon - ouch. So needless to say I don't drive it much. Now I do ride my motorcycle alot because of the high gas prices around the country. Nearly all of us need to use gas and it once was true that your best bet to save at the pump was to get yourself a nice 30+ miles to the gallon 5-speed Honda, shifting at the optimum RPMs and staying away from city driving.

Although owning a Honda is practical, not all of us do that and if you don't want to ride a bicycle to work or use public transportation, then you need to drive and that requires gas...or does it? Now welcome to the modern world! The world of technology and it's ever changing mix of innovations to help simplify and better our lives. We were introduced to electric and hybrid automobiles a few years ago and sure they are catching on, but still the majority of us continue to pay at the pump. What if I told you to forget the solar power crap and all the junk you've heard before and said that you could be powered by pee? That's right, pee - your own urine could fuel you thru the day! Laugh, but it's true. We have always thought of our urine as "waste". It's something to dispose of, eliminate from our bodies. Well now it's time to covet that almighty long morning pee because it has power just waiting to be unleashed. It has the ability to not only give you an excuse to leave some awkward conversation with a bad date, but to also supply the needed fuel for your commute to work.

The first urine-powered paper battery has been created by physicists in Singapore. The credit-card sized unit could be a useful power source for cheap healthcare test kits for diseases like diabetes and could even be used in emergency situations to power a cell phone. Testing urine can reveal the identity of illnesses and the new paper battery could allow the sample being tested to also power the diagnostic device. The battery is made of a layer of filter paper steeped in copper chloride, sandwiched between strips of magnesium and copper. This "sandwich" is then laminated in plastic to hold the whole package together. The resulting battery is just 1 millimeter thick and 60 by 30 mm across - slightly smaller than a credit card. To activate the battery, a drop of urine is added and soaks through the sandwiched filter paper. The chemicals dissolve and react to produce electricity. The magnesium layer acts as the anode, losing its electrons. The copper chloride acts as the cathode, mopping up the electrons. The voltage, current and capacity of the battery could be improved by different designs or by switching the electrode or electrolyte materials used. Now the less scientific explanation...

It's only a matter of time before the pee powered battery is then used to power your iPod, computer and eventually a bigger version is created to power your car! So stop giving your arm, leg and even first born up in order to dump a couple gallons of gas into your ride. The future is here and it is "urging" (get it?) for pee! After all, it's the fuel of Mother Nature so you can't go wrong. Also, be thankful that I didn't choose to upload an image of someone urinating to go along with this post. I opted for this witty sign above instead that is just as fitting.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Oops, She Did It Again

As if Britney Spears hasn't humiliated herself enough the last year or so, it looks like she has done it again. It seems that the "ever mindful of good taste" Mrs. Spears/Federline or whatever name she goes by these days, has left us all with our retinas burning and our stomachs turning. (Hey, I made a rhyme!) Britney Spears took some friends, sister Jamie Lynn, husband Kevin Federline and his kids Kaleb and Kori on a boat excursion the day after Britney's baby shower. The paparotzi managed to snap a few photos of their outing. Please brace yourself for the horror I am about to unveil before you. You may even want to partially cover your eyes to shield yourself from the visual pain because it is hard to look at. Although it's difficult not to peak, even just a little. For the very brave, click the image to (extra) enlarge bloated Brit.

For God sake girl, at least put a one piece swimsuit on if you look like a beached whale! Now before all the woman reach thru their computer monitors and beat me for that remark, let me say this. I'm sure one day when I'm married and my wife is pregnant, that I will think she is beautiful. To me she will still look great even if she has packed on 30 lbs from being 9 months pregnant (plus Oreos, ice-cream and pickles), is retaining more water than the Pacific Ocean and is developing stretch marks reaching from here to China. Why? Well I didn't paint a pretty picture, that I know, but when you really love someone you love more than the outside. Sweet right? It is true though. Ok now with that said, since nobody loves Britney (probably including her husband), then I'm sorry but she looks like shit. I miss her tiny waist and sexy abs of steel more than ever! I may have to kick her from my MILF club (04/14/05 New Member Of The Exclusive MILF Club) and add Pamela Anderson in her place.

If one snapshot of that mess wasn't plenty, the photographer had to do it again and again! That is more than an "oops". That is a "AHH" and I don't mean that in a good way. I mean that in a frightened, "I want to hide behind my Mommy's dress" kind of way. Of course I didn't post the other shots because it is too much for me to even bare. Ok, everyone breathe. The horrific show is done now. I promise not to scare you away like this anymore. I hope everyone still loves me and will come back to visit my blog again.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Deep "Thoughts" On Pamela Anderson

The other night on Comedy Central I caught "The Roast Of Pamela Anderson". If you don't know what a roast is, it's when a group of comedians take 1 person as the punch line for all their jokes and just go to town. Most of the jokes of course are rude in nature, but funny as hell and it's all done in good fun. So in the hot seat was none other than former Playboy bunny/Baywatch beauty, homemade porn star, the big breasted blonde babe better knows as Pamela Anderson. If you saw the show, you know how good it was and if you didn't, then don't worry because they are re-running it alot! Jokes cracked like "She's screwed more musicians than Napster" and "She just turned 38 and finally her age is catchy up with her bra size." They've done other roasts before like one on Hue Heffner which I did miss, but maybe someday I can catch the re-run. Anyway, here is the point of my post...

I've never been one of those guys who drools and fantasies over Pamela Anderson. I don't know why that is, perhaps she reminds me too much of a sexier version of Malabo Barbie from my childhood. Growing up with 2 sisters, I had to daily wade thru a sea of half naked Barbie dolls that covered the living room floor. Maybe that flashback memory brings up an image too close to home and in-turn doesn't allow me to go into some sick perverted dream of me and Pam like so many other guys have. On the other hand (no pun intended), it could be a deep seeded image of me stepping on the naked Barbie breasts and them never breaking. I think if someone was to step on Pam's breasts, they wouldn't break either. Lastly, that could be it - the gigantic fake knockers she has. I'm not a real fan of the super oversized plastic jugs.

Don't get me wrong, I like breasts, but I'm more into my J Lo booty. Ah, yes - Jennifer Lopez (sigh)! I'm sorry guys, but I still find her way sexier and hotter than Pam. I don't know what it is, but that is how it is. It could be that Jennifer doesn't have that "in your face" sex appeal that is just shouting out of Pam. J Lo has a more toned down, "watch me move" sex appeal that really does it for me. Although after watching "The Pamela Anderson Roast", I'm beginning to develop a little thing for her. I like her tattoo, her very toned body, that tussled bed hair she has mixed with those sexy eyes and a sweet...dare I say...innocent looking smile. On top of the physical appearance, after seeing her interviewed numerous times and admiring her good natured ability to laugh at herself during The Roast, I kind of like her. At age 38 to look that good is an accomplishment in itself, but she's not just all looks. She isn't really the ditsy blonde that alot of people perceive her to be. I think she is deeper than that, but she is smart enough to play whatever role society wants her to be so she will continue to rake in the doe. Good for her! She knows what works. You got it, you flaunt it Pam. The only people to complain will be some jealous housewives.

In closing, do you know hard it was to find just one photo for this post of Pamela Anderson online that wasn't nude? No seriously, it was tough, but I didn't mind the research. This is the best shot I came up with that maintained a SFU (suitable for work) viewer rating. She's still hot, just enhanced cosmetically in all the right places.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

DefCon 13 & Black Hat 2005 Wrap-Up Coverage

The DefCon 13 & BlackHat 2005 Conventions have been over for about 2 weeks now and I keep putting off writing up a good post for them, but today I'm finally going to do it because it's well deserving. It's time for me to talk about what exactly went down there in Las Vegas that last week in July and give some highlights. In short, Black Hat left us with a huge scandal that not only rocked the tech world, but also has gained the attention of the government and required an FBI investigation. Not to be out done when it came to excitement, DefCon turned out to be one of the best in the last 5 years with wi-fi records being broken and feds in attendance looking to hire hackers!

When A "Good Guy" Turns On You
The first "hacker convention" to hit Vegas was BlackHat. One of the primary reasons companies send their computer security experts to the annual Black Hat security conference is to learn about new security vulnerabilities that bad guys could use to disrupt Internet communications that most of us rely upon to send e-mail and browse the web. The most popular speakers at the gathering typically are security researchers who have discovered new flaws in the hardware and software designed to ensure that the webpage you request is the same one that is served and that your e-mail gets routed to its destination without incident. Now what if "one of these good guys" actually turned on you and your company?

It happened this year at BlackHat as top security expert Michael Lynn publicly announced his resignation from Internet Security Systems. Also at the same time, Lynn used the opportunity on stage to expose a serious vulnerability in Cisco routers, despite efforts by the router manufacturer and his former employer to block the presentation. In the aftermath, Lynn reached a legal settlement with Cisco and ISS in which he agreed to erase his research material on the vulnerability, to keep secret the details of the attack and to refrain from distributing copies of his presentation, among other concessions. Now facing an FBI investigation and sudden celebrity status in the tech world, Lynn continues to discuss the events surrounding the scandal. Gutsy/morally correct or dumb/self incriminating? People will have mixed opinions.

I Can Shoot It Farther Than You
The next "hacker convention" in line was DefCon 13. When it comes to media exposure, DefCon is by far the more popular of the two conventions. The main reason is the mix of people it attracts. Unlike the BlackHat crowd, DefCon attendants don't fit the "stuffy suit" image. It is a more laid back and casual atmosphere. A variety of events is held each year at DefCon and this year we saw the return of favorites like wardriving, lock picking, spot the fed contest and of course the infamous "Wall Of Sheep". If you have never been to DefCon or haven't ever heard of these things, let me briefly explain.

If you recall a post I did back on 06/21/05 Bluetooth Snarfing Sniper Rifle, then you already familiar with wi-fi shooting and wi-fi ranges. Well this year at DefCon a new "wi-fi shooting world record" as well as new "wi-fi range world record" were set! Los Angeles-based team "Flexilis" set the world record for transmitting data to and from a passive radio frequency identification (RFID) card, covering a distance of more than 69 feet. What that means is that using a device like the one Flexilis built, someone could conceivably sit out in the parking lot and peer inside the shopping bag of a customer leaving a store, or use the RFID tags to keep tabs on that person’s movements. Using slightly different methods, attackers could send signals that effectively jam or manipulate a store’s RFID readers, tricking the devices into reading a $99 item as a 99 cent item, for example. The other wi-fi range record was pulled off by some teens from Cincinnati, who broke the world record they set last year by building a device capable of maintaining an unamplified, 11-megabit 802.11b wireless Internet connection over a distance of 125 miles (the network actually spanned from Utah into Nevada)!

Drunk Geeks Tap-In
Also this year at DefCon, "The KegBot Project" made an appearance. One the coolest projects seen so far at any of the DefCon conventions was the Linux based KegBot that dispensed beer as long as you have an iButton key. The system keeps track of who you are, how much you're drinking and where you rank among the other beer chuggers. The KegBot crew built and deployed the entire project on site at DefCon - truly a first of it's kind.

Only The Best Will Be Asked To Apply
As always a good game of "Spot The Fed" was played at DefCon. "Spot The Fed" is exactly what it sounds like - hackers try to spot federal agents who are in attendance, but undercover. If you successfully spot a true fed, you are usually awarded a free t-shirt. Although it's not about getting the free swag, it's more about being able to pick the right face out of the crowd and unveil his true identity to the rest of the it is just kind of fun and funny.

I should also note that it might not always be the "hacker" trying to locate the "fed". Sometimes it's the fed trying to locate the hacker and why you ask? Well to give him a job! That's right, alot of federal agents and other government officials seek out the more talented hackers in hopes of persuading them to accept a job offer. If you think about it, it only makes sense. The best way to secure anything is by seeking the expertise of a skilled hacker who is able to break it in the first place. Let him find your flaws and weaknesses and point them out BEFORE it's too late and you are left with a huge gaping security hole and a host of other problems. After all, how do you think yours truly gets half of his clients? Basically, it's not always true that if you want a job, you have to go and find it. In this line of work, sometimes the job really does come to find you.

The Weak Will Not Survive
Lastly, if you aren't smart and careful enough, attending DefCon can be a rude awaking. Some unlucky, or should I say unsmart, "hackers" will find themselves up on "The Wall Of Sheep" - similar to the wall of shame. This is a list that is constantly being updated and displayed for all attendees to see who among them is "hackable". Those that leave their system unprotected, their passwords in the clear and their wi-fi unencrypted will see their names along with all their personal information that was obtained, via other hackers, spread on a huge screen at DefCon. It's where your hacker bragging rights get thrown out the window if you find yourself added to the list. Now if I didn't provide enough coverage on the events for you, check out MAKE Magazine's extensive/in-depth DefCon report full of photos, articles and links. Overall, Black Hat and DefCon was a great opportunity to meet and talk with some of the brightest minds in information and computer security. As usual, expect both conventions to return next year to Sin City. Also expect there to be even more scandals, record breaking and pasty geeks galore in years to come.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Belated Birthday Wish

I can honestly use the excuse that "I didn't know", as opposed to "I forgot" that my favorite blogging buddy had a birthday over the weekend. Although I did find out, so a celebration is due. So here's to EXSENO (whom I referred to as The Boxing Granny)! May your birthday wish come true as you turn another year, I mean YOUNGER. Let's hope this year will you will finally win a fight with your weedeater so you can retired your gloves. ;)

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Why Women Find Biker Boys Sexy

We’ve all heard that women want a guy who’s tall, dark and handsome. Although maybe it’s time to update that to “tall, dark, handsome and on a motorcycle”. It seems that for many women, a guy with a bike has a special kind of bad-boy appeal. In fact, in a recent survey, “motorcycle” was the second most-popular term that single women used when searching through online profiles. To understand why it is that a Harley, Ducati (my ride of choice) or any other crotch rocket or chopper bike ranks so high, Dr. Kate Wachs, a Chicago psychologist and the author of "Relationships for Dummies", says, "Motorcycles are still perceived as rebellious, tough and strong. Unlike in the past, they're now much more socially acceptable." Like tattoos, motorcycles are often the hidden fun-factor in otherwise respectable citizens. Here is the full story on their allure and why women find us biker boys so damn sexy!

Above is my weapon of choice, a Ducati 999r powered by a Testastretta engine.
Top speed of just under 200mph and 0-60 in less than 3 seconds!
Mine is black...and sadly did not include the hot blonde.

Guys with motorcycles have a little extra oomph.
There's no doubt about it. A motorcycle signifies a little extra ingredient in a guy - a little extra testosterone in a world of sensitive men. Sensitive metrosexuals are great, but some women still like a little cave with their man. A man on a bike exudes independence, self-reliance and fearlessness. He has nothing but leather between him and certain harm. Clearly, he freely embraces risks and has a lust for life. Of course, this little extra oomph can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, he's more masculine than the average pencil-pusher. On the other hand, you need the tough-boy exterior balanced by a kinder, softer side when you're off his ride. Almost all bikers are sweet, big-hearted and intelligent men.

Guys with motorcycles offer instant invigoration.
Riding along on a bike, you can feel the wind in your hair which makes a lot of women swoon. Riding a motorcycle is always a mood-booster even when you are in a bad mood. There's nothing like that kind of wind blowing in your face and the freedom to get on and just go. It's also a no brainer that the rumble vibration from the bike between her thighs helps things too. ;)

Guys with motorcycles thrive on spontaneity.
A guy with a bike is no doubt the sort of boy who’s likely to say, "let’s go for a ride" on the spur of the moment. If the mood strikes to head for the hills, the seashore or anywhere else, he’s likely to seize the moment on his bike. Plus, he’ll take his date along for the fun! With a motorcycle, you're guaranteed two things: speed and convenience. So you can go wherever your whim and wheels want to take you. Another benefit, it's a lot easier to find parking close to a restaurant, making dinners out all the more convenient.

Guys with motorcycles are the only match for girls with motorcycles!
Tons of women have motorcycles themselves and are avid riders, that's why they search for biker guys to complement their sassy self-image. Just remember this...between two motors, the wind and neither of you wanting to get too distracted from the road, motorcycle riding doesn't exactly make for meaningful conversation. Make sure you've got other things in common besides four-stroke engines, otherwise you might be headed for a relationship ditch.

Guys with motorcycles make even the most empowered women feel girly.
In this day and age, women are the masters of their own destiny. No longer do they look to men for power, permission or affirmation. As great as that is, there's a part of many women that like to be a li'l lady once in awhile. For many, the back of a guy's bike is the only place she will let a man (literally) take the front seat. She won't mind giving up her independent power to wrap her hands around his middle and put her trust in him. It's a little taste of being old-fashioned. That's a great feeling, at least for a little while.

Dating a biker dude gives a woman an excuse to tap her wild side.
If you’ve ever wondered about what your bad-girl side would look and feel like, this is the opportunity to find out. You might not be hopping on the back of a Ducati in a skirt and heels, but if you did, I would still love it! Although you can also shine in jeans and a tank or tee. At any age, a woman looks sexy and rebellious on a bike even if in real life she just dropped off the kids at soccer practice.

So there is some of the good doctor's shrink advice on why women find biker boys sexy. Of course I added in some of my own remarks and did a little editing in case you couldn't tell, but overall I tend to agree with everything Dr. Wachs said. So now the burning question...I'm off for a ride, who's coming with me? Just grab your stilettos and jump on! ;)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Giving Away The Stash Of One Spammer

For a kid from New Hampshire, it seemed like the American dream come true - a successful new business, money pouring in, a hot car and loads of cash...and all of this before he turned 21! Only one problem, his wealth came from flooding e-mail boxes with spam. One spammer's misfortune could be an Internet user's dream as AOL plans to give away a fully-loaded Hummer H2 and nearly $100,000 in cash and gold bars. The online service received the loot through a provision in the CAN-SPAM act, which allows courts to seize property obtained through profits from the sending of unsolicited e-mails. In addition to seizing the spammer's assets, AOL also won a $13 million judgment against the company and will donate the seized computer equipment to schools in Northern Virginia. The property will be given away through the AOL Spammer's Gold Sweepstakes, which will run through August 19th. Participants will be able to enter once per day by answering a question on computer security and safety.

Every day during the period a $1,000 prize will be awarded with the grand prize drawing at the end of the contest. The grand prize winner will receive the 2003 Hummer H2 and nearly $85,000 in cash and gold bars. All of the loot was seized from a then 20-year old man following a successful campaign to shut down and sue the spammer. At his height, AOL claims the man had 40 computers sending out millions of spam e-mails per day. In on day in January 2004 alone, the spammer generated 100,000 complaints from AOL members! Last year AOL ran a similar contest which gave away $47,000 and a Porsche Boxster which was seized from a spammer.

AOL is trying to send a strong message to spammers, letting them know that they will find you and sue you. AOL will do everything it can to make sure its members end up with any money you made as a spammer. Now this is only the second case example and for every spammer that goes caught, there are millions more left untouched. But hey, it's a start and I can actually I say I like what AOL is doing in regards to hurting the spammer where it really hurts - deep in his pockets. So for all that spam you put up with daily, some of you may actually benefit from it and win some great prizes...expense paid via the spammer himself. Payback is a b*tch!

You don't need to be an AOL member to enter the "AOL Spammer's Gold Sweepstakes", it's open to everyone. For official rules and how to enter, just visit There you will also find some tips on how to block and deal with unwanted e-mail. Good luck!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Couple Married By Blog

That title is no joke. "To have and to hold" has turned into "to have and to blog", as the unthinkable seems to have taken place. Word on the Internet has it that 2 bloggers by the name of Eric and Kathleen were married by blog! Can you feel the love floating in the blogosphere? Apparently, there's a little known law governing informal marriage in Texas - leave it to the south (sorry, couldn't resist the little good natured jab). For a marriage to be legal, the law requires a public declaration of the marriage with local witnesses. Since there are blog readers in Texas, Eric and Kathleen's public posts meet those requirements. I know, I know, contain your laughter and pick up your jaw. Of course can't take full credit for their love union, it seems that Blogger as well as Moveable Type was their blog ceremony of choice. A "wedding announcement" on Kathleen's blog gave this explanation...

"The state of Texas has a little known law governing "informal marriage". For a marriage to be legal, we must publicly declare that we consider each other as spouses and this fact be known to other residents of the state of Texas. We got our certificate this afternoon and have now fulfilled the requirements as there's bound to be a Texas resident or two amongst our joint readership. Feel free to witness our marriage here."

Then came the virtual ceremony via the blogs. I'm not kidding when I say Eric and Kathleen's blog vows went like this...

"I promise to love, honor, and obey cherish you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, in times of sorrow and times of joy. I will be your friend, your lover, your confidant. I promise to never stop trying to become the patient, understanding man/woman you deserve."

Ok so they are sweet vows and nicely stated, but I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that tying the knot via some blogs is really, I mean really strange! I have no idea how old they both are, what their occupations are, how they met, how long they have been together, their previous marital status/kids or any of that junk. I'm assuming they both reside in Texas and hoping they live happily ever after. Now would be the time I guess I should say congratulations you crazy (let me emphasize the crazy) kids. Now for the links you have been waiting for. Eric's blog powered by Blogger and Kathleen's blog powered by Moveable Type. See, even competitive blog services can bring people together - aww. All I can say is that I hope they don't consummate the marriage thru their blogs. That's wouldn't be fun at all. Some things in life there is just no substitute.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

That's Totally Me On A Billboard

This is really funny and I'm sure those of you that know me in "real life" will be laughing at this. A fellow blogger by the name of Sharon was nice enough to inform me that my photo is plastered on a billboard ad that she passes everyday on her commute to work. She risked life and limb on my behalf just to take a snapshot of this and prove to me that the billboard does in fact exist so I could see it with my own eyes. After she sent me the image, I can confirm that yes that is me. Seeing is believing and reading the slogan is priceless.

They make me sound like some lame surfer dude with the "totally" comment. Plus I'm not even using proper English on the billboard - it's "I have" not "I got". I guess they think I will look cool and hip if I speak in Moron. I've learned that Webster's Bank, which is using my photo in their ad, uses the slogan "totally free". It is their catchy way to announce they do free checking and free online bill payment. So I guess I should be totally stoked then, right? Actually I do think it's kind of cool and a little frightening at the same time to see my head so HUGE! I hope they photographed my good side...wait, do I have a good side? My backside is my good side perhaps? Ha-ha. Ok that is enough ego tripping for one day. Don't worry, I won't let this big head billboard go to me head.

The billboard is located in Hartford, Connecticut on I-84 East just before Exit 48 as well as a second one there in Farmington. There could be more in Connecticut or even in other states. If you spot any more sightings of my mug, let me know. I think it's kind of interesting to see where these are turning up and what companies have decided to use the photo. I've already seen the photo used for advertising purposes by, AmericanSingles, MSN/Hotmail, Best Buy on some home theater box and a few other places that I can't remember. It was actually taken a couple years ago so I'm a little surprised it's still being used as much as it is lately. I do get some "royalties" from it, but I still need to keep my day job. One thing that I am happy about is that I had enough brains at the time to sign papers stating that my photo could NOT be used to market Viagra, condoms or be the poster boy for some AIDs or STD campaign - ugh!

Not only does Sharon have to look at my ugly mug on her commute in, but she also has to see it outside her office window. If that isn't enough, she even got a postcard from the bank with my photo on it in her mailbox at home! I swear, I'm not stalking her. I just enjoy watching her drive into work, observe her inside her office and be present in her home when she least expects it. Well I hope this post made everyone laugh and to Sharon, thanks again for taking your life in your hands for the sake of snapping this photo for me. Also, I'm sorry that everywhere you turn, there my mug is. I suppose the least I can do for all you have been putting up with is to plug your blog. It's

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I Blog, Therefore I Am

If you're a blogger or comment on blogs, which you probably fit into one of those categories if you are reading this, then this info might be of importance to you. Blogger will have a downtime of 1 hour today (Wednesday 9/10/05) at 6PM Pacific Time. The scheduled maintenance is being perform for a major database upgrade. Perhaps we can except some good additions and changes? I would think so because in addition to the scheduled maintenance, Blogger is asking you to participate in a short survey that will help them to help you. They want to know about your blogging needs so they can better their service. I've already taken the survey and basically they ask you to rate their service and give feedback on what you would improve. To take the survey, sign in to Blogger with your account and follow the user survey link in your Dashboard. Now before you cuss and ask why you would want to take a survey, let me say this....

As an extra incentive, Blogger is offering $500 gift cards to 3 lucky respondents! How about that? I bet you are singing a new tune now. So go participate, even if you don't win a gift card, your input is helping make Blogger a better place for all. By the way, don't ask me where the gift card is good for, I didn't research that heavily. If you feel your survey input goes unnoticed and you don't win the $500 gift card, perhaps you can make yourself feel like a winner by picking up this Blogger tee (as shown above). Just a little swag to show you are part of the blogosphere...or to show that you are a big dork. You pick - enjoy!

Lastly, I want to mention something in regard to a post I did back on 07/12/05 Post A Secret, An Outlet For Anonymous Voices. Yesterday on MTV there was a "Spankin' New Video" being aired by the group "The All-America Rejects". The title of the song was called "My Dirty Little Secret". The reason it caught my ear was because it was a catchy song, but more importantly it caught my eye because the video uses the EXACT same postcards and idea from my post! You can check out the lyrics here and watch the video here (MTV will upload it soon) to see for yourself. So there you go, 3 different blog news stories combined in a single post for today. Amazing, isn't it?

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Daylight Savings Time Change Could Resurface Y2K Bug

Do you remember a few years back when the most talked about issue in technology was the Y2K millennium bug? To refresh everyone's memory, the year 2000 problem was a flaw in computer program design that caused some date-related processing to operate incorrectly for dates and times on and after January 1, 2000. It turned into a major fear that critical industries (electricity, financial, etc.) and government functions would stop working at 12:00 AM, January 1, 2000. This fear was fueled by huge amounts of press coverage and speculation, as well as copious official corporate and government reports. All over the world companies and organizations checked and upgraded their computer systems.

The preparation for Y2K had a significant effect on the computer industry. In the end, significant disasters such as nuclear reactor meltdowns or plane crashes did not occur, but the number of non-critical Y2K errors encountered on January 1, 2000 was extensive. Due to the lack of disasters and the faulty "end of the world" expectations, the public largely but perhaps wrongly, regarded the Y2K passage as a non-event.

So now fast forward to present date and time. Today there is talk of another similar Y2K bug. An energy bill that was singed into law just yesterday by President Bush could have ramifications for technology. Beginning in 2007, Daylight Saving Time will start three weeks earlier and end a week later. However many gadgets automatically adjust for DST using a system that has remained unchanged for 18 years. That could mean problems such as DVRs recording an hour late or your telephone company billing incorrectly. Adding to the problem is Canada. If they don't approve the changes as well, software would have to create two zones for Canada and the United States. Technologists say there is not much to worry about, however, as most issues will be minor inconveniences and will not pose a major problem for consumers.

I am waiting for the day when I can say goodbye to the old reminder phrase "spring forward, fall back". I wish there was no such thing as adjusting your clock. When you think about it, it's silly we have kept with the DST as long as we have. The only real benefit and reason of DST to being with was for farmers. These days farmers don't even follow it in terms of when they rise for the workday. So what do you think of the US doing away with DST? Could it ever happen? Is it a good idea or bad idea? Is this possible DST bug going to be a small price to pay for the possible later on convenience of NOT having to turn our clocks, or is the whole bill singing just another frivolous change that will only complicate and make the US even less compatible with the rest of the world? After all, we are the only country that doesn't use the metric system. It's no wonder so many countries hate us - we like to be difficult. ;)

Monday, August 8, 2005

If You Make It, They Will Crack It

If you run Windows as your operating system, then you run (or I might say SHOULD run) the Windows Updates via the net. It's your go-to source for the latest security patches and other fixes for Microsoft's Windows platform. Well the other week you may of noticed that Microsoft is trying yet another step hoping to overcome and deter software pirates from bootlegging their software, in particular Windows XP. It's called the "Microsoft Genuine Advantage". The goal was that when a user went to the Windows Update website to download and install the latest patches, that before you could get access to this, your computer was scanned to see if you were running a legit/legal copy of Windows. If it was legit/legal, then you could proceed to use their Windows Update site as usual. If it was illegal/pirated, then you were asked to call a number to report where you got your software from.

Microsoft thought that by doing this, those people that somehow "didn't know" they were running illegal/pirated versions of Windows could report to Microsoft where they obtained their copy. Then in exchange for this "tattle tale info", Microsoft was willing to send you a legit/legal version of the operating system. Seems like a good idea to stop software piracy in theory right? Well it didn't work, of course. Numerous measures have been taken not only by Microsoft, but by just about every software maker around to try and stop pirates. Obviously their efforts are failing if you look at how big of a problem software piracy is and will continue to be.

On average, the software industry loses about US$11 to US$12 billion in revenue to software piracy annually. Of the billions of dollars lost to piracy, a little less than half comes from Asia, where China and Indonesia are the biggest offenders. Piracy is also a big problem in Western Europe, where piracy losses annually range from $2.5 and $3 billion dollars. Piracy rates are quite high in Latin America and in Central Europe, but their software markets are so much smaller that the dollar losses are considerably lower. About $2 billion in piracy loses come from North America. The piracy rate in the United States has been relatively constant at about 25% over the past few years, which is the lowest rate of any country. This means that one in every four copies of business application software is used illegally. The large dollar amount in losses is attributable more to the fact that there are so many computers and computer users in the United States than to a high piracy rate when compared with the rest of the world.

So the "Microsoft Genuine Advantage" was recently cracked within 24 hours after Microsoft released their latest "anti-piracy" step. The crack was simple and can be done by anyone. Naturally you are wanting to know how to crack it right? Well of course I will tell you being that I enjoy sharing some of my underground info here. To disable the mandatory validation check of your Windows XP license, there is just 1 step.

Before pressing "Custom" or "Express" buttons
paste this text to the address bar and press enter:

This will turn off the trigger for the key check. You will no longer need to verify your serial number to Microsoft. Let the piracy battle continue, but I can tell you who will be winning for a long, long time. Hackers = 1...Software Companies = 0

Right after I posted this, I tried the exploit myself and it's no longer active. Microsoft has fixed the JavaScript string. Of course there is yet another crack to get around the Windows Genuine Advantage program. Using the file "GenuineCheck.exe" in Windows 2000 compatibility mode generates a valid authorization key for all systems running versions of Windows XP. As of right now, this exploit is still active, but I'm sure Microsoft is actively working on fixing it too. If you would like detailed instructions along with screenshots of how this is done, visit

Sunday, August 7, 2005

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

In my ongoing mission to fully comprehend the female brain and their own "unique" language, I've found a nice reminder of some of the basics every guy should know when it comes to understanding that creature we can't live with or without - her name is woman. You know her. You love her. You hate her. You secretly admit to yourself that she scares you, but damn it if you can't help but fall for one of these sexy creatures. So here is "The Woman Manual" (which by the way is always work in progress being revised) for any man that hasn't figured out the obvious in dealing with the opposite sex. What she says translates to something totally different than what she really means. So guys study it, learn it and apply it to the woman in your life. Ladies, feel free to add to this.

Not the best photo, but it captures the title well.

  • Yes = No
  • No = Yes
  • Maybe = No
  • We need... = I want...
  • I'm sorry. = You'll be sorry.
  • We need to talk = You're in trouble.
  • Sure, go ahead = You'd better not.
  • Do what you want. = You will pay for this later.
  • I'm not upset. = Of course I am upset, you moron!
  • You're certainly attentive tonight. = Is sex all you ever think about?

It's only fair I also add the "The Man Manual" for women. What we say is usually what we mean, except with just a slight twist.

  • I am hungry. = I am hungry.
  • I am sleepy. = I am sleepy.
  • I am tired. = I am tired.
  • Nice dress. = Nice cleavage.
  • I love you. = Let's have sex now.
  • I am bored. = Do you want to have sex?
  • May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you.
  • Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you.
  • Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you.
  • Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you.
  • I don't think those shoes go with that outfit. = I'm gay.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Big Boy Toys

Drum roll please....TADA! There is it, my new toy! It's a 2005 Yamaha Sport VX110 Sport (which to most of you probably means blah, blah, blah) waverunner that I bought last weekend and I love it! It may not be the fastest or fanciest model, but it works for me. It's all I really want in a waverunner so no need to fork out a couple extra grand for a bunch of nonsense features I'll never even use. If it were any other gadget or toy, yeah I might go for the top end model with all the bells and whistles. Although the way I look at this, I probably won't ride it as much as I do my motorcycle so I didn't let myself get carried away in selecting this model. It looks kind of big in this photo, but it's not really. I should note that the cheesy pair of riders were not included in the deal.

Ever since riding a waverunner on vacation in the Bahamas a few years ago, I've wanted one. So I finally decided to just do it - go out and get one. Unlink the Bahamas ride, I'll do my best not to stall it out overtop a shark. But hey we all have to die sometime right? So whether it be shark in the water or my bear on land, it keeps life exciting. Then again we really don't have sharks where I live so it shouldn't be a problem.

Usually with big purchases I sort of regret it within the first week, but after that feeling passes, then I wonder how I could of lived without it. I'm a good little saver, but at the same time I'm not a cheap skate either. Life's too short not to save and life is also too short not to spend and enjoy. I never feel guilty about spending money on other people, but when it comes to spending it on me, I sometimes feel like I shouldn't. Maybe that's normal and alot of people feel that way, or maybe it's odd and there are more selfish people in the world than I realize. Anyways, I'm learning it's ok to spoil yourself now and then, so I splurged a little. I work hard, I deserve a little fun reward. Now the only problem is storing it. I think I might have to add on to my garage, or maybe it's a sign that I need to stop buying toys? No, that is just foolish talk - even big boys need their toys. I'll make room for her.

Now go out this weekend in search of adventure and have fun!

Friday, August 5, 2005

Hack Your TiVo

If you are like me, you have a TiVo. Gone are the '80s and the days of programming your VCR. Of course many people never learned how to program their VCR to begin with, so that is just another reason why the VCR should be replaced with new, better and easier to use technology. It's 2005 and if you haven't bought a TiVo yet, then it's time to get with it and upgrade today. For those that already have TiVo, I have a little "hack" for you! It's very simple to do, won't affect your warranty and best of all it will make fast forwarding all of those commercials a thing of the past. There are lots of TiVo hacks, but I'm going to tell you how to do one of the easiest and more useful ones. You don't need to be a tech guru to do this either. If you can push a few buttons in a certain order, you can do this.

Buried inside the TiVo's software, there is something called an "Easter Egg". Easter Eggs are found in almost any software from video games to computer applications. An Easter Egg is a small piece of code that is hidden. It was put in there by the programmer who wrote the software as a "hidden feature". In order to find the Easter Egg, you usually have to do a somewhat complicated procedure/steps to locate and unlock it to be used. TiVo has a 30 second skip Easter Egg. Unlocking this will allow the user to push one button on their remote to automatically fast forward thru the commercials. The skip time is 30 seconds because that is all the time an average commercial is. That means if during a programming break there are 4 commercials, then you would hit the skip button 4 times to automatically fast forward thru those commercials. Then in just a few seconds you would be back to watching your program - commercial free! So here is how it's done...

1. Grab your TiVo remote.
2. Bring up any recorded program. (You have to be watching a recorded program rather than "Live TV" in order to enable the feature.)
3. On your TiVo remote, key in the following sequence: SELECT, PLAY, SELECT, 30, SELECT.
4. If you've successfully entered the code, you should hear three "bings" in succession to inform you that you've successfully enabled the 30 second skip.

Note that any time your TiVo is rebooted (such as after a power outage or a software update) you'll have to re-enable this feature. Should you not like the 30 second skip, you can disable it by re-entering the Easter Egg exactly as you did to enable it.

There is no guarantees that this feature will work on your TiVo, nor that it will continue to work in the future. Furthermore, if your TiVo catches fire or explodes or anything else goes wrong, it's not my fault. Use this Easter Egg at your own risk. (That's a joke of course.)

Thursday, August 4, 2005

I'm A Bad Dad...Disguised As Superman

I was reluctant to write this post because of the reaction I'm sure it will get, especially given the fact that yesterday's post was a very light hearted humorous one that was suppose to make everyone laugh, but I wasn't really laughing when I saw a few of the comments on it. Well I shouldn't say "on it" because the comments I am referring to had zero to do with the post itself. I have no idea what provoked the reaction I received yesterday. It really came out of the blue, but my head hurts trying to solve the mystery as to why that took place. Anyways I deleted all that garbage and today is a new day and with that comes a new post.

Another reason I was debating to talk about this is that because the same issues keep reoccurring here on my blog, each day I am feeling more and more "restricted" as to what I would like to talk about. In a way I fear the backlash or the digs or whatever you want to call it if I was to share one of my own problems. Then again on the other hand, at this point I have nothing else to lose because some people are trying their hardest to take any bit of pride and dignity I have left and destroy it. So here goes.

I didn't sleep much last night. There are a few reasons why, but the one I will talk about is my dog. As you may recall I did a post (05/31/05 Ruff Times) on her awhile back after she began declining rapidly health wise. The last few days she hasn't been doing well and last night had 2 seizures. Her meds have been increased, but still not alot of improvement. No my dog didn't die, thank god, but more and more I keep asking myself "when is enough really enough". Is it time to let go and do the right thing by putting her down? Or is she not in pain or perhaps not suffering that much in terms of her quality of life? I really don't know and vets haven't helped me much in answering those nagging questions. I can't help but feel they are the ones being selfish by not giving me an honest and clear answer. What I mean by that is, perhaps they see me as more of a paying customer rather than someone who dearly loves his four legged friend and just wants what is best for the dog and not what it is best for himself. I am willing to not be selfish and just face losing my best buddy if that would be in her best interest. I only want to do the right thing and make her remaining time with me happy no matter how short or long it may be. Is it the fact that I have been giving them a considerable amount of money from these appointments in the form of shots, blood work and meds that keeps the veterinary office wanting me to come back for more? Or is it that they really do care about the well being of my pet and they are trying their best to give her the proper care, while at the same time maintain a reasonable comfort level so she can remain having the highest quality of life that at dog of 16 can have? I like to believe it's a little of both of those reasons, but I can't be 100% sure.

I ask the hard questions. The "is she in pain and am I just prolonging the inevitable" and "what do you think is the best/kind thing to do for her". Yes I know what the inevitable is. I'm not dumb and I don't have Superdog that lives to 110. My real question is if she is in pain, how do I know? A dog can't talk, but they can give you signs in a sense and I really don't see signs. Of course when she has a seizure she isn't well and that is a sign, but lots of dogs have epilepsy and are able to maintain a comfortable life and a happy one at that. Now they did tell me that because she is older that the chance she has just now developed epilepsy is not likeable, but it's more than likely that the seizures are brought on by a brain lesion or tumor. Great, is there anyone who doesn't get cancer? I suppose I will just have to keep asking my questions hoping for honest unbiased answers and watch for "signs" myself so I can be her voice.

Today I am feeling a little guilty because I am wondering if I played a part in brining on last nights seizures. When I came home from work, she seemed anxious to go outside. Although it was very hot and a little humid out, I thought I would walk her around for awhile. We didn't stay out long and when we came back into the house, she was hot and tired, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then later that night the 2 seizures. Maybe the outdoor walk had nothing to do with it, but in a way I feel like I was a "bad Dad" to her by letting her do what she wanted to do even though I knew it may of not been the best idea. Then again, as many people said on my blog yesterday...sometimes you can't shelter your kids and they have to make their own decisions and run their own life. Now it may sound a little silly I am comparing this to a dog, but stick with me because I have a point here...although long and rambling it may be, sorry.

Perhaps I am being too hard on myself and feeling guilty for nothing. Perhaps someone will even say "don't be too hard on yourself". I have heard that before from someone, but really that isn't what he meant at all. Those weren't his TRUE feelings there to me. What he should of said is "I'm going to throw out this nice phrase now, but don't believe it and later I will make sure to remind you that you are a failure". In the past other similar "heartfelt" (I use the term loosely) sentiments were expressed such as "you're a good kid, but". A good kid but? But what? But what usually means that I am going to say something that I don't mean, throw in the word "but" and then tell you how I really feel. I think that about sums it up. I sound like Dr. Phil there and I bet that is why you hate him, but the doc has a good point.

By all means, continue to preach to me about what a real man is and what a real man does. Go on and tell me about what a great Dad you are to be there for your daughter. Notice I don't get into that with you. Notice how I don't go to that level and point out where I think you are wrong. That to me would be wrong and disrespectful. Now I didn't say I have respect for you. At one time I did. Many times I would bite my tongue until I could practically taste blood when I would hear some of the stories of how you spoke to your daughter - she knows what I'm talking about. It would infuriate me and I wanted to stand up for her, but I thought no - there is a time and place for that and you are her father and I have to respect that boundary and not cross it. Like any father I felt you wanted me to sort of fear you and I can understand that. It's what Dads do to guys who are interested in their daughter and I'm fine with that - been there before. Although it went beyond fearing you. You tried to intimidate me and terrify me to the point that frankly sir I wasn't so sure I wanted to even get mixed up in your family. It's similar to the ending scene in "Meet The Parents". Greg Focker wants to be with the girl, but in all reality the father is part of the reason he wants to stay far, far away. All the interference from other friends and family members didn't help either. Greg had to spend more time and energy worrying about the relationships he had with the girl's family and friends and keeping things smooth there, that he hardly could focus on the real reason (the girl he loved) why he was even brought into the mess. Sound familar?

Most of the time I feel like I am having to fight my way out of a corner. I am in a fight I can never win. Even when I am down on one knee and acknowledge my wrong doing, you can't resist throwing another blow until you have completely laid me out for good. What is the point? Does it make you feel better? I hope it does and I'm not saying that to be a smartass, but I hope at least someone is getting something out of this because I know I'm not. Perhaps you learned that from being part of the LAPD, but even as a boxer I was taught there is time to say no more. I can let go. Can you? I watch my dog struggle to get up after a seizure. I am amazed at her willpower. Her sheer desire to pick up and continue on. Last night I tried to hold her while I watched her do this numerous times, get up and fall. She never quit and she gave me a new outlook on what has been going on in my life. It was like she was telling me to stand up for myself. So I am taking her silently spoken advice and doing just that. She has given me a voice.

You don't like me, that's fine. You think I'm a failure, that's fine too. You are entitled to your opinion. Do me one favor though. If you really want to hold the title of Superman and great Dad, then start forming a bond with your daughter and show her. One that gives her enough comfort, strength and trust to open up to you. That bond I know you have never shared with her. I've had that bond with her. So maybe you can actually learn from me for a change instead of you trying to always teach me. I know you're a Catholic man, as am I. Believe it or not I prayed for your wife when she was ill and even after she passed. Not sure if you will be insulted by that or what, but I thought you should know. If you've read the bible at all or even if you haven't, I'm sure you have heard of Corinthians 13:4. If not, it goes like this...

Love is patient, love is kind.
It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated,
it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests,
it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,
it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails

Well at least the bible would disagree with some that I've failed. In the end, maybe that is all that matters. Then again, what do I know? In your opinion I'm just some dumb kid that doesn't know anything about what it means to love someone. In your eyes I have yet to see the world, experience real life. You believe I have never watched someone I love die or had to burden any personal hardships or go thru any struggles. Well in your famous do not SEE me, you do not HEAR me. So because of that I suppose you will never know or ever truly understand the depth of what type of man I am, and one day Dad I will be. Then maybe I can hold the title of Superman.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Before Monica's Blue Dress, There Was My Black Tux

Everyone remembers the Monica Lewinsky blue dress right? You know the one she left "dirty" with the damning evidence from Willy's um "willy", the one she forgot to "SHOUT OUT" before hanging it back in her closet - gross. Well before Monica's blue dress was the punch line for a million different jokes, there was my black tux which between my friends and I was and the punch line for a million and one jokes. This memory came to mind after I saw the movie "Wedding Crashers". So if you are bothered by tales of a sexual/funny nature, I suggest you stop reading here. Although if you are like me, when you know someone is about to tell you a really good, embarrassing and funny ass sex story, your attention is locked in. With that said and now that I've given all my readers fair warning, proceed at your own risk. Let's begin!

In college I had a girlfriend who in my eyes was perfect in everyway - loved her to death and couldn't get enough of her...especially when it came to sex. So we had plenty of "extra curricular activity" whenever we could. Well early on when we were dating, she told me she was going to take a week off of school to go on vacation with her parents. She wanted me to join her, but because I played basketball, my schedule wouldn't allow it. So I told her to have fun, that I would miss her and I couldn't wait to see her when she returned. Off she went and when she came back home, needless to say we had alot of sex to make up for from the absence. No problem there right? Well we also had a winter wedding to attend the very same day she got back. Therefore it looked like we would have to behave ourselves at least until AFTER the wedding...or so would of been the proper thing to do, but would of made for a lousy story.

It was one of my older fraternity brothers and a friend of hers that were tying the knot. I was in the wedding party, she was not only because the bride had so many sisters that someone would be falling off the alter if she added one more body up there. Anyway, I told my girlfriend that I would just meet her at the church since her parents and my parents were also attending the wedding. When I got there, I spotted her immediately because I passed 3 guys that all turned to check her out as she walked in. Naturally I turned too so I could see what they were looking at and there she was - wow. She had on this amazing snug fitting black dress that was so simple, but yet so damn sexy! The front was plain and it didn't have a plunging neckline or anything like that, but when she turned around just about the entire back of the dress was missing...but in a tasteful classy way of course. It was split the whole way down to just above her butt and it definitely caught the eye of everyone there. She always had great style and it certainly helped that she had an incredible body to go with it, making it even hotter. I know you aren't suppose to look better than the bride on her wedding day, but sorry she did and I think alot of people there would of agreed with me.

I have to admit from the second I saw her that I knew it would be next to impossible to behave myself and wait until after the wedding was over. Of course she wasn't helping matters by telling me how good I looked in my tux and how she couldn't wait to get me alone. She was saying things like that to me along with some other stuff that I won't repeat, then mix that with how great she looked and the fact that I had gone without some affection from her for over a week and you see how hard it was (no pun intended) to control myself. So I decided to do what any anxious guy in his 20s would do, I got resourceful. I quickly found a little room that was empty where we could get away for a "quickie" before anyone noticed we were missing. Now is the time you want all the dirty details right? Well, you will have to use your imagination because I don't kiss and tell. ;)

After both of our needs were met and we were satisfied (at least for the time being), we gathered ourselves and did a fast look-over on one another to make sure everything was in place - lipstick back on, hair fixed, shirt tucked in, pants zipped, ect. Then we went out to our table and sat down with both sets of our parents. It wasn't until about an hour later as dinner was finishing that I got up to get another round of drinks for everyone. As I came back to the table and sat down, my Mom leaned over and was looking at me weird. I had no clue what she was looking at and I replied with a dopey "what". She said "what's that on your pants there". I looked down and at first glance saw nothing. I double checked and there it was - a dried "Monica stain", AKA semen stain! (This is where you would hear the needle scratch across the record if this was an audio blog.) It seems that earlier when my girlfriend and I looked each other over, that this mark did not appear on the black pants because it was still fresh/wet. (Sorry if this is a little too graphic, but I warned you ahead of time - lol.) Although an hour or so later is enough time for it to dry and show up rather well on black pants. Oh lucky me.

Once I realized what it was I kind of froze thinking of an excuse - ranch dressing from the salad, cream from that wouldn't work because I didn't have ranch dressing and I don't even drink coffee! Ugh, think, think! My girlfriend was no help as she was totally oblivious to the trauma I was "soaked" in. She was too busy showing off the bracelet I had just bought for her to her parents. While I was running out the game plan in my head, my Mom had other ideas. Being a Mother she instinctively took her napkin, licked the end of it and reached over to wipe the front of my pants...near my crotch at that! Of course I freaked out and it seemed as if everything was moving in slow motion and I could hear that creepy slowed down version of my Mom saying "here honey, hold still, I'll get it". I couldn't imagine the pure horror of my Mom not only rubbing my crotch in public, but doing it with a licked napkin to remove a cum stain - ugh! I would be scared for life if such an act took place. So I had to escape by any means necessary. I jumped up so fast that you would of swore my chair had been on fire and in the process of me trying to avoid the contact, my chair went flying across the floor and slammed into an old man at a table about 15 feet behind me. My flailing about also came at the most inappropriate timing because as I jumped up, I happen to time it perfectly with the best man over at the bridal party table who was standing to begin his toast to the happy couple. Half of the people at the reception thought I wanted to give a toast too! I tried brushing all the attention that I had drawn to myself off as if I was acting perfectly normal.

I did apologize to the old man and blamed my out of control chair on a freshly polished floor. I was able to keep my Mom from trying to wipe me like a 2 year old by telling her I would go to the men's room and use soap to get out "whatever it was". To this day it's still a mystery to my Mom and I know she won't read my blog anymore, but if she does, then I'm sure she will remember this story. She can now know the truth and look back and laugh at it - I hope. Really though, when I was 2 it was ok to wipe the front of my pants or shirt, but when I hit 22 or however old I was, it wasn't cool anymore. Moral of the long story...guys if you are going to get a quick one in while out in public there is no guarantee that you will be able to "spot all of the evidence" until it's too late. So always have ranch dressing on your salad, always drink coffee with cream, just do whatever you can to have an excuse on hand if you may ever find yourself in a similar situation.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Nothing Says Redneck Like This

The John Deere lawn equipment (movers, tractors and tools) slogan is "Nothing Runs Like A Deere". Well after seeing this photo below, I think nothing says you're a redneck like hanging some fake nuts off the back of your lawnmower. I've also seen people put these on their monster sized pickups and SUVs. I have to say that they are the dumbest and tackiest thing I've seen in a long time! I guess it's suppose to be funny or maybe it's suppose to say "hey look at me I have big balls to go with my ride". No matter what the point of it is or what message they are trying to get across to the public, the only message that I get from it is R-E-D-N-E-C-K. I think putting a bumper sticker on that said "Honk If You Got A Pair" might even be a more classy route to take.

The guy didn't stop with the fake nuts either. Oh no, he went all the way and tricked it out with even a license plate. Hmm, I didn't know you needed a license to ride a lawnmower? Well perhaps you do in the south - sorry to those that live there, harmless jab. You will also notice his fine selection in art as he opted to go with the prestigious naked chick design to grace his tractor. Ahh, good taste is harm to come by, but I'm sure glad this guy is teaching us all a thing or two about what it's like to ride first class. I also can't help but notice how he's so elegantly packed his garage full of trash. What fool uses a garage to park cars in? They just don't make industrial size garbage cans as big as they should. 92 gallon cans of junk just isn't enough room, so thankfully that is what the garage is for - duh. I do bet he finds some room in that mess to store his John Deere though, do you think? Nah, he probably just pulls it along side the 3 old broken down Fords up on blocks in his yard.

The only thing that is missing is the coveted "Back Off" mud flaps with Yosemite Sam. I'm sure that is on the way for his next mower mod. Maybe he will throw on a few bumper stickers also. I'm thinking something like "How's My Mowing? Call 1-800-KissMyAss" or the ultimate redneck slogan "Get 'Er Done". It took me awhile to even know what the hell that meant until someone told me there is a redneck comedian that uses that phrase. One last thing, is that just dead grass or is that manor on his tires?