Thursday, August 31, 2006

Can I "Buy" You A Drink?

I do this because I love you. You, my loyal blog readers. And if you don't read this post on the day it was posted, well then you aren't loyal enough and you are going to miss out on the goodie giveaway. There may be no such things as a "free lunch", but there is such a thing as a free coffee! Yes, Starbucks is giving away free iced coffee. The promo is valid any day from noon to 9PM and runs until September 1st. Considering tomorrow is September 1st, that means you better act fast if you want to take advantage of this freebie! Acting fast, as in NOW! So run, don't walk to your nearest Starbucks and get yourself a little pallet quencher as we close out the dog days of summer. Click on the coupon below. Print it out, cut it out and take it in.

I know you are probably asking this real? The answer is yes, but whether or not it will actually be accepted at YOUR local Starbucks is still in question. This coupon originally circulated via e-mail and with many freebies, especially those distributed via e-mail, there is some suspicion to legitimacy. However it has been confirmed that this coupon was in fact sent out by Starbucks shops in the Southeast region of the Untied States on August 23. Now whether you can use this coupon in other regions of the U.S. is a mystery to me. A mystery because I don't drink coffee. Shocking, I know. Try and compose yourself.

Now for whatever reason if you are denied when you try to redeem this coupon, let me know and I'll spot you the measly $5 or whatever an iced coffee is going for these days. And if you are cute, I may even buy you lunch to go with it! And if you are really cute AND sweet, well then I want to buy you dinner as well. Let me know how it goes so I can figure out who I need to pencil into my schedule. You can plant a kiss on my cheek as a thank you - females only. If you are a dude, a handshake will suffice.

A pair of sharp eyes read the fine print and brought this to my attention...the coupon says it doesn't expire until Sept 30th! That means you have another month to get your free iced coffee from Starbucks. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's In The Horse's Lean

If you lean on a horse, it leans on you right back. The weight you give up is comperable to the weight you take on. I can't think of another creature in this universe that does this...aside from the human being. But not all humans allow you to lean. Some will lean on you and when you try to lean back, you find yourself face down in the dirt. Where is my horse? The security of the lean. It's comforting. It's kind. It's patient. It always understands. It always protects. It's always there. It is not self-seeking, but rather self-helping. It is not a special invite, but rather an open invitation. It's there when you need it most. It's lingering around even when you don't. It's the answer when a question isn't asked. It's the ending when the saga isn't over just yet. It holds your head and has your back. It takes your hand and guides you thru. It's the light in the dark and the rainbow after the rain. It's the moment breathing becomes a little easier, despite the weight of a horse's lean.

Growing up, I loved animals and my parents were afraid that I would ask to have a horse. My father had several horses as a child, but to me, a horse was not something I ever desired. Today, I desire a "horse". At least I desire the lean. Everyday my life is consumed by one word - security. For me, it means many things. Aside from the computer related association with the term, the word "security" got me to thinking. What am I looking for? I think I am looking for something that everyone is looking for. Something that everyone wants. Something that sounds simple to say, but not as simple to find. Emotional security. Freedom from care, anxiety or doubt. A well-founded confidence.

Many people worry about financial security, job security and even personal security. But despite these troubles on the minds of millions, I don't think it's what really ails us. I think it's emotional security that scares us the most. Being alone. Emotional security, perhaps the most difficult one to obtain and preserve. Everyone wants it, but not everyone seems to get it. What if we can't obtain it? And what if we are lucky enough to obtain it, but we somehow lose it? Then what? Would you panic and search for a new horse to lean on? Or could you buck-up and carry on like a brave cowboy, despite missing your horse?

Could emotional security and the lean of a horse somehow be related? And then tangled up in the fantasy of a girl being swept away by her prince charming...riding a horse! Yes, I think there is a reason that fantasy was dreamt up. The reasons is in the lean. Reassurance that a promise will be fulfilled. A guarantee that an obligation will be met. A contract written in the heart and sealed with a kiss. He rides in bringing her emotional security. They ride off (safely) into the sunset...or so the fairytale goes.

(Side Note: Remember, if you fall off a horse, you get right back up and ride.)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Use A Laptop? A Ticking Time Bomb May Be On Your Lap!

It's gettin' hot in herre! Very, very hot! Hot enough for several laptops to explode causing small fires and in several cases, minor burns. You may of heard about a Dell laptop that exploded into flames at a Japan conference back in June. Little did we know at the time, that this would presaged one of the largest recalls in history. It started with 4.1 million notebooks from Dell and followed 10 days later with 1.8 million notebooks from Apple. Not to mention laptops being recalled from HP and Sony as well. The cause - a faulty battery made by Sony Energy Devices that is found in today's hottest (pun intended) selling laptops.

The technical reason for the batteries overheating is due to contamination of metal particles inside the lithium-ion battery cells. The microscopic particles are able to bridge a porous separator between the positively and negatively charged parts of the cell and cause a short circuit. This sets off a chemical chain reaction that can lead to the release of hot gases and liquids, smoke or fire. In non-technical jargon, it gives new meaning to the phrase "fire crotch". The mass battery recall will run Dell and Apple roughly $259 million and has dropped Sony's stock price by 5%.

Of course I'm not surprised to hear of this recall considering I just bought myself and all of my engineers Dell Inspiron laptops, all of which are recalled! It's pain to do the recall, but it would be more pain to have 3rd degree ball burns treated. To see if your laptop is recalled, both Dell and Apple have setup websites that help you identify problem batteries in question. There you will also find details on how you can exchange your toasty battery. Remember, if you play with fire, you're going to get burned. Do the smart thing and follow-thru with the recall.

Burn Victim #1, A Dell

Burn Victim #2, Another Dell

Burn Victim #3, Yet Another Dell

Burn Victim #4, Yes, You Guessed It - One More Dell

Burn Victim #5, An Apple PowerBook

Burn Victim #6, A Sony Vaio

Do you like watching things catch fire? Me too! So I hope you enjoyed the singed photo gallery. I'm sure there are more burn victims out there, but these are just a noteworthy few.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A Chubby Chick's Dream - The Slender Camera

It's the digital camera that comes with the Slim-Fast setting, shaving inches/pounds and even a dress size off a person. If you have ever studied your holiday snaps and wished you'd lost a few pounds before hitting the beach, then this is the camera for you! The "slimcam setting" on the gadget uses high-tech digital trickery to cut weight off its subject. The camera is marketed toward women. I know, that's a sexist statement, but I didn't invent nor market it. So don't kill the messenger. The HP Photosmart R727 works by squeezing the picture in the middle, so the main object in focus looks thinner, but its surroundings are left unchanged. It is believed the setting on the camera could give women the appearance of having lost a dress size. I'm sure some women are liking the sound of that! Although I wouldn't mind if they added a "increase perky bust size" setting as well as the "add a J Lo booty" button to the cam also. But hey, that's just me.

The camera doesn't take off a ridiculous amount of weight, but just enough to make it look "believable", or so they say. It's being sold in England right now for around 200 euros. I don't know who should be blamed or praised (depending on your opinion) for The Slender Camera - a man, a woman? Is this digital cam deceitful? Yes, but so is plastic surgery, like lipo or breast implants...and that's alot more pricey! Perhaps we will see another camera in the near future that gives bald men the appearance of having a full head of hair? Or how about making an ugly person beautiful (an alternative to beer goggles)? A poor man rich? Or turn a bastard into a swell guy, a bitch into a breath of fresh air? Of course this is very superficial, but would make one hell of a camera!

Those who airbrush models for a living, you may soon be looking for a new job.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm Not "In Love"...More Like "In Like"

"In Love" is a strong phrase. I'm not in love. I wouldn't say that.

But, "In Like"...well that's more like it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Photo Gallery - Steeler's Training Camp

I played hooky from work yesterday to attend the last day of Steeler's Training Camp. Enjoy the photo gallery of my Super Bowl champions preparing for this season.

Big Ben biting his nails nervously.
Tasting a Super Bowl repeat?

The offense and defense take the field
to begin a gridiron dance.

Troy takes a knee. No need to overexert yourself.
It's the last day of training camp!

I like to call him "Tiny" (somewhere around 6'8 and 350lbs).
They hold him by his ankles, stuffing him head first into his helmet.

Coach Cower - an excellent coach, a good guy
and a very fine neighbor as well.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Assignment

A Dove dark chocolate candy wrapper propositioned me today. Should I comply? If so, who should be the object of my affection? To compose something so heartfelt, that it would be read in teary ink.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Merry Maddenoliday

Today you may notice that an unprecedented amount of your co-workers have called in sick with "August flu" or are hobbling out of the office early claiming fake injuries. Well, I'm hear to tell the world, the gig is up! Today, August 22, marks the official release date of the highly anticipated video game Madden '07. With a yearly football franchise like Madden, it's got to be tough to think of new ad campaigns every year. EA Sports outdid themselves this year with "Maddenoliday". Take a touch of America's obsession with football and mix it with the most celebrated holiday, and you pretty much get the idea. It's probably appropriate for those millions of Americans that think the start of the NFL season is better than Christmas morning.

Professional football is like a religion in the U.S. Think about it. It happens on a Sunday and there's generally alot of praying going on during the game. People obsess over it (and "their" team) to a fanatical degree and heaven knows how much talk of God comes up enough in post game interviews. It is perhaps appropriate then that the theme of the latest ad campaign for the Madden franchise has been dubbed "Maddenoliday." The campaign focuses on kitsch Christmas type imagery, except put in the context of NFL football in general and Madden '07 in particular. If you are going to celebrate Maddenoliday, you'll need to follow the proper traditions such as...

  • Tacking Under The Ham Hock
    This consists of hanging ham above the doorways.
  • Chopping Down The Goal Post
    Chop it down, drag it inside and decorate.
  • The Hanging Of The Sweat Socks
    Good gamers will find their stocking filled with bottles of beer. Bad gamers can expect a head of broccoli.
  • The Leaving Of The Ribs
    When your copy of Madden '07 is dropped down the chimney, be sure to leave a thank you gift - a plate of BBQ ribs.
  • Caroling Thru The Neighborhood
    Any festive football chant will do, but I prefer this one...

"Maddenoliday is here and we will play all night.
Call in sick and sound sincere in tackles we'll delight.
The fridge is packed with drink and meat.
The taste of victory sure is sweet.
Come my friends on this launch day,
Hail Marys we will throw.
It's Madden N-F-L-hooray!
We'll humble all our foes."

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wish Your PC A Happy 25th Birthday!

25 years ago, IBM changed the world. It wasn't intentional. When Big Blue announced a microcomputer called the IBM Personal Computer on August 12, 1981, they hoped only to make a nice profit. They made a profit alright and in the process, they changed the world. The IBM PC, also known as the Model 5150, made a significant impact on our culture. When the company that was synonymous with computers announced its first PC, everyone knew it was a great milestone in the history of a very young industry. A cool, grey, horizontal box.

Technology-wise, the most interesting thing about IBM's PC, was its CPU. An Intel's 8088, a powerful 16-bit processor in an era when most popular models still used basic 8-bit CPUs. IBM offered the system with several operating systems, including the then-popular CP/M, something called P-System and a new OS that IBM named PC-DOS. Most people would remember PC-DOS as MS-DOS for versions marketed by publisher Microsoft. (Legendarily, Microsoft's OS was based on QDOS, or "Quick and Dirty Operating System," which it picked up for a song from a small Seattle company.) Too much geeky knowledge for you? Ok, I'll stop.

Within 18 months IBM's machine sat at the center of a booming PC ecology, with a bevy of hardware add-ons, third-party software, clones, books and magazines. Some of IBM's later machines were hits and some were flops, but all of them like the vast majority of computers on the planet today, were direct descendants of the IBM Personal Computer.

So happy, happy birthday to my PC! For all he's done for me, the least I can do is buy him a table dance.

Friday, August 18, 2006

A Honest Man Once Said What A Smart Man Wouldn't

The following are a list of short conversations that went on either with myself and a significant other, or with a friend of mine and his/her significant other. I won't own up to which ones belong to me. That part will have to remain a mystery to those not "in the know". Although I will share the top 5 that come to mind. Perhaps you can relate. Feel free to use these in your own life as you see fit.

  • An Honest Break-Up
    "It's not me, it's you."
  • Gift Giving
    Her - "I can't accept this."
    Him - "Good, because I can't afford it."
  • The Truth Hurts
    Her - "Aww, I don't deserve you."
    Him - "I know."
  • A Sweet Rebuttal
    Her - "I love you."
    Him - "Thank you."
  • If You Don't Want Lied To, Don't Ask Questions
    Her - "Was she good?"
    Him - "She was bad...(muttering under breath) in a very good way."

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Does This Excuse Sit Alright With You?

I could of blogged today, but I didn't. The reason...I just said fuck it. (I don't think anyone is reading anyway.)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Women Don't Sweat. They Glisten.

I watch a bead of sweat emerge out of nowhere along her neck, just above the collar bone. It slowly centers itself and rolls down the middle of her chest. Picking up speed as it travels. Just like that, as quickly as it appeared, it then disappears. I witness two more drops racing one another down the small of her back. Where they go, only few know. I admire from a far. I admire from very near. To experience the perspiration as it meets my fingertips. To take in not only the skin, but everything that lies underneath that covering. Wondering and discovering. Just like a bead of sweat, I find my way.

It's true. Women don't sweat. They Glisten. Or at least she does.

In lue of a photo, listen.

There's so many things I like about you.
I just don't know where to begin.
Ahh, ok, well...

I like the way you look at me with those beautiful eyes.
I like the way you act all surprised.
I like the way you sing along.
I like the way you always get it wrong.
I like the way you clap your hands.
I like the way you love to dance.
I like the way you put your hands up in the air.
I like the way you shake your hair.
I like the way you like to touch.
I like the way you stare so much.

But most of all...
I like the way you move.

No photograph is needed. I carry the visual in my mind. Close your eyes and you may see it too.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

WooHoo! A New Blogger Version Is Coming!

It's about time! Actually, I shouldn't talk because I've been procrastinating on overhauling my blog. However, it seems that all my laziness may of just paid off! Yes, is rolling out a new version of their software/service and they are finally giving Bloggers what we've been asking for. Things like...

  • Categorize your posts with labels. (Tags, something other blogging software/services have been offering for years.)
  • Control who can read your blog. (Stalkers will surely disapprove...and if you've been a reader of my blog for sometime, then you know how badly I needed/still need this feature.)
  • Easily change the appearance and content of your blog with the click of your mouse, rather than manual HTML coding. (It doesn't take a rocket science to write HTML code, but easier is always better for those that are tech-challenged.)

The new version of Blogger is still in the beta testing phase - that means it's not yet fully complete and released to the public. Although, you can help with the building process by giving your feedback on what features you like, dislike and what you would like to see added or taken out of the next version. A virtual tour has been setup to showcase many of the new things you can do. Consider it your "sneak peak" at the future. is limiting the number of people who can switch over. (You'll see a link on your Blogger dashboard when you are able to move.) Of course, eventually, everyone will be able to transition their blogs to the new version. If you can't wait, you can create a new account to access the Blogger Beta version. I'll keep you posted when new information becomes available, but for now, try it out and give the folks at Blogger some feedback via the Blogger Help Group or feedback form.

Monday, August 14, 2006

To Sit It Out Or Dance

I choice to dance thru the rain. (metaphor)

Care to join me?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Carry-On Electronics Banned From Flights

Our favorite electronic devices are suddenly facing a very uncertain future on international flights under new security measures being introduced into airports in Britain and the US. In response to recent revelations of a suspected bomb plot targeting some UK flights traveling to the US, transport and security agencies in both countries have issued strict new guidelines, which international airlines such as Qantas must observe. The UK has already banned all electronic devices such as MP3 players, mobile phones and laptops from hand luggage on all flights departing from the country. The US has taken the more conservative step of only banning liquids, gels and beverages from in and outgoing flights. However, given the nature of the threat uncovered by British security agents, which is believed to involve liquid explosives that could be triggered by an electronic signal, security experts are saying that tight restrictions for carry-on luggage might spread far beyond UK borders.

The restrictions stem from the fear that suspected bombers have discovered new ways to evade airport security, with electronic devices playing an important role. New measures are likely to bring considerable disruption and security concern to business travelers who are accustomed to carrying laptops and PDAs in hand luggage. Shipping expensive devices in cabin luggage is believed to substantially add to the risk of such items being stolen or damaged...and could even involve loss of critical or confidential data. I don't know what would happen to business travel if they prohibited carry-on electronics because I'd never trust my gear to the cargo bay.

Once something is placed on the restricted list in the US, even if the threat is fictitious, it could take a minimum of 3-5 years for that object to be removed from the list. At what point does it become too inconvenient to fly? If flying does become too inconvenient as a means of transportation, does that mean the terrorists win?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Anyone Want To See Hillary Nude? No? Me Neither.

A naked sculpture of Senator Hillary Clinton was unveiled on Wednesday at New York's Museum of Sex (which I'm marking on my NY To-Do List, visit Sex Museum, but not to see Hillary). Sculptor Daniel Edwards hopes the piece will spark discussion about sex, politics and celebrities. You may remember Edwards. He's the artist who also created a life-size nude of Britney Spears giving birth on a bear-skin rug. Classy, huh? I did a post on it a few months back...

04/04/06 Statue Of Britney Butt Naked On Bearskin (Giving Birth)

Shown here, the sculpture and the artist, Daniel Edwards.
He claims to have been inspired to make the piece after
actress Sharon Stone said Clinton could never be president
because she is a sexual being. (try not to toss your cookies)

This time around, Edwards wanted to capture Hillary's age and femininity in a sculpture. Hmm. Isn't she old and not very femine? At least she was the last time I saw her. I know that sounds mean, but it's true. Edwards said his work features a soft "presidential smile" and wrinkles framing her eyes. A floral pattern runs across her breasts, part of Edwards' effort to present Clinton as a woman - not a covered up person, but as a woman. When asked to comment on his work, Edwards states "I didn't want to give her a face lift or change her age. The key was to reveal her chest a little bit. She usually covers herself up, but I don't think that's necessary."

I however tend to disagree. I want this woman covered up, fully clothed to the extreme. I think Hillary should wear 2 turtlenecks, unfolded and a giant fully zipped-up parka in August. Might as well throw on a nice thick wool scarf while she's at it. Wrap it twice please.

She's not even a "sexual being" to her husband! But that's beside the point. Clinton's office had no immediate comment on the sculpture. And neither do I. I do however have a nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach right now.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Get Your Groove On With "OhMiBod" (iPod Vibrator)

Believe it or not, this isn't the first or even the second iPod vibrator to hit adult stores. No, it's the 3rd and it may just be best one yet. OhMiBod is a sleek, sophisticated new generation of vibrator that combines elegance of design with the excitement of your favorite music. The audio enabled integrated microchip allows the OhMiBod to vibrate to the beat and rhythm of your music while you listen...and um, yeah, you know.

With polished chrome detail and a pearl white body, this product is the ultimate iPod acsexsory! It measures 5 1/2" long (insertable) and 1 1/8" in diameter. OhMiBod comes with an additional multi-speed endcap for use without an iPod or music player. It really is 2 products in one! The motor provides strong yet quiet, intense rhythmic vibrations. Why is the music component so important? Listening to your favorite sexy music and actually feeling the corresponding vibes quickly transports you to a place where music, mind and body truly "come" together. The range and intensity of the vibrations are endless, creating a dynamically sensational experience never felt before...or so the manufacturer claims.

You can slow it down and do it with old Blue Eyes (Frank Sinatra) or speed it up and get your groove on with the Black Eyed Peas. The music is endless and if you're lucky, so is the orgasm. Or at least until you wear the vibrator and iPod battery out. With a $70 price tag, it's a little pricey in terms of sex toys. And yes, I know what dildos and vibrators go for on the market these days and no I'm not threatened by their presence. Hey, if it makes your girl smile while you're away, I say why the hell not buy her one? Even if she chooses not to use it, it still makes a fine neck massager.

For more info and to order the vibrator that syncs to your iPod, visit It just may have you screaming "OH MY BOD!"

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

"Hi My Name Is David & I'm A Tech Whore."

They say the first step to overcoming an addiction is admitting you have a problem. So here I am. Publicly addressing it. Addicted and admitting my shame. May I sit down now so the person to my right can introduce himself to the support group as well? Yes, I'm addicted to tech gadgets. I would go as far in calling myself a "tech whore". Unfortunately, I'm not a whore in the cheap sense. No, I whore myself with a $$$ price tag. I have to have the latest and greatest goodie with every possible bell and whistle known to man. Features and options that are in no ways necessary and most are never even used! So why do I do it? I really don't know. It's not the brag factor...unless it's bragging to myself? Because really I don't showcase anything I have off (well maybe my bike is a little for show, but I still love it best for it's "go"). I think I dip into my wallet when some cool "must have" gadget comes out because...well, to put it quite simply...I must have it. Why I feel that need, I have no clue. I chalk it up as another one of life's great mysterious. A chemical imbalance in the male brain perhaps?

New MotoRazr Family from Left to Right (I think)
Krzr, Razr MaXX, Rizr, Razr XX

When Motorola announced their new line of the ever-so-sexy and sleek Razr cell phones, you know what the expression on my face looked like. Wide eyed, clappy hands, big goofy love sick grin, maybe even a little drool. (I'm rather child-like sometimes, in case you didn't know that already.) The phones haven't even hit store shelves yet and already I am waiting in line. Ok, not literally. But in my head, I'm camped out in front of the Verizon Wireless entrance just waiting to get my hot mitts on one of those bad boys.

By the way ladies, I think you will be wanting one of these phones too. I have 2 words for you - Dolce & Gabbana. Yeah, that's right. You too can party like a rockstar, or at least pretend you are, when you talk on your new Razr Dolce & Gabbana cell phone! I'm not sure if it's a limited edition phone, but it is packed full with features that will cost you 6 Benjamins - that's $600 to those of you that don't speak gangsta. It's gold with a big D&G logo on the outside to let everyone know you are big pimpin' in style. Fierce bitches will step-off when they see you high stepping with this fashion accessory - BAM!

I'm including a nice glossy photo of the new MotoRazr lineup so you too can get a small chub in your pants. I will name the phone models from left to right, but all the specs you are going to have to research yourself. I'm not Consumer Reports. I'm a blogger/tech whore and soon-to-be proud papa of a new Razr. Mmm (followed with a deep sigh). Falling in love feels sooooo good.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Keep Your Fork

In life we come to forks in the road. Paths we must choice. Decision we must make. Sometimes we don't always choice wisely and end up regretting our decisions, or even worse, passing up an option. Sometimes the option re-presents itself, other times it disappears never to be seen again. It's crossing that bridge when I come to it. And other times, it's water under the bridge. When I make the right choices, I think little of it and never compliment myself. What is expected rarely receives praise. However, when I feel I've made the wrong choice, I'm the first (and often the only one) who criticizes myself. I have a bad habit of putting the sole blame on myself when often there is not just cause to do so. I kick around the shadows of mistakes I've made (or at least felt I made) until finally someone grabs me and beats it into my head that I did nothing wrong. It's a message I need to remind myself of and reading this short story (below) of encouragement may just help reinforce the message.

There was a young woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and given 3 months to live. As she was "getting her things in order", she contacted her Rabbi and had him come to her house to discuss her final wishes. She told him which songs she wanted sung, what scriptures she would like read and what outfit she wanted to wear. Everything was in order and the Rabbi was preparing to leave when the young woman suddenly remembered something important. "There's one more thing," she said. "This is very important. I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand."

The Rabbi looked at the woman, not knowing quite what to say. "That surprises you, doesn't it?" she asked. "Well, to be honest, I'm puzzled by the request," said the Rabbi. The woman explained. "My grandmother told me a story that I have always tried to pass along its message to those I love, and those who are in need of encouragement. In all her years of attending socials and dinners, she always remembered that when the dishes of the main course are being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say, 'Keep your fork'. It was her favorite part because she knew that something better was velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful, and with substance! So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder, 'What's with the fork?' Then I want you to tell them, Keep your fork...the best is yet to come."

The Rabbi's eyes welled with tears of joy as he hugged the young woman goodbye. He knew this would be the last time he would see her before her death. He also knew that the woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did. She had a better grasp of what heaven would be like than many people twice her age, with twice as much experience. She KNEW that something better was coming. At the funeral, people walked by the young woman's casket and they saw the cloak she was wearing and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over, the Rabbi heard the question, "What's with the fork?" And over and over he smiled.

During his message, the Rabbi told the people of the conversation he had with the woman shortly before she died. He also told them about the fork and told them they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either. He was right. So the next time you reach down for your fork, let it remind you ever so gently, that the best is yet to come.

So I'm keeping my fork and hoping that something/someone wonderful and with substance will come my way.

Friday, August 4, 2006

Defcon 14 & BlackHat 2006 Conventions

No, I didn't forget. I'm just late on posting about this...Defcon 14 kicks off today! It runs from August 4-6 in Las Vegas. Also BlackHat 2006 is taking place this weekend in Sin City as well. For hackers and security experts, you know these 2 events well. For those not familiar, educate yourself by reading 2 posts I did last year on Defcon 13 & BlackHat 2005.

Thanks to "Dark Tangent" of who linked to me in his Defcon Media Coverage section. You can find the link to me by visiting There you will see my blog linked as...

Confrence Overview - Blogs
Blog for DIAMONDKT - Blog by attendee - extensive length

I'll do a Wrap-Up Coverage post in the near future for this year's Defon & BlackHat conventions.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

I Think I Just Threw-Up A Little In My Mouth

Look, I know it's hot out. Sweltering in fact. The heat hitting the east coast right now has reached triple digits! The humidity takes your breath away...and not in a good way. In that "I'm about to pass out, but before I complete this sentence I am face down on the pavement" kind of heat wave. It's even been too hot to blog. Yes, there is such a thing - I just invented that excuse. The rising temp has sucked out my creative writing juices. My words have become dehydrated. My brain is fried and my pen (er, keys) have melted. So as I crank up my iPod and listen to "Blister In The Sun", I leave you with a blog post of visual stimulation...or rather just straight nauseousness.

Amen to that!

(On a cooler note and hopefully less nauseating to you, I think I'll upload a pic or two from my "learning how to surf" days in Cali the other week. Perhaps the cool ocean breeze will waft in and dry that bead of sweat on your brow.)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Self-Induced Plastic Fork Stabbing

HELP! I'm about to stab myself with a plastic fork! I'm insanely bored and right now, plunging myself with a dull object sounds like it could be fun...or at least semi-entertaining. The natives are restless. Well at least this native is. (Do I have to be a native-something to use that phrase? I'm not, but oh well, I'm using it.) Boredom has kicked in. Sheer boredom. The worst kind. The kind of boredom you use to whine to your Mom about in the summertime. The kind of boredom that you nagged your Father with during road trips. The kind of boredom that has a reasonable sane man wanting to kill himself via a PVC utensil. Yes, it's that bad. Numerous stretches, yawns, head banging on the desk and even thumb twiddling has not cured my boredom disease. So I had to find other outlets, which you will discover if you continue to read below. That is IF I haven't bored you to death yet? Shake your head no and tell me you still love me, despite my rambles. You can pretend you are listening, sort of like I do to my Mom when she bores me on the phone. (I know that's mean and I'm sorry.)

I should of known this would be a long dull day from the get-go. A clear warning sign is when I got behind a black Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder (that's a sporty 2 door convertible for those that are non-car savvy). I noticed the license plate and when you start reading license plates and bumper stickers, you are definitely bored. It's a vanity plate that reads "#1Hottie". I think to myself, wow this girl must either be really hot to be named #1 Hottie or she is just really, really stuck on herself and is pretending she holds the #1 Hottie crown...which by the way is a coveted title. One of high prestige and one that I believe is currently adorning the head of one Miss Jennifer Lopez...or at least in my land of make-believe she is. Anyway, because I am bored, I must see this #1 Hottie myself. So I make a point to pull-up alongside her. I glance over to get a glimpse of the #1 Hottie and low and's a dude! Yes, a guy is driving around in a chick car with the license plate #1 Hottie. Now THAT is beyond G-A-Y. What's even gayer is that I probably looked like I was checking him out. My defense case is clear - I thought it was going to be a hot girl, seriously.

Once I arrived at work with my shame on my sleeve, I realized I had nothing to do at work. I hate those days. Days where I can't just leave, but I have to "pretend" like I'm working when really I'm wondering what a crazy fortune teller would say to me if she were to read the lines on my palms. Is there love and money in my near future or just a case of sheer boredom? I'm thinking I know the answer. The good news is that I collected a couple hundred bucks today by doing basically nothing. Not a bad way to earn a living huh? This isn't my typical workday, but these occur now and then. Below is a list of some of my bored day activities. You can read them and be bored too. Misery loves company.

  • The highlight of my day was watching a maintenance man change a light bulb. I kid you not.
  • I attempted to finish the Internet. Yes, I mean surf every page on the World Wide Web. The only thing worst than that attempt would be WATCHING another human attempt to finish the Internet. I'll save that aww-inspiring adventure for another time.
  • I read spam, for real. I actually opened a "increase my breast size" e-mail. I'm thinking it won't deliver on the DD cup promise.
  • I actually listened when I heard the report of Mel Gibson's DUI arrest where he goes off in a drunken rant. His brainiac statement..."Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." This just once again confirms the fact that celebrities in general are morons. I didn't say Mormons. I said morons. How about we all say yes to crucifying Gibson? Just like was done to him during his role in "Passions Of The Christ".
  • I stared out an office window watching heat waves rise from the 98 degree parking lot, mesmerizing myself. Fascinating stuff!
  • I sent anonymous homosexual text messages to a friend/co-worker's cell phone in obsessive, psychotic fashion. He absolutely hates receiving text messages for some reason and he can't stand the shorthand lingo used. He is also homophobic. So I made sure to send messages like "r u hot 4 me 2? ;) i wanta roll u n peanutbutr & lic u". It was to freak him out and annoy him to death. I succeeded.
  • I started observing the fact that when anyone in this office comes over to talk to me, all the men either stand or pull up a chair. However, every woman sits on my desk. Why is that? Odd.
  • I've also come to the realization that I'm pretty sure I broke at least one bone on top my foot, if not more. However, I still plan to train for an upcoming fight by going running tonight. I'm hardcore like that.
  • Lastly, I attempted cubical suicide by stabbing myself with the plastic fork that came neatly packed in my deli take-out lunch. Obviously, the blunt force trauma didn't get the job done because I'm still here. Bored. Blogging. But done rambling now.

Enjoy your exciting life while I try to go get one, or end one.