Thursday, June 1, 2006


A scar lets you know the past was real. There was a time. There was a place. There was a turning point in your life. As it passed, a scar formed. It began the healing process. Scars. Little remaining reminders that it wasn't a figment of your imagination. Reminding us of mistakes, accidents and incidents that left their mark on us physically, mentally and of course emotionally. We often add makeup to cover the scars, pretending they matter not. A phony mask that tells the world we have healed. The reality is the pain has faded, but we will never forget the reason we have these permanent defects. Defects? I rather think of them as "bravery badges". A certificate proving you have heart. You have character. Unique and beautiful in your own way. Scars that compose and even compliment the very makeup of who you are.

If you are lucky and if you are strong, you have the power to overcome. Most scars fade over time, but what about the ones that linger on? Prominent reminders of the pain you once endured. The same pain you still feel today, but hopefully to a lesser degree. And what about the scars that have faded? They too can be just as prominent...but only in your own head. Nobody sees these scars, but yet you still carry them, buried deep in your heart. Insecurity, self loathing, low self worth, anxiety and depression. All the ugly bitterness. Memories you placed in a box. Tucking it away inside your head, closing the lid. If you dare to re-open the box and peer inside, you will realize it doesn't help. Dwelling on those times just feeds the wounds. Festering like a dirty open sore. Does it ever really fade away? Even the deepest, most filthy cuts? Does time really heal all wounds? Or is that something Hallmark just wants you to buy into?

If I can make scars, do I have the power to heal them? Do I have the power to heal scars created by another before me? It would be amazing if I could lightly trace the scarred line with the tip of my finger. With each passing inch, my finger would act as a magic eraser. Not only removing the thin purplish line, but healing what lies beneath the skin. It is a power I wish to hold. Now that be a wonderful gift to be granted!

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