Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Things That Make Me Go Hmm

I think I think too much. I tend to ponder things a little longer and perhaps a little more in depth than the average person. I like to find reasons for the way things are in life. Answers to unasked questions. Information on subjects that few would venture into researching. Below are 10 questions that have been on my mind as of late. Don't ask why, they have just been floating randomly thru my head. Perhaps I've had too much free time in ponder life's little obscurities. Some may find the questions I am about to ask to be unimportant and unworthy of serious attention. You may group these things as inappropriate, silly and maybe even a little childish in nature...but that's the fun in it so lighten up stuffy britches. No matter how trivial these 10 questions may seem to you, for me these are things that make me go hmm.

Growing up with 2 sisters has taught me much about the female mind. For the most part, my first hand observations have left me with a pretty good understanding of how this beautiful and sometimes complex creature called women works. However, like any good scientist, I still have some lingering questions that remain to this day. Questions like...

1. Is it true that within the first 10 minutes of meeting a guy, a woman knows whether or not she would sleep with him? (Wait, let me rephrase. Not that she would sleep with him immediately, but she sees potential there down the line and she makes that decision within the first 10 minutes of meeting him? Talk about 1st impressions - wow!)

2. Are there unspoken pee rules women follow? Like how guys know to skip a urinal between them, do women feel the need to skip a stall between them? Or does it not matter if another girl pees beside you because you are separated by a wall and locked behind a door? Also, does "pee shy" exist in women, ever?

3. When women go in groups to the bathroom, what are you really doing in there? Seriously.

4. Why do women give other women that "bitchy look"? I see this happen all the time, even between total strangers. One woman will look another woman up and down and make a face. Hard to describe, but you know what I mean. Is that an insecurity thing? A competition thing? All I know is that it's a thing you never see 2 dudes doing.

5. Is it true that women dress nice to impress/get the attention of other WOMEN and not really to impress/get the attention of men?

6. Have you noticed that most girls will notice a hot girl even before a guy does? True!

7. Are bras uncomfortable?

8. Do you ever wish you had a penis, or are you happy you don't?

9. Why do the sweetest girls always seem to date jerks? And why can't they see how great they truly are and how much better they could do?

10. Lastly, most guys would ask this question but this I figured out years ago. So guys, I will share this info with you. You may wonder why a woman asks if those jeans make her butt look fat. Naturally, your reply should be no (even if it's a lie). You see, she doesn't want your fashion insight. She doesn't even want your honest opinion. What she wants is reassurance from you. She wants to feel sexy, confident and needs you to compliment her. Get it?

Bonus FYI for Men - When a woman says she's not mad at you, trust me, she is. If you have to ask her if she's mad, you have much to learn about the XX chromosome.

For a clearer understanding of the sexes, check out this past post.

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