Monday, May 15, 2006

Going Down - The Squeal

A few months ago I posted a hacking tip (11/16/05 Going Down?) that gave you VIP elevator access. By pressing a couple buttons at the same time, you can go straight to the floor of your choice, bypassing all floor stop requests made by other riders. It may be rude, but it's also very handy. Nobody enjoys being crammed in a tiny box full of strangers sucking up stagnate air, so this was the perfect solution! Once again, I have some elevator hacks to share. I haven't tried all of these myself, so I can't guarantee they work. However, give them a shot and let me know if you have any success.

Activate The Nuisance Setting - In elevators with "static sensitive" buttons (the ones you don't press, but light up when you touch them), it can be easy to press the wrong floor by accident. If you do this, press all the buttons and the panel should reset (the nuisance circuit kicks in and assumes someone is messing about with the controls).

1,2,3 Jump! - If everyone in a lift jumps, the weight monitor temporarily reverts to zero and the panel should reset. This trick may also work in OTIS elevators which have regular button panels.

Speed Up The Ride - Press the button for your floor and hold it until you reach the floor you need to get there in express time. This may also work for service/closed floors which are usually inaccessible to the public.

De-select A Passenger's Floor Request - In FUJITEC elevators, if a floor is selected which you don’t want to stop at, try tapping it 2-3 times and it should de-select. (Best used when other passengers aren't looking at you, quickly tap away, shh.)

Hold That Door, Forever! - In lifts with manual doors, you can often get the lift to wait for you by pressing the emergency button just as you reach your floor. The doors should open and the lift cannot be called until you go back in and press a button inside. Useful for when you are moving in/out of your apartment or office.

Drop Me Off First - Many hospital lifts have a button hidden on the floor right at the rear of the elevator which is intended for use when transporting patients or beds. If you press this button and the door close button, you should be able to go straight to your floor. Some elevators may still stop at floors, but the doors won’t open.

I have heard that KONE elevators have a system which dials in to report elevator usage. So with all these hacks, be warned against abusing these tricks, especially in hospitals where someone's need of the elevator may be greater than your own. However that really arrogant pompous ass who's yacking on his phone while slurping his Starbucks latté directly in your ear, yeah you can skip over his floor.

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