Friday, May 12, 2006

More Than A Mom

When I was 1, you showed me how to walk.

When I was 5, you showed me a kiss cures all on a skinned knee.

When I was 8, you showed me strength by allowing me to explore my dare devil side.

When I was 12, you showed me how to love by giving me a puppy.

When I was 15, you showed you were my still my biggest fan by not missing a single away game.

When I was 19, you showed me I wasn't too old to be Mothered by sending homemade cookies to me in college.

When I was 23, you showed me it would be ok by holding my head after she broke my heart.

Now this Mother's Day, I want to give back to you all that you have given me, but how can you ever repay a Mom? You can't. Therefore I promise to make a conscious effort to show you how much I appreciate all that you have given me and continue to give me. I promise to do this everyday and not just the second Sunday each May. Happy Mother's Day Mom and I know I don't say it often, but I love you and I hope it shows.

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