Friday, May 19, 2006

Play With Me

I'm feeling lonely for some reason. Like a kid knocking on the neighbor's door asking if little Jimmy can come out and play. A knocking goes unanswered. Jimmy's not home. Shoulders shrug. My head drops. The tip of my shoe kicks in the dirt as sad eyes lead me back home. No answer today. Nobody home. Nobody to play with me. Until...

A slow day at work has my mind thinking. Thinking of my past, present and future. When you were a kid, life was simple. A nostalgic feeling kicks in and I'm 10 again. Sitting in an office cubical can drive a man to do strange things. Just a foam-like wall separates me from "Anonymous Girl". Today she's quiet. Today I'm quiet. The world seems too quiet. I take out a notebook, rip out a single sheet of paper and write...

Can I come over and play?
Check one. Yes. No. Maybe.
Return to sender.

- The Guy Beyond The Great Wall

I fold it into a paper airplane and soar it above the cubical wall. I could of easily peered around the corner and asked. I could of easily yelled to her from that distance. I could of called. I could of e-mailed. However, that is not my style. Remember, I'm 10 today. And everyday, I'm a kid at heart.

I hear my plane land. Actually, I think the nose or a wing was damaged upon impact. Perhaps I should of strengthen my craftsmanship with a paperclip? I hear a laugh. Then I hear the paper airplane being unfolded. A few seconds past and it takes her 2 attempts to get the plane back over the 8 foot wall. It falls safely at my feet. An excellent landing. A takeoff pilot she's not. A landing pilot she is. I see she has checked the yes box and added "please do :)" beside it.

I found a friend to play with me.
But is it wrong that she isn't my first choice?

Note: "Little Jimmy" is a fictional character. "Anonymous Girl" is a real person who's name I'm withholding to protect the innocent - the innocent victim who was propositioned into playing with me today.

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