Friday, May 5, 2006

People Are Stupid

Do we have so many stupid people in this world that we really need a road sign telling us NOT to run over other human benings? Seriously. I don't care if they are illegal aliens crossing the boarder in San Diego (which by the way, San Diego means a whale's vagina, thought I would throw that in to impress you) or real green aliens from Mars. If you run over someone with you, that's kind of a crime. Yeah, it's called manslaughter. Murder. Ever hear of it? Perhaps this sign should be accompanied with the words "Hey stupid, don't kill people". Then again, many stupid people can't read so that's why we have pictures telling us what rules to follow.

Lately the news seems to be filled with stupidity and it's driving me insane! If you haven't heard, a California man had his face completely ripped off by a chimp! He had raised the monkey and thru the years ignored the fact that he had attacked 5 other people prior to mauling him and his wife. That would raise a red flag in my head, but apparently a light bulb never went off in the victim's head. History is the best predictor for future behavior and I'm no genius, but you think that would alert him to the fact that there may be a problem boiling below the surface. A problem that could resurface and blowup before his very eyes, that is IF his eyes remained in their sockets! Gruesome is an understatement, but so is the word stupidity is this case.

Hey, here's a thought...stop f*cking around with wild animals! You may think you have tamed a wild animal, but he is still wild and the chimp's actions are not that unusual for a wild animal. Stop trying to make him something he isn't and accept the fact that you are messing with nature. You are tempting fate. So don't be shocked or angry with your pet monkey. Sorry your lesson had to be taught so roughly, but maybe now you have learned, the hard way. What is really irritating is that they shot this chimp. Why, because he was being a chimp? It's not his fault some dumb man tried to conform him into our human society. Yes humans evolved from monkeys and yes monkeys today are very "human-like" with their fingers and facial expressions. However, they are not human beings.

They are monkeys and monkeys belong in the jungle. Maybe this monkey was pissed he wasn't left in the jungle like he should of been? Maybe instead of shooting the monkey, we should of shot the guy for being an idiot? Or maybe I'll take down that road sign and tell him to cross the road. That way other stupid people will run over him because there wasn't a stupid sign telling them NOT to kill stupid people that run thru lanes of oncoming traffic. Perhaps we should let stupid people just kill other stupid people. It would cancel out the stupidly in the world and we may be a better world because of it. Stupidity, it's contagious, but I may of found the cure!

Hmm, I wonder if this chimp ever wore a "I'm With Stupid" t-shirt?

***NOTE: For The Stupid***
This post wasn't me calling illegal aliens stupid. Actually it wasn't about the whole illegal alien/boarder jumping hot button topic at all. So if you didn't get the point of my post, then you are stupid. Sorry. (And I mean sorry that you are stupid, not sorry that I just insulted you by calling you stupid. Now leave me an insightful comment like "your blog is stupid".)

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