Friday, June 9, 2006

Mind Over Matter

Hey, what am I thinking? No, don't journey into the dirty side of my mind, this is a PG-13 blog...or at least I try. Tell me what's on my mind besides the things that a typical 20something year-old boy has on his mind 24/7. Can you read my mind? Can you see past mysterious eyes and peer into another's thoughts? In a step toward linking a person’s thoughts to machines, Japanese automaker Honda said it has developed a technology that uses brain signals to control a robot’s very simple moves.

In a video demonstration in Tokyo, brain signals detected by a magnetic resonance imaging scanner were relayed to a robotic hand. A person in the MRI machine made a fist, spread his fingers and then made a V-sign. Several seconds later, a robotic hand mimicked the movements. See, this is why they would never let me work on this project. I would of had the robot demo it's abilities by programming it to giving the guys in the little white lab coats the middle finger. What dork had it give the "peace sign"? Nerd. I'm thinking this hand could come in handy in the ghetto. When girls get into fights, they don't have to lose their "lady-like appearance" by rolling around and scrapping in a back alley. Instead they can mentally tell the robotic hand to bitch-slap the other girl for them! Genius!

Honda officials said the latest research was important not only for developing intelligence for the company's walking bubble-headed robot, Asimo, but also for future auto technology. I know some people that can barely do 2 things at once, like walking and chewing gum at the same time. So I'm not too sure I would trust them to steer a car strictly by thinking how it should maneuver. Although when you think about it, people are already way too distracted behind the wheel. How on earth would America survive if they were unable to gab on their cell phone because they had to focus on traffic?

I'm thinking this robotic hand will find more use in hospital operating rooms. Let's just hope the doctor doesn't find the sudden urge to bitch-slap the assisting surgeon while you are lying on the operating table. It probably wouldn't be a good thing for him to let go of your pulmonary artery to engage in a cat-fight. Of course, I will tell my robotic hand to give the doctor the finger if such an act takes place...and it will mark my final words (gesture) on Earth. May I, and my robotic hand, rest in peace.

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