Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ten Statements

Ever want to say something to someone, but for whatever reason you don't want to address them specifically? You want them to know what's on your mind and what's in your heart, but you shy away from making these statements. Not necessarily due to a fear of how it will be received, but rather you hold back for numerous reasons. Reasons only you and you alone know. Don't let it naw at you. Free it. Write "Ten Statements". Composing a list of ten statements allows you to communicate messages that were once nonverbal. A declaration that once went untold and most likely went unknown, until now. Like everything I write, this too is open to interpretation. If it should be misunderstood, if I should be misunderstood, please understand this...

The Ten Statements list below is my round-about way of expressing myself today. It's a way to say things to people that makes them stop and think. Am I addressing you? Only I will know that answer for sure. The rest is open to your own interpertation.

  • Share your world with me. I'm so interested in learning all about you and the life you embrace.
  • Please don't ever grow up because I will miss tucking you in at night.
  • I don't love you and haven't for some time. Accept it, let go and leave me be.
  • Tell me you're proud of me, who I've become. Look me in the eye and say it. So I believe it. So I truly feel it.
  • If you were with me, I guarantee I would make you feel beautiful, everyday.
  • Something tells me that I could fall for you. Something tells me that you could possibly fall for me too?
  • Don't chastise me for being a dreamer. My dreams have fueled my passions and given me wings. Watch me soar.
  • I take it as a compliment when people tell me I am so much like you.
  • You're still my favorite person in the whole wide world.
  • Thank you for loving me that day.

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