Tuesday, June 13, 2006

You Can Learn Alot From A Dummy

Why must it take something earth-shattering to happen for us to realize we aren't invincible? Why must you be rocked to the core to face the facts, that you are no more immortal than the next? Why is it so difficult to comprehend that the reality in this world is that life is short and precious and it can be taken away at any given moment? For thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies like myself, these are questions we are often asked...and often ignore answering. Unless you were genetically programmed with that "daredevil" personality from birth, it's difficult to explain how we see things. How we strive to rationalize something that many label as irrational behavior. It's overcoming the odds. It's pushing the envelope. It's living your life to the fullest and if your day should come, may you have no regrets when you take that final breath. Take it knowing that you lived your life on the edge and to you, that was living. Then die a happy man...or so we hope the story would go.

If you haven't heard already, Pittsburgh Steelers star quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was injured in a motorcycle accident late Monday morning. It occurred at the intersection of Second Avenue and the 10th Street Bridge in Pittsburgh. According to police, Roethlisberger was traveling on Second Avenue when a vehicle coming in the opposite direction turned left in front of him. Roethlisberger was unable to stop and hit the passenger side door of the vehicle. Following the accident, Roethlisberger was transported to Mercy Hospital where he underwent 7 hours of surgery. He was listed in critical, but stable condition. Today he has been upgraded to fair condition and is resting. He suffered many injuries including...

  • jaw and nose fractures
  • a mild concussion
  • fractured facial bones
  • multiple head lacerations and abrasions/contusions
  • loss of two teeth and chipped several others

Why so many head and face injuries and nothing else? Simple - no helmet. Two years ago the state of Pennsylvania passed a law that gave motorcyclists the option of wearing a helmet. Big Ben opted NOT to wear one. Not to wear one riding one of the fastest street bikes in production, a 2005 Suzuki Hayabusa which tops out at around 200mph. Dumb move? Ahh yeah, I would say so. Not to worry (Mom), I would never ride my bike without a helmet. I've never ridden any motorcycle without a helmet. Riding a bike without a helmet is just asking for trouble, especially on something as powerful as a 'Busa or Ducati. There is a difference between being a "daredevil" and being a "dumbass". And there is a difference between tempting fate and begging fate to kill you.

Not only did Ben not wear a helmet, but he didn't even have a motorcycle license! Even worse, he didn't even have a learner's permit to ride. So what was he doing with a street bike of that caliber? It's obvious money talks and he bought the bike when he shouldn't of legally been able to. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy doesn't even own a helmet. I've seen him riding around the city before and he never has one on. In fact, his head is usually gawking around looking for girls to notice him on his 'Busa, rather than looking at the road. Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is a pretty good football player and from what I see of him being interviewed, he seems like a pretty decent person as well. I just feel he has no brains when it comes to motorcycles...well other than choosing a nice bike. I have to give him credit there.

Now that I think about it, maybe I'm the dummy. It's true that a helmet saved my life about a year ago when I was struck by a drunk driver. He had pushed me into a cement barrier at around 80mph. If it hadn't been for that helmet, I would of never survived the impact. My helmet was nearly sliced in two, which I've kept as a reminder of how precious life is. I suffered a ridiculous amount of injuries, too many to list. I spent 2 months in the hospital and underwent countless surgeries. A year later, I go and by myself a new bike. I decided to go faster, upgrading from a Kawasaki Ninja to a Ducati 999r. Many people thought I was insane for doing that, for wanting to get back on a bike and to go faster than ever before. I would be lying if I said my hands didn't shake the first time I sat on a motorcycle after nearly losing my life on one. Of course you have to push past the fear if you ever want to experience life...or at least that is my motto. But maybe I'm just a dummy too.

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