Thursday, June 8, 2006

See-Thru Skirts Are All The Rage, Really?

Most of the time, Japan is on the cutting age when it comes to technology. But when it comes to fashion, I think Japan should stop trying to "outhip" New Yorkers. In my opinion, the Japanese should stick to designing video game consoles and stay away from woman's apparel. And I don't say that as a video game junkie or a fashion critic. I say that as a straight guy with more than a half a brain who can easily say "this just isn't a good look for anyone, no matter how hot you may be". This latest Japanese fashion trend has been drawing alot of attention and it's obvious why. It's as close as you can come to public nudity while not actually being nude. Take a look for yourself.

What you are looking at (perhaps drooling at or maybe puking a little in your mouth at) is the latest fad to hit Japan. They are skirts with a "see-thru" appearance. At first glance, I too was fooled. It appears that the skirts are made of mesh or some type of very thin fabric, but really what you are seeing is nothing other than a printed image on the back of the skirt. The idea is to fool you into thinking what you are seeing is the girl's panties thru the skirt. However, that is really not a wedgie butt that you are seeing. Well it is, it's just not a REAL wedgie butt. Ok, it is a real wedgie butt, BUT it's not the butt of the girl who is actually wearing the skirt. There, all clear? Yeah, I thought I made perfect sense.

Rumor has it that this trend, fad, craze or as I like to call it "slut slip" will be moving to the US! By all means Japan, keep making cars. Keep making electronics. But for the love of God, please stop trying to make fashion statements! My sister made me proud when she sent me an e-mail saying..."This is one fashion move I will NOT be making. I'm forwarding this to our skirt buyers at work to see if they ever heard of such a thing." Yeah my sister buys clothes for a living. Isn't that every girl's dream job - to get paid to shop? Maybe she can accompany a bunch of Japanese tourists on the "do's and don'ts" when it comes to shopping for clothes.

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