Thursday, June 22, 2006

Expressing My Horizontal Desires

I've always had a thing for girls who can dance, not strippers, real dancers. Someone who can dance is just...well, sexy. Recently I was reading Steph's blog "Much Ado about sumthin!" In it she proclaims her love for dancing in the piece "Slave to the rhythm." Naturally, her closing words in that post caught my attention...

When I dance. I'm possessed. I don't leave the floor till my feet are blistered and I can't breathe. It's the only respite I get from a million and one thoughts that rush through my head on a daily basis. It's the only time I'm truly happy within myself and totally confidant and in control. It's been said that dance is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire, and for myself, it's as close to an orgasm I can get while standing up and fully clothed.
It's my passion.

Every time I hear the phrase "dance is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire", one thing comes to mind. One of my passions...

If you haven't already, you might want to try the "horizontal desire" standing up and "partially" clothed...and against a wall. That's my passion.
12:16 PM

Steph said...
DiamondKT, Phwoooarrrrr!!!
12:35 PM

Jill said...
MY GOD, DIAMONDKT, THAT WAS HOT. That was so worthy of gooey sticky drippy hot fudge sauce. My. word.
2:10 PM

One of my favorite body parts on a woman is the small of the back. Feminine and delicate. To me, there's something so very beautiful and sexy about that thin line that divides the center of her body. The graceful arch that never touches the wall. A perfect fit for my thumb to trace that inner curve leading downward to her hips.

Express your passion, horizontal or vertical. What do you desire?

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