Thursday, June 15, 2006

Anger Management For Bloggers

99.9% of the time Blogger is lovely! Yes, I used the word "lovely". Giggle at it and enjoy it because it's not a word I say often. And perhaps I over indulged in the amount of generosity I gave to that percentage mark. A more accurate number would be 90% of the time Blogger is "swell" - another word I don't say often. So what's my point? The point is that most of the time Blogger treats me kindly, but lately Blogger has kicked me in the balls and ran away laughing. I'm left face down in the dirt tasting my spleen and dying in agony! Ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic, but to be rather blunt, Blogger sucks lately. The feeling of having your image upload repeatedly fail on a blog post isn't really the same as the excruciating pain one feels after a quick swift kick to the nuts. However, it does maintain a certain level of hatred just the same.

The Blogger tech glitches can be enough to send some into a rage! Personally, I think there is something wrong with you if you let a blog work you up this much, but then I'm not the IT guy who has to deal with the failing network equipment attached to Blogger's server. Above is just a small sample of the beat-down some of the equipment went thru, after it was already pronounced D.O.A. before even making it to the parking lot burial grounds. Unintentionally mimicking the movie "Office Space"...a furry of kicks, punches, golf club swings (no baseball bat in sight, sadly) and even stone throwing ensued. I don't know if this release of anger and frustration will help the Blogger network improve, but at least for a day, the IT guy there wasn't left face down tasting his spleen. For once in his life, he won the battle. Or at least he got the last word in, which was probably something like..."Yeah, take that b*tch! Who's the man now, huh punk?"

Perhaps he's not the only Blogger in need of anger management classes. I think the Blogger glitches got to me the other day also. I became irritated with image uploads failing and decided not to retry anymore. Although, I realize Blogger is a free service and the saying is true..."you get what you pay for". So since I pay nothing for the service, I don't have too much room to complain. So I won't.

Instead I logged out of my account and went to read my e-mail. There I see an e-mail from a guy who wrote to the CEO of a company I am working with and CCs every single employee in the building on it. The letter is sharply worded, ignorant, arrogant, self-righteous and generally an ungrateful piece of crap...much like the way he is as a person. He has the nerve to complain about some free t-shirts that were handed out to everyone in the company. He states that XL "does not fit all". Then shrink it you a-hole or don't wear it. Wash your car with it, wipe your butt with it or better yet, let me smother you with it! THAT would be the best use of a t-shirt that is too big for your puny body. Go hit the gym and make the shirt fit if it's that big of a deal to you. Wow, what an ungrateful whiney b*tch. If luck is on my side, 100% cotton won't breathe.

End of rant. I feel better now. Thanks for listening/reading.

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