Tuesday, June 6, 2006

6 New Year's Resolutions For 2006 & 6 Wishes For 6/6/06

I'm a little belated, actually I'm very belated, in stating my New Year's Resolutions for 2006. I may be 6 months late with this post, but in a way, this is the perfect day to post this. Today marks the dreaded 666 on calendars and despite the superstition that surrounds this day, I'm hoping that today brings me a little luck. If not luck, then perhaps some hope for the future and a clearer idea of what I'm striving for in the upcoming 6 months and a reminder of what I've accomplished in the past 6 months. I actually started compiling this short New Year's Resolution post back in January, but for whatever reasons, I sat it on the back burner (and if you read my list below, it's about the only thing I know how to put on a burner). So some of these resolutions may of already been reached and some of these wishes may of already been granted, but I'm including them because...well just because. I don't need to share my "because" reasons.

By the way, "do not procrastinate" was one of my original resolutions before I realized that making "do not procrastinate" a New Year's resolution and then putting off actually declaring it for 6 months defeats the purpose of having it as a resolution in the first place. Deep thought, huh? Anyway, I don't want to procrastinate another minute rambling, so here is the list...

6 New Year's Resolutions For 2006

  • make a conscious effort not to ramble
  • learn to cook
  • get my Masters from Carnegie Mellon
  • when the time comes, find the strength to say goodbye to my childhood dog, a final unselfish act of love
  • fly 3,000 miles to cheer my sister on when she runs her first LA marathon
  • continue to shed any negativity in my life...they may choose to be ugly on the inside, I just don't have to endure it

6 Wishes For 6/6/06

  • fall in love with a really great girl
  • hmm...
  • umm...
  • I'm realizing something...
  • that anything I could wish for, I could achieve without "magic"...
  • but that one thing.

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