Monday, June 12, 2006

Vanilla - From Ordinary To Extraordinary

There's a new saying..."have a cone". I'm sure few have heard it. Although I am wished to "have a cone" at least once a week if not more. It's become the 3 little words I enjoy hearing the most lately. They are the closing words spoken by my 2-year-old niece to me upon departure. Usually after I am told "no go home" (her way of convincing me that I shouldn't leave just yet and play a little longer), I am given a hug, kiss and told to "have a cone". So what does "have a cone" mean? Well it's short for ice-cream cone. It's not that she is a huge ice-cream fan. It's not that I'm a huge ice-cream fan. It's simply a symbol of something that makes people happy - having a cone.

How can ice-cream not make you happy? A pint of Ben & Jerry's is consumed by nearly every heartbroken woman in America. It's become a food of comfort for many. It's that sweet treat you allow yourself to have on a hot summer night. But taking something as ordinary as vanilla and making it extraordinary is not an easy task. However, the saying "have a cone" does just that. The way I see it, she is perhaps the most perceptive 2-year-old that exists. I believe that having a cone means more than her suggesting I indulge in a desert. I believe having a cone means to take an ordinary day and make it extraordinary.

Life should never be basic, common and usual. It shouldn't lack adornments like vanilla ice-cream. Instead it should be something that beautifies and adorns your very being. I don't want to live a vanilla life. I want to break away from ordinary and be extraordinary. I want to be highly exceptional, remarkable and memorable. To go beyond where no cone has gone before. Today I wish you all to "have a cone" too.

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