Friday, April 21, 2006

Feeling Good In The Pants

Most people live and die by their cell phone. For many, it's as vital to their existence as the air they breathe. Some people seriously can't function thru the day without their cell...cell as in phone, not as in "prison" or "padded room". They feel naked if it's not tucked into their purse or pocket. Phones aren't just for chatting anymore. It's become our central communication, entertainment and information portal. Text messages, voice mail, e-mail, games, photos, video, the's all shrunk down and crammed inside your little cell mate. Everywhere you turn, everyone has the Razr glued to their ear. I am not one of those people. For the most part, I do actually use my cell alot, especially for work. However, there are times when you have to turn that sucker off or put it on vibrate. Umm, vibrate. It's like getting an unexpected 5 second cheap thrill in your pants pocket - hellooooo! Of course, who says you need to answer on the first ring? Prolong the tease by letting it ring until it hits voicemail. Nice.

Fluff your afro and grab your roller-skates, it's time to boogie down!
There's a party in my pants and you're invited! Lucky you!

Yeah, yeah I know. I can be a big sicko, but you've done it before too. If not, then you are considering it now. Fess up. If the naughty vibrate feature doesn't catch your attention, then surely that custom ringtone you downloaded will do the trick. Or perhaps it will just embarrass the shit out of you when you least expect it. I suppose there could be worse things than having your phone blast out that custom ringtone during a business meeting. The scenario would be much worse if it started playing The Backstreet Boys, AKA The Backdoor Boys - "Larger Than Life". Don't even pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. You know that song. You probably busted a move to it a few years ago. Or maybe you are retro and you are cutting a little rug to it in 2006. Don't lie. That queer scream at the beginning. It's sooooo gay. It screams make fun of me. It actually begs for it! How were they even considered a boy band? Those dudes were like 30-years-old when they came out! Anyway...

As far as my custom ringtone goes, I'm kicking it old skool. 2005 baby! Yes, I still have The Gorillas - "Feel Good Inc" giving me a shootout when anyone calls me. I still like that song. It makes a good ringtone, the beat with just the laugh and feel good chorus. Although I will remember in my next meeting, to turn the phone OFF. It's a little awkward when your pants start singing "feel good" while you are preparing to give a presentation. It was a friendly/embarrassing reminder. So now you get to sound off and tell me what your ringtone is. Why? I don't know. Why not? Do you really have something better to do on a Friday? I doubt it or you wouldn't be reading my blog - ha! Also, feel free to suggest a new ringtone for me, something that isn't too monotonous.

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