Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dark Secrets Given The First-Class Treatment

At one time, a secret was something that you kept to yourself, or if you did share it, you did so in a whisper. Discretion was the name of the game. Today, secrets are being spilled out on postcards. Free for public eyes to see. Naked truths from anonymous voices that are overflowing boxes in one man's Washington, DC home. His name, Frank Warren. He is the safe haven for your dirty little secret. The blogger behind It's an amazingly addictive fusion of old tech (snail mail) and new tech (the Internet) that produces something never seen before. The result - brilliance! People are drawn to his blog because it's something powerful and raw. The real speaks to them. The objective is to keep it ideologically neutral and just expose the cards in a way that's balanced and non-judgmental. To me, they are mini works of art.

At last estimate, he had 30,000 secrets! Hundreds of new ones pour in every week. Collecting America's secrets have become Frank Warren's life and in the process, has made him famous. He has become an award-winning blogger, a first-time author, an artist with a traveling exhibit, a possible documentary subject, the inspiration for a music video and the all-around media "it boy" of the moment. PostSecret started out as Warren's temporary community art project. Now it's where thousands of people go to anonymously post their deepest darkest secrets and where millions go to read them. Just a year after its launch, PostSecret was named "Weblog of the Year". It's the 3rd most-popular blog in the blogosphere with 2.3 million unique visitors a month! Warren's book, "PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives", a compilation of 400 postcards, is selling well enough that he's planning 4 more books.

It's such an incredible blog, that this is the 2nd time I am plugging it (07/12/05 Post A Secret, An Outlet For Anonymous Voices). The secret-tellers/confessors send their secrets in via a decorated postcard. Warren reads them all and then picks 10-20 to post on his blog every Sunday. Some are shocking. Some are heartbreaking. Some are touching. Some are thought-provoking. Some are silly. Some are hilarious. Some are even repulsive. However, all of them are riveting. Eembrace PostSecret because it's about the human heart exposed.

View my secret here.

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