Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's Not What It's Chalked Up To Be

There is an artist in the streets of New York City that uses chalk to capture sunlight. In a busy city where graffiti is common place, Ellis Gallagher's artwork is often overlooked and unseen. He takes something as mundane as a garbage can and casts a different light on it. He traces it's shadow - literally. Gallagher turns trash into something of beauty. His drawings can be seen one day and gone the next. Although if you are lucky, you may catch his shadow, just before the night fades to black or the rain washes it away. His work may be short lived, but once you see a piece, it will make a lasting impression on you. A somewhat similar chalk artist by the name of Julian Beever has left an impression on me. It's not that his work "speaks to me" as they say, but it will definitely have you taking a double-take in disbelief!

Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement here in the States and abroad in England, France, Germany, Australia and Belgium. He gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion that is super realistic looking. Some look so life-like that people actually walk around the "hole" he drew thinking it was real. It's like a Bugs Bunny cartoon came to life. It's not that his artwork really moved me as some art can do, but it did catch my attention. I suppose for an artist, that is half the work - catching one's eye. I do appreciate his rather unique approach and if you've ever drawn with chalk before, you know it's not exactly easy...let alone using large sidewalk chalk. After viewing some of his pieces, my first thought was "I'm seeing and not believing". It just goes to show you that it's not always what it's chalked up to be.

View more of Julian Beever's work on his website.

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