Thursday, April 13, 2006

Teasing A Nerd Will Cost You $300,000+

On his Canadian birth certificate, his name reads Ghyslain Raza, but on the Internet, he is know as the infamous "Star Wars Kid". That nerdy and overweight teenager whose Star Wars lightsaber fighting moves were captured on video and downloaded online by over 15 million people! If for you never saw this video, then you MUST watch it. It's hilarious! He obvious took alot of time setting "the stage" with a black backdrop and positioning the camera just so. In lue of a real lightsaber, what appears to be a shower curtain rod is twirled repeatedly (and often out of control) in Jedi Master fashion. Between random bursts of intense lightsabering action, he calmly collects himself. Takes a small breather, repositions and then continues on with a flurry of spins, kicks, chops and even jumping...or an attempt to jump. The show is complete with sexy face poses and extreme close ups. To top it off, even a little ass crack is included. All of that is accompanied by his own swooshing sound effects. It's truly priceless.

Watch The Video Here!

In 2002, three schoolmates snatched the 2 minute long clip and posted in on KaZaA as a joke. It got laughs from around the world and is STILL circulating! However, it looks like the Star Wars Kid may be getting the last laugh, or at least a hefty court settlement by cutting a deal with his tormentors. According to Ghyslain, whenever he walked by his high school's common areas, other students would jump on tables and chant "Star Wars Kid! Star Wars Kid!" There would be a commotion as they shouted and poked at him, trying to get a reaction. "It was simply unbearable," he said. An otherwise ordinary teen in a small town, Ghyslain had become a worldwide object of ridicule when the accused boys posted the video of him clumsily pretending to be a Star Wars character. Now 3 years later, Ghyslain's parents are suing the boys on his behalf. It is said to be the world's first and most publicized cases of cyber-bullying.

Even though I hate Star Wars and most sci-fi stuff in general, you can't help but feel a little bad for this kid getting picked on. Have a little heart. I'm sure he knows he isn't cool, so no need to point it out to him. We've all had our dorky private moments, but this poor kid is living the nightmare of having his private dorkiness projected across the world. Every teenager does something they live to regret. It's part of adolescence. Ghyslain simply made the additional mistake of recording his moment of infamy on video. The result made him an Internet sensation. Everyone seemed to be laughing, except him. So due to the humiliation factor he suffered, an out of court settlement is making the 3 pranksters pay over $300,000 out of pocket - ouch! It looks like Ghyslain may finally be laughing now. Perhaps The Force really is with him.

(Did I use that phrase right? I really don't even know what "The Force" is. I just know it has something to do with Star Wars nerds.)

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