Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My iPod Is Making Me Deaf? Huh? What Did You Say?

Over the last few months, there has been alot of talk about Apple's iPod earbuds making people go deaf. However, I haven't heard much of this discussion. Get it? For those that didn't already know, a congratulatory cigar is in order because not long ago I became a newly proud Papa of my first iPod! Yes, I finally gave into the peer pressure and fell victim to the much hyped #1 selling portable MP3 player, the iPod. Wanting to take my massive MP3 collection with me on the go and wanting something with a larger storing capacity then my current 128MB Muvo, the new 30GB video iPod was the prefect fit. Oh yeah, and I got it in black - sexy! Wait...I am suppose to be posting about hearing loss and not my hard-on for the iPod. Let me regain focus and get back on track here.

For those of you who have not already gone deaf from listening to your iPod, then you may of heard about the pending lawsuit Apple is currently facing. Some morons are attempting to sue Apple, claiming Apple should be responsible for their dumb ass because they don't know how to properly operate the volume button on their iPod. Therefore, they have blasted their ears out on a consistent enough basis to cause some form of hearing damage/loss. Now to compensate for their "injury", they are going after Apple's wallet. They are demanding that Apple protects the health of their customers. Never mind the common sense approach, like turning that shit down if your brain is oozing out your ear cavity. Welcome to the land of the idiot, sue happy America.

Hoping to rectify the situation, Apple has posted a press release about the recent concern of hearing loss as a result from listening to iPods. In addition to that, they released a software update (version 1.1.1) for the 5th generation iPod video and iPod Nano that enables users to configure a volume limit. The update will be nicely implemented into the iPod's already sleek interface. It will enable parents to limit the volume their kids can use on their iPod, or in the case of idiot adults, you can use is as an idiot-proof method to protecting your hearing. The volume limit can be protected via a passkey.

My main concern, is not that I will go deaf from listening to my iPod, but rather my ears will bleed from those God awful uncomfortable ear buds! Am I the only person who hates those things? Maybe I have odd shaped inner ears or something, but after 30 minutes of use, I can't wait to pull those out. Then I have to rub my ears and find a nice quiet place where I go and sob. Kidding, but those earbuds are kinda painful to wear. Sorry, I'll toughen up and remember to speak loudly when talking with my fellow iPod pals.


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