Friday, March 10, 2006

Feeling Food, Feeding Passion

Someone once said, you can tell alot about a person by what they eat. Another person says, you are what you eat. Yet a third someone claims the fastest way to a man's heart is thru his stomach. What do I think? I agree with all 3 of these sayings, except I don't feel the fastest way to my heart is thru food, but I certainly wouldn't say no if someone wanted to cook me dinner. All the infamous "they say..." phrases, sometimes they make alot of sense. If these phrases hold any truth, what do they say about me? Most people would agree that the most important meal of the day is breakfast, even thought most of us skip it on a regular basis. So if you can tell alot about a person by what they eat, I'm thinking my breakfast menu would say this about me...

  • Wheaties - when I feel like a champion
  • Count Chocula - when I feel like a kid
  • OJ and NutriGrain bar in my car - when I feel most like me
  • Krispy Cream (rarely eaten, my treat/punishment) - when I feel like a lazy slob and my body wants to feel regret 15 minutes later
  • Nothing - when I feel empty inside and I want my stomach to relate

Now for the burning question...what did I have for breakfast this morning? Well, nothing but I did buy myself a drink - passion fruit juice. So now I'm wondering if passion fruit juice is my breakfast substitute, does that mean I will be filled with passion today or does that mean I'm on my way to becoming fruity? I'm hoping it means passion. Someone without passion is like a bird with clipped wings. They will never fly.

However, just like Romance Does Not Come In A Box, passion doesn't come packaged either. You can't buy it. You can't wrap it. However, it is fair to say you can "unwrap" it. You can release it into everything you do. You can be filled with it throughout your day. Throughout your life. It comes from deep down. In that empty pit of your stomach. It will nourish you when nothing else can. Can you feel it? Feed that hunger.

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