Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Shameless Self Plug

Just a quick FYI for those that care, I'm changing around a few things on my blog. For now all I changed is the blog title from "Blog for DIAMONDKT" to "Tech News and Random Ramblings". I'm not sure if I really like the title, but it is what it is...at least for now. The URL will remain the same www.diamondkt.blogspot.com Finally, I've updated my Profile/About Me section (see upper right hand corner). I wrote what I feel sums up my blog and me the best way I know how in roughly 10 short sentences. So if you link to my site, you may want to update your link to reflect the new blog title. If you don't already link to my site, then what the hell is wrong with you? Do so now! Ok, I'm joking...kinda.

Feel free to give me some constructive criticism on the minor changes I made. I can handle it, good or bad. However, if you are going to be really cruel in the critiquing, then give me fair warning beforehand so I can grab myself a soft Kleenex and sob silently to myself. Manly right? One day, I promise to give the whole blog a spiffy new theme. Something that will make any surfer-by "eww and ahh" in delight! Alright, enough of my ramblings and shameless self plugging. I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog reading. Go have yourself a penis peek-a-boo session in my post below.

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