Tuesday, March 28, 2006

He Sleeps

When I don't feel like blogging, I moblog. It's the lazy man's method of getting his voice heard. Not thru words, but thru images. You can see what my eyes see, even when they are half asleep. This shot was taken the other night as I layed on my bed. Somewhere between a state of consciousness and unconsciousness, I snapped this shot...somewhat by accident as I leaned on my phone wrong. As you can see, it came out crappy because the lighting was low and I didn't have the flash on. The walls are actually painted a red wine/burgundy color with hardwood floors and cream colored carpeting, but the photo is deceiving. Instead it appears to look messy and brown, which is another reason I call this shot "crappy". That is the door to where my pants and the Boogieman lives, my bedroom closet.

Being sad makes one feel exhausted, literally. I hate that feeling. It's like I want to sleep all the time and that isn't healthy. It's like a giant weight on your body that keeps you down physically, makes you feel down psychologically. I want to get back up. I need to shed the gloom and get back to being me. Therefore, I decided I am going to "write" thru this state of depression I seem to find myself in. In the past, writing has often helped me feel better. It's given me an outlet for my emotions, a venue in which I am able to express myself. I think that might be good for me. I still feel like I want to be quiet and somewhat alone from the world for awhile, but I can write in solitude. Even if it's just for me, for my personal benefit, I think I will write. You may read if you like.

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