Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Question: Have You Visited Dwight Schrute's Blog?

First off, let me say if you don't know who Dwight is, then I need to smack you silly like this...Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day. Dwight Schrute is that loveable/annoying little geek from NBC's hit show "The Office". He's Assistant to the Regional Manager, a made-up title given to brown nosing bottom feeding employees to make them feel important, special and loved in the workplace. Apparently it works for Dwight as he isn't the least bit shy of letting the entire Dunder Mifflin Paper Company be aware of his prestigious title and power over what he refers to as "his subordinates", AKA fellow co-workers. A man by the name of Michael Scott heads up Dunder Mifflin and they say if you don't know a real-life Michael Scott in your workplace, chances are you ARE a Michael Scott. He's obnoxious, arrogant and always highly inappropriate with the lame and often derogatory/sexists jokes. It's what makes the show so funny.

The show takes place in Scranton, PA...AKA Bumfuck Idaho as they say. Sorry, offensive term? My blog has a PG-13 rating, so you'll live with the occasional obscenity. Anyway, I've never been to Scranton, but I hear it's a little hole in the wall of a town and in the middle of nowhere, which makes it the ideal setting for the show. Every character on the show was handpicked to perfection! You can feel the awkwardness and the pain in every line they deliver. It so much like the typical America office, that's the beauty of it. If you ever had to work at a job you hate, struggled to make a name for yourself or lived out of a cube for an office, then you will be able to relate to this show. Let's be serious, man wasn't made to sit in a small box for 8+ hours on end and when you force him to do that, he will act a little strange over time - it's a given.

So may I present to you Dwight Schrute's official blog titled "Dwight Schrute's Schrute-Space". It's a glimpse behind the crazed mind of one Dwight Schrute. Listen to him rant, rave and give you his worldly knowledge in the life and times of Dunder Mifflin's top salesman. It's enlightening reading material. I enjoyed...that's what she said. (If you didn't get that last sentence, then you need to set your TIVO to start recording "The Office" and catch-up on what you've been missing.)

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