Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Real MySpace Disgrace Is Not Seeing The Forest From The Trees

Perhaps the word "disgrace" doesn't suit the recent related crimes that are taking place. As you know, disgrace means loss of honor, respect or reputation. To shame. The condition of being strongly and generally disapproved. One that brings disfavor or discredit. Ok, maybe the word does fit, but I have a hard time believing that MySpace ever carried some high distinguishing marks in the reputation department. For the most part, it's a place where teenagers strive to get themselves an easy ticket into the in-crowd...virtual style. Personally, I've never jumped on the MySpace bandwagon, nor do I ever plan on hoping aboard anytime soon, or ever. To me it's just...well...cheesy and queer. Ok to use those terms? In my opinion, I think those words do fit!

I'm not trying to offend anyone who uses MySpace. I say to each their own. I am however a little offended over the ignorance displayed by the media. Their lack of understanding "the big picture". The tarnished images surrounding all these MySpace related crimes that have been in the news of late. There is a saying "you can't see the forest from the trees" and in this case, it's true. Everyone is so concerned over the minuet details that they are missing the meat and potatoes of the problem. Am I the only person alive that believes a person should be held accountable for their actions and that soul blame should not be pushed off onto some website, video game, music CD, movie, ect? You know the old routine. A kid commits suicide, Ozzy Osbourne song lyrics are to blame. A kid shoots up his school, the video game Doom is to blame. A dumb kid lays in the middle of the road and gets run over, a scene from a movie is to blame. Now when a kid goes off with a stranger and bad things happen, a website is to blame. Whatever happened to blaming the kid or better yet push some of that blame on the parents? How about a little role modeling, some education, some boundaries, that every action has a reaction? How about using better judgment to keep your butt out of trouble. Nobody ever seems to think of that because it's far easier to point the finger elsewhere.

This time all the fingers are pointing to MySpace. I say stop blaming MySpace for a second and let's look at the facts. Let's be rational. Think it thru a little first before you cast judgment. Sure MySpace was "linked" somewhat in these crimes. Example: It's true that a boy met a girl on MySpace and then later killed her parents because they didn't want him to be with her. So in that sense, MySpace provided the initial meeting grounds. Perhaps without MySpace, these 2 would of never of met and a set of parents would be alive today. Then again, who isn't to say that the young lovers wouldn't of met in a more conventional way and it may of lead to the same double murder outcome. I could list all the MySpace related crimes and play the other side of the fence showing you how MySpace isn't to blame, but I think you get the point. MySpace is taking all this heat because it's the hottest site on the web for teens with more than 60 million members. It's causing a stir, both online and off. People love a stir, especially the media. They love to get the public up in arms over anything.

Just 10 years ago, the exact same scenario was being played out with AOL. Everyone was blaming AOL chat rooms saying it was a breeding ground for pedophiles. Maybe that was true and sure it did make it easy for a perv to reach out and talk with a kid, but guess what? Those "bad guys" existed before AOL. They exist in other venues, online and off. The point is, bad people don't just live on MySpace. They are everywhere. Bad things just don't happen on MySpace. They happen everywhere. It's time for people to wakeup and look at the big picture. Stop blaming MySpace for everything. This isn't a MySpace issue. It's not even an Internet issue. It's a real world issue. MySpace is no more dangerous than the real world. If you disagree with that statement, then perhaps you need to unplug your computer and get out into the real world and have yourself a little looky-see around.

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