Monday, March 20, 2006

Too Much Time On One's Hands

Word on the street is that American's can't find enough hours in the day to do everything they need/want to do. In general, most people will claim they are pressed for time...all the time. Is a 24 hour day really not long enough or is that just something people say, use as an excuse for when they want to slack off? Sometimes it's easier to say you are busy than to tell the truth, especially if the truth consists of you not finishing those TPS Reports because you were too busy making miniature army soldiers out of CAT-5 Ethernet cable. Perhaps it's not just at work where you slack and give the "sorry, I can't, I'm busy" excuse. Maybe you do it in your personal life as well, with your family and friends. Truth be told, there are people out there that rather skip going out on a Saturday night to stay-in and make Gladiator-like helmets for their cat...out of fruit! What the...? Below are just a few of the bizarre activities that people partake in when they have too much time on their hands.

Precious Time You Will Never Get Back - The feline fruit helmet has become an online cult of sorts. I keep coming across more and more cat lovers (or maybe haters?) that are putting their buddy "Boots the Cat" into battle with nothing more than an orange peel to protect him. (FYI, that's not the same as agent orange.) It's also safe to say that I have yet to see a single kitty that looks excited and pumped up about his new fatigues. Something tells me that these cats would rather sleep than fight a war. Believe it or not, there is a feline fruit helmet tutorial.

Who's Held Responsible - Various Internet freaks, hide your face in shame...your cat already is.

My Take On Said Act - Although it's funny, it borderlines on animal cruelty and it's just a very, VERY strange hobby. I might add that it somewhat frightens me as well!

Precious Time You Will Never Get Back - A man recreated the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center out of a bunch of McDonalds "freedom fries" glued together with ketchup. Perhaps when all the grease dries, it takes on the consistency of cement? A similar theory could be applied to the fact that fast food seals up your arteries much the same way.

Who's Held Responsible - Artist Jack Daws, the title "artist" should be said with a grain of salt.

My Take On Said Act - It's pretty damn gross. Not to mention pointless and rather unimpressive. You won't see this alongside the Mona Lisa anytime soon.

Precious Time You Will Never Get Back - This Russian site is filled with pictures of detailed action figures and accessories twisted together from strands of wire unwound from CAT-5 Ethernet cable. It makes GI Joe look like a chump.

Who's Held Responsible - Well if I could speak Russian, I could tell you his name. However, I believe he calls himself "Gagarin".

My Take On Said Act - I have to admit it, I liked this one. That is the tech head/little boy in me. I thought it was clever. I'm sure it's very time consuming and I'm sure viewed as somewhat childish, but who cares.

Precious Time You Will Never Get Back - A sex toy ban upheld in Mississippi says it's a crime for responsible adults to sell vibrators to other adults there! The state law does not extend the right to privacy to the commercial sale of sexual devices. So you are asking, how did this make my "time wasting list"? Well I feel it's a waste of time that any court would not only write such a stupid law, but then sign it! I think the judge could of spent his time more wisely by browsing the local porn shop and perhaps buying a little something for the Mrs.

Who's Held Responsible - Mississippi State Court System, needs to get a clue.

My Take On Said Act - This is down right shocking! It's a blatant injustice to horny women and a sad day when she is denied her right to the coveted jackrabbit. It makes me want to donate dildos to the needy and deprived.

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