Monday, August 18, 2008

We’re So Over We Need A New Word For Over

I’ve had it. I’m already over it. And I’m done. Finish. Complete. Moving on. You’ve heard it here first. I’m breaking up with one of my employees. That’s right, I’m firing him...he just doesn’t know it yet. I’m not "letting him go" because that is sugar coated talk for being fired. He will not be let go or asked to leave, he will be forced out. At this point, I’m not sugar coating anything, not a word. Ending this relationship isn’t going to be pretty, but it is long overdue. I’m going to keep it professional and as respectable as possible. But let’s be honest here, why should I treat him with respect when he lacks it? Not only does he define slacker, he’s ungrateful too. It’s a shame really because the guy has talent, it’s just overshadowed by his piss poor attitude. He fucks around behind my back and then lies to my face. Then he kisses my ass to save face. It does sound like we are dating, doesn’t it? I assure you, we aren’t. I haven’t gone gay. Although I have grown icy cold to his excuses and apologies. It’s gotten old – very, very old. And enough is enough. It’s time to end this.

If only it were this easy.

When he first interviewed with me to get the job, he really passed with flying colors. His resume was impressive and our personalities seemed to mesh. I really didn’t think it would change so dramatically. In a way, I blame myself for hiring him to begin with. But on the other hand, he is NOT the same guy I hired. You hear the same thing when it comes to dating – he/she is not the same person they were when I first met them. I guess people do change, for better or worse. Unfortunately in this case, it was for worse. I suppose I shouldn’t blame myself too much because I’m still virtually a rookie at running my own company. It’s only been a couple years so I’m bound to make a few hiring mistakes. However, this one has cost me dearly. He’s paid rather generously, over six figures for what he does, or rather what he doesn’t do. And the other week when I signed his paycheck, I felt like vomiting. This is when I knew a change had to be made.

It’s not personal, it’s business. I would like to say that, but the truth of the matter is that it’s both personal and business. It’s almost impossible not to take a firing even a tad personal. I look at those that work for me as my friends. We are like a family and I treat them accordingly. However, I am their boss before their buddy. And because of that, I have to do what is best for my company, rather than what is kind to someone’s feelings. I’m sorry, but you just have to go. There is no other way around it and I warned you this day could be coming. The writing was on the wall, in giant bold red letters. And because you failed to believe it or take it seriously, reality will soon hit you, like a stinging slap in the face alerting you to wake up.

I'm tired of getting fucked by him. It's time for him to go fuck himself. I end up doing or redoing most of his work for him anyway, so why am I even paying him? If anything, I should be paying myself that extra salary. And I think I will, at least for the time being until I find someone else who is willing and able to pull some of the load. Running your own business and being your own boss definitely has its perks. It also has its downsides and having to fire someone is definitely not a fun part to the job. As angry, as frustrated and as disappointed I am with him, I’m not looking forward to saying those two words – you’re fired. I think I’ll wait until a little later in the week before I tell him. I’ll wait until the day I’m set to leave for my vacation in Aruba. That way I can go enjoy myself with a clear head. Note I didn’t say a clear conscious. I have a way of beating myself up about things, whether deserved or not.

Breaking up is always hard to do, whether it’s a personal or professional relationship. And if you intertwine personal and professional, well then my friend you have big problems! It’s the very reason I don’t like to mix business with pleasure. It always ends messy. I can say that from past experience, one or two small office flings. Note to self, don’t makeout with the hot clingy girl at happy hour because the next day, she automatically assumes you are dating. Umm, we madeout. I didn’t propose marriage. Besides, if I hadn’t drank so much, then perhaps I would have been clear minded enough to overlook your perfect body and focused a little more on the fact that you give off major red flags to your clingy side. Afterall, you did hang on and practically pin my shirt sleeve down to the bar so I couldn’t get up and mingle around. Oh well, live and learn. I’m now a wiser man because of it.

So as Carrie once said to Big: "We're so over we need a new word for over."

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