Monday, August 4, 2008

Montauk Monster Mystery

Ok, just what the "beep" is going on in Montauk? And what the "beep" is this thing? It looks like some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. Some claim it’s a sea turtle without its shell, but that just can’t be right. Perhaps it’s a sea monster, but not a sea turtle. Click on the image for a larger view and look closely. It has flippers on the front and feet on the back. On its head, there appears to be horns. And turtles don’t have long tails like that, not even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It does look like a mutant of some kind though. A hybrid, a crossbred, an inbred, a bred of...I have no idea what.

The corpse of this beast washed up on the beach in Long Island, New York and nobody really knows what it is, but everyone is sounding off on what they THINK it is. Now there is a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island. So do you think...? Nah. Well, could it be? Could this be evidence of a government experiment gone mad? Stranger things have happened. And truth is often stranger than fiction.

Jenna Hewitt, the 26-year-old that took the photo said that she and others were looking for a place to relax when they saw it. The photo hit the web last week and has spread like crazy through the blogosphere! Since then, it has made it onto mainstream media outlets like CNN and Fox News. You would think a week later there would be some answers as to what exactly this is, an autopsy, something! But it turns out that the story ends just as oddly as it began. According to onlookers, an old man came and took it away, claiming he wanted to put it on his wall. Hmm. Anyone smell Government cover-up?

And is it just me, or can you actually smell and taste the sickening stench of that dead rotting carcass just from looking at the photo? Keep in mind that it probably baked in the 90 degree sun for hours, even days before being discovered. Of course, maybe the old man who scooped up the monster is just a clever guy looking to make a fast buck on eBay. Hey, people bid on pieces of toast with the so-called image of Jesus burnt into it, so why not a dead and bloated beast?

Skeptics claim it’s just viral marketing for a campaign yet to be announced - a Hollywood prop or a Photoshop hoax. So what do you think it is and how it came about? Can you solve the mystery? Personally, I’m baffled!

This just in, new photographs have been published of the "Montauk Monster"!

It's starting to resemble more of a dead dog than anything - ears, fur. Obviously, it's male because it's weenie is quite apparent. As far as the "beak" goes, it looks like it could just be a snout that's decaying. Decay would also explain the strange feet, another explanation could be that fish, crabs, etc fed off it. The body is small, measuring in at 2 1/2 to 3 feet in length. Still, there is no official word on what it is exactly. I'm going to go with dog though. And I hate to say it, but all that muscle reminds me of my Bulldog. The chest and thighs are VERY similar. Plus, English Bulldogs aren't the best swimmers. They sink like rocks. If this is the case, it would be very sad, but it would make sense.

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