Monday, August 11, 2008

I’m Getting Published! Well, Maybe.

If you’ve read the Profile section on my blog, you’ll see that I clearly state..."I am not a writer. You will never see my name embossed on a fine leather book. The dream of being published does not exist for me." I wrote that about 3 years ago, but the truth is, I now WISH to be a writer and I would LOVE my name to be embossed on a fine leather book. Or a newspaper, magazine, online, anywhere! The dream of being published is a new goal of mine. I am a dreamer, but I’m also realistic. I understand that I may never be good enough to write for a living, to get published. And although I would be sad and disappointed if I never reach that goal, I probably wouldn’t stop reaching for it. I would continue to write, even if it was just for me. I would keep writing simply because I enjoy the process. I enjoy the journey, even if I never reach my destination. And that’s ok. Sometimes that is just how life is and it’s a part of life I am preparing myself to accept - to be an unpublished writer, a mere amateur at best. (Ouch. I feel a twinge in my stomach for just admitting that to myself outloud. If that is all I become, then there’s no doubt it will hurt badly.)

That is NOT a photo of me. That is just some random photo I found on Flickr of a person who was proud to be published. I don't think that dude even looks like me, but apparently some people are getting confused. Comeon now. I would never let my hair get so fluffy. ;)

Make no mistake about it, I am hopeful. My worst fear in life has always been failure, but just like everyone else, I do fail sometimes. However, I have always learned great lessons from my failures. So if I fail at writing, it won’t necessarily be a tragic experience because I’ve already learned so much about myself from writing. So in that way, I’ve already succeeded, without seeing my face on a book jacket and without my words ever going to print.

An opportunity has recently presented itself and I’ve decided to take hold of it...


Get Published! Essay Contest!
A group of people in their twenties are looking for essays written by a wide range of people who are between 19 and 29 years old to be part of a future published collection of essays. The purpose is to create a book that reflects, but does not attempt to pigeon-hole or ultimately define our generation as a single entity. Write an essay that tells us who you are. It can be about anything - mundane or monumental, a moment or a year, an individual or a group.

Any essay submitted stands a chance of being published in the final book (provided it comes to fruition, of course).

The details for submitting:
~ Essays can be up to 4,500 words long and should be e-mailed to
~ E-mail your essays by 11:59 p.m. on August 18, 2008.
~ Please paste your essay with its title in the body of the e-mail along with your name and contact information. Also attach the essay as a Word document.

Please forward this announcement to anyone you think may be interested.
Questions? E-mail us at


I figure, what the hell. I don’t know what my chances are, but I’m willing to take a chance. Why not? I have nothing to lose. I’m not sure how legit this essay contest is or what exactly happens if this book ever does goes to print. Will I be paid for my work? Will my words be given proper credit? Will my writing be used in it’s entirely or will it be spliced at someone else’s sole discretion? These are all good questions that need answers and questions I will ask.

I thought of submitting 12/19/05 - Twenty-Something, Life Thru Our Eyes. But for now, I am going to write, or rather re-write/revise this piece, 2/10/06 - Permission. From the feedback I got on it, it seemed to be one of my better pieces of writing. It was a look back at one of the lowest times in my life and an experience that nearly every 20something has to live thru - to have loved and to have lost. It illustrates how life is full of change and how we must grow and move on when life changes unexpectedly. How the route we were taking begins to bend and turn, then ceases to exist. It's the road that we then are forced to take. That unfamiliar path that we must travel that defines perseverance. I am certain that there is no pain greater than that of a broken heart. And my 20s have not only brought me my first broken heart, but my 20s have also taught me what it means to persevere thru pain.

If you are a 20something who has a passion for writing and a story to tell, why not enter the essay contest and take a chance at getting published too!

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