Friday, June 29, 2007

Someone Please Stop The iNsanity!

First let me get this off my chest. EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT UP ABOUT THE IPHONE ALREADY!!! For 6 months now, it’s all people have been talking about. It’s all you hear about on the streets. It’s all you read about online. It’s all you see on TV. Commercials, billboards, fan fare, media attention. Enough already, rrr! I’m so sick of hearing about the iPhone I could throw up - blah. So let’s talk about the iPhone, shall we? Actually I’m not going to talk about the iPhone, but I do want to say to Greg Packer… “What the f*ck you crazy nut?”

Now if you don’t know who Greg Packer is, I’m very surprised because he’s an attention whore like no other. He’s pretty much made a life for himself that consists of waiting in line for days on end. He was first in line to view the Ground Zero site, to sign the condolence book after Princess Diana died and even first in line to greet President Bush after his inauguration. Apparently Greg is first in line for everything, including the all-you-can eat buffet. Ok, that was rude (and somewhat funny), so I take that back. Of course with the highly anticipated iPhone going on sale today, you better believe Greg Packer is already in line to get his hands on this hot new gadget. In fact, he’s been gloating about being “first in line” at NYC’s Fifth Avenue Apple store all week.

The last time I heard someone brag about being “first in line” for anything was back in the 2nd grade. We were told to lineup single file after recess so the teacher could get a head count and walk the class back in. It was then that Sheridan Burgees made a spit induced motorcycle revving noise and sped past everyone to be first in line, where he proudly exclaimed “FIRST IN LINE”. I probably don’t need to say that Sheridan was a moron. What kid in their right mind wants to get back into school ASAP? I was the kid the teacher had to call a second time because I was too busy trying to squeeze in one more turn in the kickball game. To me the math was simple. Recess = fun. Learning = not so fun. So I was in no hurry to be “first in line”.

Ok, so let’s give that Sheridan kid a break because he was only 7 and I believe you allowed to be somewhat obnoxious and annoying at that age. (Plus the guy is now dead due to a drug overdose in his early 20s so I can’t bash him). However, Greg Packer is a middle aged grown man, 43 to be exact. Being widely known as the “First In Line Guy” for an iPhone isn’t a title I would be proud to boast. I would be rather embarrassed for people to know my ass sat on the busiest street corner in NYC in the sweltering heat for days on end, and during a work week I might add. Oh, and did I mention he is accepting donations to support his quest for an iPhone? Hope he has the $500 to $600 by the time the Apple doors open or so much for being “first in line”.

Maybe Greg Packer is a royal nerd, but perhaps we shouldn’t knock him too much. If nothing else, he is doing a great job at feeding the media frenzy and we all know that hype generates sales (say thank you Steve Jobs). And maybe to Greg and others like him, the iPhone is as good as it gets. If that is the case, they only have to wait a few more hours before the good times roll.

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