Wednesday, June 6, 2007

To Read Me Is To Love Me

No one cares about my blog, or is it just that no one reads it? You can’t care about something you don’t know exists and there lies my problem. I switched URLs. I thought it was a good move, but in hindsight I see it may have been a mistake. Search engines lost me. I have to once again register my website with Goggle, Yahoo, MSN and others. I do this with hope that my little corner in cyberspace will once again appear in search results. Broken links float thru the World Wide Web from those that did link to me, but have yet to update to my new address. I’m not one to scrutinize and obsess over Site Meter statistics, but I can’t help noticing a drastic and abrupt drop. I’ve gone from 100+ visitors a day to averaging just 20 hits a day. It’s pathetic and a little disheartening. Now don’t cue the violin music for me just yet as I do have something positive to say…

I’m not looking for Blogosphere Fame, if such a thing even exists. I don’t write for other people. I write for myself, as an expression of myself. So I guess it doesn’t really matter if anyone reads me. Of course it’s nice if they do and even better if they enjoy the time they spent doing so. And to think they heart me so much that they would come back to read more, on another day! That, that right there leaves my skin feeling like it’s covered in a layer of warm fuzzies. (deep sigh)

It’s the old cliché, I blog therefore I am. It’s true for me, to a certain degree, although it doesn’t consume thee. (Like that rhyme? Don’t worry, I promise not to do it all the time.) Blogging doesn’t define me as a person, but it is a part of me. The words I write…er, type. This is me – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Oh crap. Now I realize why no one is reading me – the lame rhymes. I must resist the urge to rhyme in a moronic-like fashion. I think I can do that. My next post will be better...or so I'll try.

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