Tuesday, June 26, 2007

She’s Missing Her Lint Catcher

Brazilian models are best known for their exotic looks and amazing bodies! However, a nearly flawless exterior won’t exempt your modeling photos from being airbrushed. Want to know an insider secret? Over 90% of models have their photos digitally altered prior to gracing the cover of a magazine. It’s just part of the business. It’s what takes place after the lights of the photo shoot go dark. Photoshop is launched and the light flicker from an iMac screen is all that can be seen.

Playboy magazine editors were retouching the body curves of this Brazilian sports model, which appears to have been taken in the 80s (see photo above), and in the process "lost" her belly button! How can that even happen? A belly button on a girl with a nice flat stomach is one of the sexiest parts, or at least I think so. And if anyone should have a good understanding of a woman’s sexy parts, it is Playboy magazine, right? Apparently not so. The mistake went unnoticed and the magazine sold 605,000 copies that month.

Lots of readers got pissed off when they realized they were wasting money on fake pictures. Ahh, hello? Please tell me I’m not the only man alive who is aware that a model’s photos are “faked” to some degree. Are most guys really that clueless? And please tell me that every woman out there reading this knows that she will NEVER look like one of the girls on a magazine cover because those girls don’t even exist! Sure there is a real girl behind it, but you aren’t looking at her “real” body. In person, her skin does not look like porcelain. In person, her thighs don’t have one dimple of cellulite. And in person, her breasts do not assume a naturally perky position promptly under her chin. She has flaws, maybe not as many as some of us, but trust me, she is not flawless.

I often wonder why they put so much effort on Photoshopping their girls, when most of them need no retouching at all! I seriously doubt Playboy sales would go down at all if they stopped altering the photos. These girls are still gorgeous and let’s face it, men buy Playboy magazine for the articles anyway.

Related post of interest and a "must see video" depicting a TRUE model shoot.

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