Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Kitty Cam

What do cats do all day? Eat, sleep, take a crap and then sleep some more. What a life. I read somewhere once that the average cat sleeps 22 hours a day! Now there are only 24 hours in a day so that leaves only 2 hours to eat and crap? Some would call that the life, others would call it a waste of life. No matter what you think of cats, you have to admit it would be rather interesting to see exactly what one of those fuzzy fur balls does all damn day, but not thru the eyes of an onlooker, but rather firsthand thru the kitty’s eyes.

Well, you’re in luck because a man has done just that. Apparently one engineer has entirely too much time on his hands as when decided to construct an actual “Kitty Cam”. The camera is mounted on the collar of Mr. Lee, his 4-legged feline companion. It captures the adventures (or lack of adventures) of Mr. Lee’s day and then several of the most interesting snapshots are uploaded to a website for all to see.

Mr. Lee has the hots for the cat next door. The sexy pussycat can be seen sitting on top of a brick wall and staring at her two suitors, a skinny scrappy black tomcat and Mr. Lee, a chubby half tabby with a white chest and face to match. Surprisingly, Mr. Lee seems to lead an eventful life. Sometimes he stays out all day and comes home hungry with fresh battle scars. Some nights he doesn't come home at all! Sing it with me…bow-chicka-bow-wow.

The photographs are pretty much of what you you'd expect - pictures of other cats, a longing look up at a birdhouse, and the underside of parked cars where he meets his friends/gang members. Yes, he has a kitty click that he rolls with, as any true player should.

Now I know what you are thinking. You’re saying this is an invasion of Mr. Lee’s privacy, right? Well no it’s not because I don’t believe there are any privacy laws that protect kitties from whoring themselves via netcam. And even if there was, a legal document couldn’t be signed that either forbid or permitted the use of the Kitty Cam because Mr. Lee has paws. No hands = no sign. So you see, all if fair and legal in the Kitty Cam world. If you disagree with this statement, then you are free to contact Mr. Lee’s attorney. However, I must inform you that his attorney is a cat as well and there is a very high chance that he is asleep and won’t be returning your call for 22 hours.

If you are interested in purchasing a Kitty Cam for your alley cat, Mr. Lee’s website is selling them for about $30. It is said that any cat will object a bit when you attach the camera, but after that they accept it…after they flip you off, of course. Now what are you waiting for? Go visit the photo gallery of Mr. Lee's Kitty Cam Adventures!

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