Monday, June 11, 2007

In Memory Of Huniii

I was shocked and sadden to learn a friend of mine passed away this weekend from lung cancer. Huniii was just 26-years-old. She leaves behind a mother, a father, 2 sisters, numerous friends and a 5-year-old son. You may have found her blog thru mine, or found me thru hers. But if you knew her, there is no doubt she made you laugh. Her honest and witty writing would draw you in and keep you coming back to read more. She had that talent...and the talent to make me laugh. Huniii, you will be greatly missed.

Below is an exert from her blog. You can see why I could relate to her.

"This is my blog. I write it for my benefit. If you get something from reading it, then more power to you. Even if its just to piss yourself laughing at my crapness. I will not write something in here for the sole reason that you want me to. I will not omit something in here because you dont want me to write it.

I dont always express myself perfectly. Writing is particularly hard because it can be interpreted so many different ways, 90% of which depend on the READER not the WRITER. If you have an issue with anything I write here, double check with me that you read it how I intended. We may have had a misunderstanding.

I take ownership of what I write."

I’m leaving the link to Huniii’s blog up, so for those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to know her, can enjoy the words she left behind. And laugh. Laugh alot because that’s most likely what Huniii would of wanted.

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