Monday, December 22, 2008

Is My New Smartphone Choice A Smart Choice?

Time is up. My contract has expired. And now I need to pick a new cell phone...and a new calling plan...and maybe even a new service carrier. I committed myself to Verizon back in December of 2006, and for 2 solid years now, I’ve been faithful. My Razr has been my lover. I fell hard for her the very first night we met, right there in the Verizon Wireless store. The connection was so strong that I took her home that very night. Once we were alone, we became "better acquainted", if you know what I mean. Ever since then, she hasn’t left my side. It’s been a good relationship. I can’t really complain. Sadly though, love fades over time, or at least our love has. It’s normal to grow apart. Sure, parting is such sweet sorrow, but I really think it is best we go our separate ways. It’s just time, don’t you agree? Now don’t look at me like that, with that sad low battery flicker in your eyes. You know how that makes me rush to your side and perform the digital equivalent of CPR - recharge you. I hate when you become weak. Because when you become weak, I become weak, and that just isn’t a good look for me. So let’s be strong about this. Let’s be brave. Let’s do this as quickly and as painlessly as possible, like pulling off a Band-Aid. At first it will sting, but eventually we will look back at our relationship with fond memories. I’m not denying that change isn’t tough and of course some days will hurt more than others, but please put your trust in me. I know what is best. I don’t want to leave you on bitter terms. I want to say goodbye with a happy heart. I want to reminisce and say..."Ahh, the good old mid 90s. Those were the days where my Razr and I were inseparable!" It’s almost 2009 now and goodbye is inevitable.

I’ve never owned a smartphone. I didn’t want to be someone that could be reached 24/7 and I didn’t want the ability to reach out 24/7 either. I may be a tech whore, but that’s too much connectivity and electronic commitment for me. There are times I like to unplug. I like to get lost. I like being M.I.A. I need that separation. I need that downtime. I need "me time", old skool style. Don’t take it personal, it’s just how I am. It’s how I want to be, or rather, how I need to be. Besides, I can see myself being a Crackberry addict and do I really need to adopt another obsessive compulsive disorder? I’m already a neat and clean freak as it is, which is exactly why these new touchscreen phones may be good for me! Perhaps a BlackBerry Storm or an iPhone 3G will help me overcome my overwhelming urge to wipe greasy finger prints away from smudging its beautiful black, glossy surface. The way I see it, I will be exposed to greasy finger prints so much that eventually I will become immune to it, thus learning to accept a smudge here or there...or so I hope. Otherwise, this will only propel my neat and clean freak behavior to a preposterous level!

I’m usually not this indecisive, but for whatever reason, I simply could not decide between getting a BlackBerry Storm or an iPhone 3G. I asked for everyone’s input and even conducted a voting poll on my blog to help me decide between the two. The poll has since closed and the iPhone won by just a small margin. 39 votes for the iPhone and 33 votes for the Storm. I continued to research both smartphones and compare them side by side. And today, I think I’ve finally come to a decision. It’s going to be the BlackBerry Storm. I know, I know, boo hiss. Many of you believe this is the wrong choice and want to throw your shoe at me in disgust. But before you do that, let me explain why I chose the less sexy Storm over the super sexy iPhone.

I chose my new smartphone much the same way I choose a girlfriend. The way I see it, this phone is going to be with me for the long haul, at least 2 years. So because of that, I can’t go on looks alone. She has to have something on the inside to offer me as well. Date a girl who is really beautiful on the outside, but doesn’t have much to offer other than good looks, and I can assure you the relationship won’t last long. We will maybe date for a couple weeks before the novelty wears off and I find myself looking for something more. This is the type of relationship I see myself having with an iPhone. There’s no denying the iPhone is gorgeous and everyone wants her, but she’s missing some really important things on the inside - like a higher resolution photo camera with flash. And the fact the iPhone doesn’t have video shooting capability shocks me! Even those crappy Virgin Mobile throwaway phones can shoot video! So when I ran down the pros and cons on both smartphones, I’ve come to the conclusion that the BlackBerry Storm would make the better girlfriend for me, feature-wise she just has more to offer. Plus I get $50 off a Storm, whereas with an iPhone, I would need to pay full price and switch to AT&T service whose signal isn’t as strong as Verizon.

I haven’t picked up the BlackBerry Storm yet, so if you feel my choice is a disastrous one, then I want to hear from you. My mind is pretty much made up, but at the same time, it’s still open. I’m sure it won’t be long before I am a self-proclaimed Crackberry addict. I just hate the corporate guy image, the stuffy suit with a BlackBerry in hand. As a CEO, technically I should be that guy, but I’m not. Instead of a shirt and tie, I’m more jeans and Pumas. Although I suppose that’s normal since I run a tech company. We are a lot more kicked back and relaxed than your typical mid-life crisis investment banker. We are young and we like to have fun. So yes, the iPhone fits that image better, but it’s not just about aesthetics, it’s about function. And on that note, the BlackBerry Storm seems to deliver more bang for my buck than the iPhone 3G. Sorry Apple. I’m hoping the 3rd revision of the iPhone will greatly improve upon its predecessors and when that day comes, I will glady purchase one. Until then, I will make sexytime with a BlackBerry Storm.

Related posts of interest...
6/11/08 - I Wanna Make Sexy Time With An iPhone 3G
9/7/07 - I...Must...Resist...The Urrrge!
1/10/07 - Contemplating Cheating, With The iPhone

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