Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In Search Of A New Twitter Widget/Badge

I've been using TwitterTag on my blog, but it has been glitchy for awhile now and is currently down. So I need to find a new Twitter widget/badge to display my updates. I'm giving TwitStamp a try, but I'm not crazy about the styling of it. I should just code my own, but I'm feeling lazy. So if anyone has a quick edit for the official Twitter flash widget/badge (seen below), that would be great! I like the Web 2.0 look and scrolling feature that shows a handful of previous updates, but I want to change the colors and make it wider and shorter to fit at the top of my page. If you could help me out, it would be greatly apprecitated. Or if you could point me in the direction of your favorite Twitter widget/badge, please leave me a comment. Thanks!

Now I'm off to drag my sick ass over to Mom's for Christmas Eve festivities. Santa brought me the flu - oh what fun! Have a Merry one and drink heavily.

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