Thursday, December 4, 2008

Get New Posts Delivered Straight To Your Inbox

Ever since the day I started my blog, there have been two ways you could read my posts – either directly thru or via RSS feed in Google Reader or a similar program. That’s all well and good, but recently it has been brought to my attention by several of my readers that my blog is being blocked at their workplace. Now that’s a bummer. I am guilty of the occasional potty mouth and there may have been one or two occasions in the past that I’ve linked to some "questionable content", but I’ve never done so without giving the standard NSFW (Not Suitable For Work) warning. That way you could decide to forgo clicking on it, or to proceed at your own risk. Above it all, I always strive to keep my blog PG-13, for the simple fact that I know many people read it at work and I would like them to be able to continue to do so. However, many offices have their firewall set up to block certain websites or filter out certain types of content, and apparently for some, my blog seems to be fall into that category. Fortunately, I’ve come up with a perfectly legal solution to override these restrictions, a workaround of sorts.

I’ve decided to offer you the option to read my blog via e-mail. Essentially, it’s an e-mail list that you subscribe to so that everytime I publish a new post, it’s delivered straight to your inbox. It’s pretty straight forward, so there’s not much to say, except for the fact that this is in the very early stages so if you run into any glitches, please let me know. You will see I added a little sidebar widget on my blog titled "Subscribe to E-Mail List" where you can subscribe. And once you do, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the address you signed up with asking you to confirm your subscription.

Privacy and security is a must. So your e-mail address will never be distributed or used for any other purpose other than to send you newly published posts from my blog. And of course you can unsubscribe at anytime.

I plan to spice up the sidebar widget so that it’s a little more pleasing to the eye, since right now it’s looks a little ghetto fabulous if I do say so myself. And I should also note, when new posts are published, they are set to arrive in your inbox between 7-9am (EST). That way it’s already waiting for you in your inbox just as you start your workday! Clever, right?

I hope everyone enjoys this new feature and finds it useful. Remember, when your IT guy says..."No, you can’t." I say..."Yes, you can!"

It seems there are some glitches to work out, but from what I’ve been able to tell so far, this is on FeedBurner’s end and not mine. Regardless, I'm asking you to help me test this by attempting to subscribe, then filling out this short bug report. Thank you so much!

Send me a report with the following information...

Did it work?
If no, what error message did you receive?
Your Operating System:
Your Browser:

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