Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hold All My Calls, I’m Busy Blogging

This guy is sooo me! If you’re a blogger, you are going to love this short 2 minute video because there is no doubt in my mind that you are going to be able to relate to it. Let me ask you...how many times have you blogged from work? Or even worse, put off doing necessary work, maybe even canceled a meeting, just so you could make more time to blog? Have you refused to answer your phone or reply to e-mail because it would interrupt your blogging train of thought? We are all guilty of it, myself included, some more than others of course. Don’t lie. You’ve done it too. See, that’s why you need to work for yourself like me, to be your own boss. That way you can’t fire yourself for fucking off. You can’t lay yourself off. You can only reprimand yourself. And if you are like me, you probably don’t listen to yourself. So it’s rather pointless when I lecture myself on right and wrong. I’m very aware of the fact that I don’t listen to myself, therefore I've asked other people to dispense the same advice upon me that I would give myself if I actually listened to what I had to say, to myself. Confused yet? I could easily tell myself what I need to do or not do, but since I fail to listen when my internal dialogue begins, I need another party to pound it into my head. For instance, I know a certain girl is no good for me, but yet I can’t resist the overwhelming temptation of her! I know what the right thing to do is, but I need someone else to restate the obvious to me. Bold it. Underline it. Strip off the sugar coating and let me hear it. I don’t know why, but I’ll listen to other people. I just won’t listen to myself.

As bad as it is to f-off at work by blogging, honestly I’ve taken it a step further by actually shoeing away a co-worker who came over to ask me a question while I was so wrapped up in my blogging that I couldn’t be bothered by her. When I told her "I’m busy blogging, come back later", she was both offended and horrified. Of course that was her immediate reaction, until it turned into surprise and laughter. She knows me well and we get along famously so it’s all good.

Co-Worker: "Are you serious?"

Me: "Oh, I’m dead serious. In fact, you’ve just broke my train of thought. So I suggest you skedaddle so I can get back to blogging. Oh and by the way…be a peach and fetch me a Pepsi from the vending machine, will you?"

Co-Worker: She walks away all huffy and says..."You’re a dick."

Me: I call out loudly as she leaves..."You look pretty today." When all else fails, try charm. And then she flips me the bird.

She loves me. She just has an odd way of showing it. But give her time, soon enough she will return with Pepsi in hand and want to sit on the corner of my desk and be all flirty like usual. I’m onto her game. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work. Er, I mean I need to start working on my next blog post.

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