Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dear Santa (Part 1 of 3)

As you may or may not be aware, for awhile now I’ve been a part of a blogging network called 20SB (Twenty Something Bloggers). I’ve watched 20SB grow from around 1,000 people when I initially signed up, to over 3,500 current members. Basically, it’s a group of people who can relate to one another because they share two common factors - they are a blogger and they are in their 20s. Now when you sign up, you need to be between 20-29, but the fact of life is that we all age, even in the blogosphere. So even those a bit older are still welcome to stay and hang around on 20SB, despite turning 29 again. Now if you fall into that 20-something age range, you’re a blogger, and you’re interested in hearing even more from my stupid face, you will surely run into me on the 20SB forums. (My stupid mug is even featured on the 20SB badge, see below.) Speaking of the 20SB forums, there is a monthly feature on there called "Blog Carnival". The Blog Carnival is a suggested post topic that you can blog on. If you choose to participate, the link to your post is then featured on 20SB, along with everyone else who participated in the Blog Carnival as well. In the past I’ve never participated (with the exception of 20SB Compliment Week), mostly due to the fact that my personal life often interferes with the amount of time I can devote to writing. However, this time around, I’m making the time for the December Blog Carnival. In fact, if you like this post, I’ll publish the other two parts to it later this week.

So here are the rules...


December Blog Carnival
It is time for the December Blog Carnival and we want to hear from you!
So, choose your topic and submit your post for the Holiday Carnival by December 21.

You can choose any of the following three topics:

- A wishlist of things you want that are free
- A wishlist of 5 items, one for each sense (that's an item for sight, one for smell, etc)
- A wishlist of things you would sneak under the tree for yourself, age 13

To enter, write a post on the topic and email the URL link to your post and the URL link to your 20sb page.

Carnival results will be posted at the end of December!


With the current economy in the state that it’s in and practically all of my friends becoming newly unemployed, I think we could all benefit from putting together a wishlist of things we want that are completely free. So without further ado, here is my 20SB December Blog Carnival submission of a wishlist of things that don't cost a single cent!

My Wishlist Of Things I Want That Are Free

  • I want a girl to write me a cute little heartfelt letter for a change, since it’s always the other way around.
  • A hug from my Mom and my sister home for the holidays.
  • A piece of art created by my 4-year-old niece, or homemade Christmas cookies molded by her chubby little kid hands.
  • On Christmas Eve or even Christmas Day, have someone fall asleep on my chest infront of the fireplace. I would prefer a girl I like a lot, but I would also accept my snoring puppy. Although in a perfect world, I would have both.
  • To just be happy.

Related post of interest...
12/21/05 All I Want For Christmas

Visit Twenty Something Bloggers

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