Monday, November 10, 2008

What It’s Like To Date Yourself

Another featured post on the front-page of
My 3rd time in under a month - yeah me! Here's the direct link.

Ever wonder what it’s like to date yourself? I’m guessing you are shaking your head no because most people don’t have these odd, deep thoughts that I do from time to time. But if you’ve never wondered what it’s like to date yourself, perhaps today is the day you should give it some thought! Because if you wouldn’t want to date yourself, chances are nobody else does either. So with that said, it’s important that you possess some attractive qualities that...well, attract the opposite sex obviously. Or for some, attract the same sex. The point is, whether you are gay or straight, just make sure you can tolerate yourself or nobody else will be able to tolerate you either. Of course nobody is perfect so just like you shouldn’t look for the ideal date or the ideal companion, you shouldn’t place unnecessary and unrealistic pressures on yourself to be the ideal date or companion either.

Wondering what it’s like to date oneself...
I think my question would make Carrie Bradshaw proud.

This isn’t a soap opera. This is real life. And I have a secret for you, so come close. Psst, that guy that’s dreamy on TV, in the movies and in your cheesy romance novels, he doesn’t exist. He’s totally fake, the product of someone’s well scripted imagination. In reality, he’s probably just some dopy meathead that can’t complete a sentence without grunting and overusing the word dude. The harsh reality is that Mr. or Miss Perfect doesn’t exist in this world. Although, Mr. Perfect "FOR YOU" or Miss Perfect "FOR YOU" does exist! Simply put, the perfect guy or girl isn’t out there. But I can assure you that there is someone who is perfect for you, a perfect fit! They say there is someone for everyone. And for the sake of a feel-good post, let’s just say that’s true.

If you were asked to put together a brochure on how-to date yourself, could you do it? Could you do so in a fair and objective manner? Could you include the cons to your personality, just as you could the pros? Could you give specific keys to your heart – how to win it, how to lose it? What picks you up and what puts you off? How well do you know yourself sexually, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually? These are all aspects that come into play when dating. You need to know yourself, your true self, and not just know the person who you would like to be. If you don’t know yourself well enough to put together that brochure, then perhaps it’s time to discover yourself. Often the best way to do that is thru others and who knows you better than those you date? I can say with much certainty that a woman will always know me better than a man. Around my buddies, I’m just one of the guys. But around a girl, somehow I’m able to tap into my softer/sensitive side. Women just seem to always have the ability to bring that out of me naturally and comfortably. With a girl, I don’t have a problem opening up. With another dude, I rather we go play some hoops and check all that touchy/feely stuff at the door.

Since it never hurts to get to know yourself a little better, I’ve put together my "how-to date me" brochure. Ok, I cheated just a bit because what you will read below was not written by me. It was written in the stars! Stop giggling. I’m being serious. It’s part of an astrology profile on my sign, Scorpio. I’ve always half-believed in all that horoscope stuff. I think a daily horoscope is more for entertainment purposes. Although I think there has to be a good amount of truth in what sign you were born under. At least for my sign, the Scorpio characteristics fit me to a tee! And since the below profile tips on how to date a Scorpio man are so on point and I couldn’t have said it better myself, I’m using it as my brochure. So if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to date me or any other Scorpio man, wonder no more.

How-To Date Me, The Virtual Brochure
So what is it like to date a Scorpio man, to date me? Well according to one source, they claim..."The Scorpio male is unlike any other man of any other astrology sign. He is so unique that a separate section is needed to explain about dating the Scorpio man." I don’t know if I should revel in the fact that I’m so unique or be scared that I’m so complex that an entire extra page is needed just to describe how to date me! These online dating tips about Scorpio men are a woman's secret peek into his mind, which boils down to a secret peek into my mind!

Scorpio men are the most misunderstood and mysterious men of the zodiac. Every woman should date a Scorpio man at one point in their lives because dating Scorpio men is a relationship full of intensity, passion and you definitely won't forget your Scorpio man! The Scorpio man presents a strong masculine, sexual force. The Scorpio man is easy to seduce and take home for the night, it is much harder to form a real relationship with him (cough:manwhore:cough). The Scorpio man is very sensitive and feels lonely and unfulfilled, but he will never let a woman know this. Behind closed doors, be sensitive and affectionate to him. Appeal to his emotions only if you want a close relationship with him. Do not attempt to lead him on because he will see this and never forgive you. Toying with a Scorpio male is an unwise move. He will be jealous and possessive and will never allow a woman to control him. Let him take the lead because the Scorpio male is truly a fascinating person, you can never go wrong when he is planning the night! Do not nag on him for he has a hard enough time understanding his own emotions. Scorpio men make excellent protectors and you will always feel safe under his radiating, passionate and energetic power.

The Scorpio male is never indifferent to anything, he has strong opinions and thoughts. If you are ever dating a Scorpio man, you will see that he is very devoted and feels strongly about you. Part of his mystique is his potential for sudden infatuations and then suddenly losing interest, only to come back again at full force. He is not indecisive but he feels so intensely about every emotion that when he likes you, he likes you a lot. When he no longer likes you, he despises you. This coming and going and playing hard-to-get keeps many women interested in a dating relationship with him. Unlike men from any other sign, Scorpio is not easily swayed by revealing a little cleavage or talking seductively (of course this can help sway him, but he won't be putty in your hands like say, dating a Sagittarius man). Treat him like he is special, a one-of-a-kind person unlike anyone that you've ever met before. He craves this kind of pedestal treatment, this will make him putty in your hands!

Scorpio men are very emotional and sensitive, but this is hidden under a solid exterior. Ladies, if you are interested in dating a Scorpio man, do not be overly sentimental. He hates the gushy romance part of dating. You have to be sensitive and non-critical of his ways in the relationship because he is easily hurt. Also, never tell your Scorpio man that you are reading these online dating tips because he is the one who needs to have the upper hand, he is the one who is "in the know" of peoples motives! Let it be your little secret that as you are dating your Scorpio male that you are fully aware of his mysterious ways and understand his hidden agenda! Dating a Scorpio is a slow process, trust is built up over time because he never naturally trusts anyone. Do not expect to be treated special just yet. Once the dating relationship has gotten more intimate (not sexually but emotionally), then he will let some of his true feelings show.

Beware of the downfalls of dating a Scorpio male. Scorpio men do not like to compromise so you will have to. They like to be the leaders so for all the independent controlling women out there - you'll have to let him have the power in the dating relationship (he's a good leader, he knows what he's doing, everything he does is for a reason so you don't have to worry about pointless outings and stupid boring dates). If you every get into an argument or a fight, the Scorpio male has the ability to "sting" you. He will actually go out of his way to get revenge. So never cheat on him or cross him in any way, this includes lying. Never lie to a Scorpio man because he will never forgive you and he will never forget. Be careful not to play him while you're dating. (Side Note: I may like my own way at times, but I am willing to compromise. And I don’t really go for revenge, but most likely will be nasty right back. The rest of it is definitely true. Girls who are shady with me might as well forget it. Even if I manage to forgive, which doesn't happen often, it's fair to say I won't forget. And in the back of my mind, I will forever be bother by it.)

In order for dating compatibility, you have to follow his lead and give him his space. But beware that he won't give you much space or freedom. You belong to the Scorpio man but his sexy manliness makes you feel good under his protective, jealous arm. Dating a Scorpio takes patience and time and you have to able to deal with his strange mysterious ways, but this is part of the fun. The Scorpio male will always keep you on your toes. (Side Note: Jealousy is always tied to a Scorpio, but I’m only jealous if you’ve given me reason to be. Otherwise, I’m totally fine with giving a girl space and I won’t hound you with questions if you’ve earned my trust. And girls who purposely try to make me jealous will find they fail in that attempt. I won't become jealous, but I will lose all respect for you. Trying to hurt someone on purpose just seems so childish to me and that is a huge turnoff.)

The best relationship advice for dating a Scorpio male is get ready to go with the flow and have fun being seduced by him and watch out for that voracious sex drive. In the end, he will always treat you like a lady, not just his property. He wants you to remember him forever and be mesmerized by his seductive allure - a fun experience while it lasts! And that is why regardless of your compatibility with Scorpio, every woman should date a Scorpio man at one point in their lives. The most compatible dating matches for Scorpio men are Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. With a little more effort and compromise, Scorpio males are also a compatible dating match with Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Scorpio men have the least compatible match for dating with Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra.

If you want to read the dirty stuff in terms of what it takes to attract me, what are my erogenous zones and what sex with me is like, you can follow this link. Or you could just date me and find out. Oh can also lookup your own astrology dating profile there too. Get to know yourself. The good. The bad. The ugly. And the beautiful parts that make up you. The combination of those parts is what makes you unique. There’s only one you in this world, but would you date you? That’s the question!

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