as #73 on "The Brazen Top 100 Posts Of All Time" list.
I just don’t get it. Someone please explain it to me because I simply can’t comprehend how we can create such a historical moment as electing the first ever black President, and in the very same night, be prehistoric in our views and beliefs when it comes to voting on Proposition 8. This is 2008, right? So we are ok with a black man, but not a gay man? For those reading this outside the U.S. and wondering what Prop 8 is, it’s a law in the state of California that would eliminate the fundamental right for same-sex couples to marry. I think Amanda said it best when she asked..."How you can look at someone and say you don't deserve what I have?"
I’m straight and I was raised Catholic, although today I don’t consider myself a very religious person. I’ve never followed or been a believer in ALL the things the Catholic Church teaches. For that very reason, I’ve somewhat distanced myself from their teachings. And with that said, there are a few things I strongly disagree with, like being gay is a sin and you will burn in hell or whatever crap they preach. I’m sorry, but that’s just an ignorant statement and a total bullshit theory. It’s not just Catholics either. Jews, Protestants and other religions also believe a marriage should only be between a man and a woman. I don’t feel "being gay" is something a person chooses. I think if a person was to "choose" their sexuality, most would choose to be straight simply because it doesn’t carry all the extra "hardships" (for lack of a better word) that being gay does. With that said, I think people are born either gay or straight.
A traditional marriage is almost a joke these days. If you’re a straight couple looking to tie the knot, it’s as simple as a drive-thru chapel in Vegas - like ordering a cheeseburger, you can order a marriage license. Although if you are a gay couple looking to tie the knot, good luck with that! You will need to do more than jump thru hoops and climb the tallest mountain. Our country is making it nearly impossible for you to be seen as an equal. And as a straight man, that angers me. So I know that it must infuriate those who are gay. I had an Aunt who was gay, hid it all her life and eventually hung herself because she could no longer live with the stigma attached to being a gay. If her pain is any indication of how difficult it is to be gay in America, "The Land Of The Free" or not so free as it seems, then my heart really goes out to those directly affected by Prop 8 being passed. I simply can’t believe that California, one of the most liberal states in the country, has banned gay marriage! San Francisco is known as gay-friendly and is practically draped in the rainbow-colored flag. So to see Prop 8 passed with 52% of the vote, truly saddens me.
Sorry, but I don’t see marriage as this "exclusive religious club" it once was. Statistically, 50% of marriages fail and because of that the institute of marriage has lost quite a bit of its religious quality. Sadly, for many these days, it’s just a piece of paper - a legal one that entitles you to certain rights. And because a "marriage on paper" holds so much weight in terms of receiving benefits, dispensing a will, etc...it only seems right that gay couples are given the same opportunity as straight couples in terms of being listed as the spouse. If all the bible bangers are hung up on the term "marriage" being given to gay couples, then how about calling it something else like a "partnership" or whatever term you want to give it? Just don’t deny someone their rights because of their sexual orientation. Last time I checked, denying someone equal rights is unconstitutional.
With the exception of our family, we choose who we form relationships with, we don't necessarily choose who we fall in love with. Love often just happens, regardless of whether or not outsiders approve of the person you're involved with or the situation you are in - gay, straight, bi-sexual, etc. It's true that you fall in love with the heart. It doesn’t matter who the person is - male or female. It's their heart that makes you feel the way you do, not what they have or don't have in their pants. I don't think one should feel ashamed about that. If anything, it's rather mature to be able to put aside physical characteristics and place more importance on the true essence of a person - their heart. Find someone that makes you happy, period. Male or female. Don't find someone that makes OTHERS happy. And if you’re gay and you want to get married, I say you should be able to.
For all those who voted in favor of banning gay marriage, get over yourself. Get over your God-like mentality of what is moral and immoral. You’re being narrow minded and homophobic. Gay people aren’t hurting you. And it wouldn’t hurt you, nor affect your life in the least if they marry. So what’s your problem? As I’ve said in a previous post, I really wish people would understand the concept of "the separation of church and state". And I challenge anyone to argue against abortion or gay rights WITHOUT using religion as part of your debate. Can’t do it, can you? Seriously, I challenge anyone to give me just one valid reason, that isn’t tied into religious beliefs in any way, why we should not allow gay couples to marry. I’m serious because I’m just dying to know how a right that is available to the rest of the population should be denied to someone else based solely on their sexual preference. You have defined the very word of what discrimination is. Tell me how you justify that.
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