Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Free Black Coffee With Your New Black President

Post updated at 1:30PM EST with MORE freebie giveaways for Election Day! Also, I want to report a case of voter fraud, but not sure who to contact. So if anyone can help me out, please e-mail me at diamondkt@gmail.com I would greatly appreciate it because no matter who wins, this should be a FAIR election.

What if we all cared enough to vote? Not just 54% of us, but 100% of us? What if we cared as much on Nov. 5th as we care on Nov. 4th? What if we cared all of the time the way we care some of the time? What if we cared when it was inconvenient as much as we care when it’s convenient? Would your community be a better place? Would our country be a better place? Would our world be a better place?

I love that song! So relaxing. Name it and I'll kiss you.
Or I could just Google it myself, but I rather makeout with someone (hot).

Tuesday, November 4th 2008. Hmm, there is something I am supposed to do today. Pick up dry cleaning? Change my oil? Walk the dog? Wish my sister a happy birthday? Those are all on my To-Do List, but I think there’s something else. I feel like I’m forgetting something. What in the world could it be? Oh wait, that’s right. Today I have to do my part in changing the world – I have to help elect a new President! And what better way to help congratulate and celebrate our first ever black President than by raising a toast to him with a cup of steaming Joe! No, I’m not referring to "Joe The Plumber", I’m talking about a free cup of freshly brewed Starbucks coffee! And I realize I’m being presumptuous about Obama winning, but think of it more as complete confidence. I’ve always said we will see a black President before we will see a woman President. That isn’t a raciest or sexiest statement, it’s just something I always thought would happen and it’s looking like today may be the day.

Regardless of who gets elected, if you care enough to vote, Starbucks cares enough to give you a free cup of coffee. So go into a Starbucks near you on Nov. 4th between 8AM - 10PM. Tell them you voted and they’ll proudly give you a tall cup of brewed coffee on them. Election Day 2008 - it's bigger than coffee.

And if coffee isn’t enough, how about a free vibrator? I’m actually being serious for a change. Seriously, if you live in NYC, voting never felt so good! The folks at the adult store, Babeland (NSFW), want to make you feel even more gratified. Like, between your legs, if you know what I mean. The sex toy shop is declaring that every voter that comes (no pun intended) in will receive a Silver Bullet vibrator or a Maverick. Don’t ask me what a Maverick is in this case, I think it’s a blue dildo though? Anyway, those are for the ladies, but they didn’t forget about the men! For the guys, you get a "sleeve"...and not that I know anything about this or that I’ve ever been given one as part of a Valentine’s Day present, but I HEAR the sleeve is only fun for like the first day. Sorry, but there’s just no substitute for the real deal. If nothing else, a free sex toy should surely keep your stress level down as the Election Day results roll in. And if you are too conservative and uptight to use a vibrator, why not just pick one up anyway and use it to help stir your free cup of coffee? Genius!

Plenty of other businesses are jumping on the freebie bandwagon of "treating" you on Election Day too. Apparently we can’t use the phrase "rewarding people for voting" as there’s some legal crap about swaying people to vote simply to get a kickback and that is illegal. Regardless, of how you word it, this crap is all free if you show your ballot stub...

  • Ben & Jerry’s is offering a free scoop of ice-cream.
  • Krispy Kreme is offering star-shaped donuts with red, white and blue sprinkles.
  • Chick-fil-A, not sure what they are offering, but surely it’s something tasty!
  • Free tattoo removal in Dallas, Texas.
  • Free body piercings in Missouri.

I’m sure there are more freebies out there, but you’ll have to Google for them. That’s all I’ve come across at the moment and wanted to pass it along as quickly as possible so you can start taking advantage of them. Happy Election Day!

For a guy who rarely, if ever, blogs about politics, I've sure done a lot of it lately! I promise to get back to my regular posts of debauchery, geekyness and whit-filled whittery soon enough.

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