Wednesday, November 26, 2008

David Is...

At last count, my blog had slightly over 100 RSS feed subscribers and an average of roughly 300 readers that visit my little corner of the web per day. They aren’t wonderful numbers, but they aren’t too shabby for a small time blogger like myself either. Obviously though, not all those people leave comments. Of course normally that’s not a big deal, except for the fact that in the next few days, the comments will need to pour in or else this post will be rather pointless. You see, unlike most days where I write/ramble and maybe 20 people or so leave a comment, that just won’t do today. The reason it won’t do is because I’m not writing the post! You are! You’re job is to complete the sentence, to fill in the blank. You have a blank canvas to work with and it’s open to virtually anything! It can be nice, mean, silly, stupid, sweet, sad, whatever you want. That’s the beauty of it. It’s totally up to you. You write it. I’ll read it.

Stuck? Here are a few examples, but be creative and come up with your own.

David is...
...the father of my unborn baby. gay lover.
...the devil in disguise.
...CrazySexyCool. (thanks 90’s TLC)
...someone I want to beat like a red-headed stepchild.

Hey, what else do you have to do today at work? You planned on f-ing off all day anyways, right? And as we move into the long holiday weekend, why not grab yourself a turkey leg (which reminds me - Happy Thanksgiving!) and love, hate, or poke fun at me some more? You're free to leave more than one "David is..." entry and you can even post anonymous if you choose to, but it is easier for me to follow if you leave some type of name or nickname.

So today I’m asking for your participation. Yes, you. All of you. So this post goes out to my long time followers, the first time visitor, and of course the lurkers - I know you’re out there. Help me write this post. All you have to do is complete this sentence, to fill in the blank.

David is...

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