Tuesday, August 21, 2007

For Those Who Can't Unwind & Unplug

As much as I hate to say it (and don’t kill me, I’m just the messenger), summer is coming to an end. We may not be able to accept the fact that our sunny warm days are numbered, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the time we are left with. In fact, just because fall is around the corner doesn’t mean we can’t extend our summertime by traveling someplace warm, sunny, sandy and carefree. Yes, I’m talking about taking a vacation to the beach! Although for some, unwinding and unplugging on vacation is easier said than done. It’s rather sad that these days we are so tied to our wired/wireless world that many of us are simply unable to leave e-mail and the Internet behind. When we set out to dip our toes in a mountain of white sand and crystal clear blue water, shouldn’t the laptop and other tech gadgets be left at home? I say yes, but if you say no, then I may have the product for you – the solar beach bag.

Introducing “The Juice Bag”, a solar beach bag designed for the geek in you. It not only allows you to safely carry your laptop, cell phone, digital camera, iPod and other tech gadgets, but it also keeps them re-charged…via the sun. In a way, it’s an eco-friendly bag too. Instead of standard electricity, this heavy-duty solar beach tote incorporates a high-tech flexible solar panel that uses natural sunlight to recharge your batteries. And if you are traveling with kids, you’ll love the fact that you can shut them up with a portable DVD player or gaming system. Ahh, quiet at last. Now go take in the sounds of the surf.

Taking in the sounds of the surf is what I was trying to do when it rang...“Hey, what’s up? (pause) Well do they have that same shade of red in them? Because if they do you can always wear them with the first skirt to pull out that color.”

Are you fucking kidding me, I thought to myself. Her girlfriend is calling her on vacation to discuss what shoes she should buy? I’m sure there isn’t any such thing as a “life and death fashion crisis” that can’t wait until we get back. Besides, isn't that what the fashion police are for? Go call them. Ok, so I was annoyed. I hated the fact that I’m the tech whore in the relationship, but she was the one that couldn’t do without her most coveted gadget while lying on a beautiful island. I kept my mouth shut even though inside I wanted to pick that cell phone up and throw it. After it rang several more times in the next hour, even she started to get annoyed. I’m going to say what happened next is to be blamed partially on the countless fruity Bahama Mamas we were drinking and partially on the fact that I was feeling neglected. I’ll admit, I can be a baby sometimes when I feel someone isn’t giving me as much attention as I give them. I understand I shouldn’t use either of these excuses to excuse my behavior, but never the less, I am.

It rang once more. Before she could answer it and without saying a word, I picked up her cell phone and hurled it into the ocean. I laid back down on my stomach and closed my eyes. “Feel better now?” she asked. “I can’t believe you just threw my phone into the ocean, David! I was going to just turn it off.”

Me: “I’m sorry, I overreacted. But you’re smiling, so I know you aren’t THAT angry at me. I’ll buy you a new one when we get home, a better one even!”

Her: “I’m laughing so I don’t cry.”

At this point I feel like a real jerk and begin consoling her.

Her: “You’re so gullible. I was about to throw it into the water too, but I will take you up on a new one. Oh and just so you know, once this buzz wears off, I’ll probably be a little pissed.”

Me: gulp.

I later borrowed some kid's scuba goggles and went searching for the water-logged phone. And surprisingly, I found it! What are the chances of that? Of course it no longer worked. Let us remember this…unlike your Visa card, a cell phone you CAN leave home without it. Although not many of us do leave home without it and it seems we will no longer have to, thanks to products like “The Juice Bag”.

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