Monday, August 20, 2007

The Work Of A Photo-Realist Artist

I like freaky weird art. I find that I’m often drawn to it. The stranger it is, the more intrigued I become. Anything deep and out of the ordinary catches my eye. I enjoy trying to figure out what the artist was trying to say, as eccentric as it may be. I like coming up with my own personal interpretation to it, as well hearing how other people see it. It fascinates me and I think you can learn much about a person by the art they create and the art they posses or wish to posses.

To some, a picture is worth a thousand words. To others, a photograph fails to express the subject as much as a sculpture can. One London man has come to the conclusion that photography pretty much destroys the physical presence of the original object. Therefore he’s turned to fine art and sculpture. His name is Ron Mueck. He is referred to as a photo-realist artist and these are some of his latest creations. Simply amazing pieces!

Born in Australia to parents who were toy makers, he labored on children's television shows for 15 years before working in special effects for films. In the early 1990's, still in his advertising days, Mueck was commissioned to make something highly realistic. He wondered what material would do the trick. Latex was the usual, but he wanted something harder, more precise. Luckily, he saw a little architectural decor on the wall of a boutique and inquired as to the nice pink stuff’s nature. Fiberglass resin was the answer, and Mueck has made it his bronze and marble ever since.

A solo exhibition of Ron Mueck’s work was recently on display at the Brooklyn Museum in NYC. From New York to Paris, if you ever get a chance to see his work in person, be prepared to be blown away.

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