Friday, August 17, 2007

I Like Your Face, The Serenade

When a boy serenades his puppy first thing in the morning, is it time to call the mental help professionals? When a boy serenades his puppy in an old fashion Italian-style singing voice complete with violin backup in the back ground (correction - playing in his head), has it gone a bit too far? When said boy is actually an adult man who ends the serenade by kissing his little buddy’s smashed in nose and telling him he doesn’t just “like” his face, he LOVES it, is it wrong? I say it’s not, but I do feel that a certain puppy should show he was completely moved by the serenade. He should express his love and appreciation in a different manner, other than yawning in the serenader’s face. Of course it’s better than burping in my face, which he has done before when I tried to kiss his wrinkled forehead.

I’ll be honest, just like I’ll never win a Spelling Bee, I’ll also never be awarded a Grammy for my lovely singing voice. Although, maybe I’m a lyrical genius? Ok, maybe that’s not the case since I couldn’t even impress the dog, but I’ll let you decide. Here are the lyrics I made up on the spot…

I like your faaaaaace innnnnn the morning.
(hold out the "ing, then keep this same tone for each line)
I like your face at noon.
I like your face in the evening.
I like you face the whole day thru.

Perhaps sharing this silly/crazy side of myself with the entire World Wide Web isn’t the best decision I’ve ever made. Although, it can’t be any more embarrassing than the time my “kinda sorta not really girlfriend” caught me cuddling Diesel up and telling him I loved him. “Umm. Am I interrupting something?” she inquired in a tone that carried a note of sweetness mixed with shock and surprise.

I think she’s just kinda sorta (maybe really) jealous.

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