Friday, August 3, 2007

Elton John Demands The Internet Be Shut Down…Rrright

Pop legend star Sir Elton John wants the Internet closed down! And we should listen to him because…? Because he’s yet one more celebrity who is out of touch with reality and the real world and enjoys spewing his opinion on others like it is the word of God? Because he is a musical genius, we should overlook his ignorance and utter stupidity when it comes to asinine comments he makes towards technology and worship him like the almighty one he is? That we should just blindly follow his demands, because after all, he did write “Candle In The Wind” and that alone makes him an expert on blogging? Yeah, that’s right. If you are a blogger, Elton John is more or less spitting on you.

Never one to keep his opinions to himself, the Rocket Man has waded into cyberspace with all guns blazing. He claims that there is too much technology available, that the Internet hampers communication, it’s destroying good music and it’s responsible for stifled creativity.

“The internet has stopped people from going out and being with each other, creating stuff. Instead they sit at home and make their own records, which is sometimes OK but it doesn’t bode well for long-term artistic vision. It’s just a means to an end. We’re talking about things that are going to change the world and change the way people listen to music and that’s not going to happen with people blogging on the internet. I mean, get out there - communicate. Hopefully the next movement in music will tear down the internet. Let’s get out in the streets and march and protest instead of sitting at home and blogging. I do think it would be an incredible experiment to shut down the whole internet for five years and see what sort of art is produced over that span. There’s too much technology available. I’m sure, as far as music goes, it would be much more interesting than it is today.” – Elton John

Wow. There are so many things wrong with what he said that I don’t know where to even start! Perhaps he is so bitter because his last album pulled in lack luster sales numbers, but whatever the case may be, it's clear his silk panties are in a bind. I’ll try to keep my rebuttal short and just say this…

If we could give the Internet credit for just one thing, it would be the fact that it has brought people together, NOT separated them. Never before has there been a medium that could bridge the gap between all races, ages and economic differences. Black, white, gay, straight, rich, poor, young, old. It makes no difference online. Even a big corporation and a small Mom & Pop business are seen as “equals” when it comes to the Internet. That’s that beauty of it.

The Internet has been the main tool used to bring children in poverty stricken countries around the world not only a better education, but a better chance at life. Sure there is no substitute for physical touch and face-to-face communication, but implying that the Internet hampers communication is just absurd! Without the Internet, many musicians and artists would cease to exist. The Internet gives them a venue in which to get their name out there, to showcase their talented work. Take the Internet away and you’ve just taken away their creativity. Are you following me? I won’t even go into the whole Napster/MP3 debate, nor will I touch upon the billions and billions of dollars made from the Internet and the countless jobs created because the Internet exists. And you want to do away with that? You have to be kidding. Our economy thrives off the Internet and you don’t need to be a Wall Street tycoon to know that.

The multi-millionaire Elton, who turned 60 earlier this year, has admitted in the past that he is a bit behind the times. No, really? He also admits to being the biggest technophobe of all time. He doesn't own a cell phone, an iPod or anything. If you ask me, this is even more reason why he should shut his mouth. He has zero knowledge about anything tech related. So how can he can demand, or even suggest, the Internet be shut down when chances are he has never even turned on a computer in his life!

To be blunt, he’s a hippie who never made it out of the drug induced 60s era. Hate to inform you, but it is 2007 now and times have changed, immensely! Just turn on the news and you will see how the flower child days of holding protest signs are over. If you want to “fight the man” these days, then you will see more support for your cause if you get the word out online – bigger audience. So here’s some free advice for you, dude. Why don’t you stick to talking about what you know best, writing music. It’s now perfectly obvious to the world that you lack the intelligence to speak about anything other than that. Stick to the past and you will stay in the past. The future is here, has been here and will continue to move forward while you are being left behind. Either get with it or say bye-bye. Go run along now and put on your Mama’s pearls and pumps and tickle the ivory like a good little boy. Leave the tech talk to those of us who actually know what the f*ck we are talking about.

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