Friday, July 3, 2009

Save Newspapers? Um, No Thanks

Save the rainforest. Save a child. Save a puppy. Save a dollar. Save a seat. Save a life. Save a relationship. Save the last dance. I’ve even been told to save the receipt. Enough already! Not a single day goes by that we aren’t asked, or rather begged, to save something, someone, or some place. I for one am sick of hearing it! I’m not cold, inconsiderate, or selfish. I don’t have a black hole for a heart, but I do have a well functioning brain. And while in theory it’s nice to lend a helping hand in saving just about anything and everything in need on the planet, a logical mind will tell you this can’t possibly be done. Still, it’s a warm fuzzy thought and I applaud those that make an effort to make our world a better place. But when I read about a recent campaign to "Save Newspapers", I started to laugh. Basically they want to ban linking on the Internet with some far fetched hope that it will magically rejuvenate the dying publishing industry, thus save newspapers? That makes about as much sense as banning the wheel in order to save the horse industry. So we should screw up the entire Internet to save newspapers? Rrright.

I can understand newspaper’s fear. Afterall, nothing scares the publishing industry more than a platform that basically makes it irrelevant. So it’s no surprise that a new campaign is being launched to "Save Newspapers". The majority of newspapers are going, or already are, digital these days. Many have stopped printing their newspapers from Mon-Fri and are just printing the weekend editions. Why? Two reasons. One, it saves money. And two, because so many people prefer to get their news online these days - online publication. Most people spend a great deal of time at work infront of a computer, so it's just easier and makes more sense to get their news over the web as opposed to opening up a big inky newspaper. And with the whole "going green" theory, everyone is making an effort to use less paper on a daily basis. So not only is there no messy ink fingers, but you just allowed a tree to live! :hugs:

While reading the newspaper isn’t free, reading the news online is! So a lot of people aren't going to pay for something they can easily get free elsewhere. It’s just common sense. And while it’s true you shouldn’t believe everything you read online, there are reputable news and newspaper websites. The New York Times and The Washington Post are two sources you can trust that will deliver news based on fact and not online hearsay. Usually you'll find the exact same articles online that you would in their newspaper. Plus, often there is MORE content online (archives, etc.) on sites like The New York Times than you would find picking up their paper for today.

Now for the most obvious and critical point of all...

Traditional newspapers may be printed on a daily basis, but by the time the daily edition hits the presses and is either delivered to your doorstep or ready for pickup at the local newsstand, it’s essentially old news already. Whereas if you receive your daily news over the Internet, it’s always up date, often to the very minute! While traditional newspapers are only feeding you the news once a day, Internet news is constantly being streamed to you all day long! It is available 24/7 and you control the delivery. You also control the frequency of updates, depending on how often you revisit the website. Can’t say you can do that, can you newspaper? Simply put, Internet news offers instant gratification. It’s sort of like Internet porn, but without the sticky fingers.

To me, newspapers are only useful for two things - potty training a puppy and soaking up a muddy puddle on the street corner. So really, how could anyone argue in favor of the endangered ink laden newspaper? Along with dinosaurs and Saturday morning cartoons, newspapers are well on their way to the point of extinction. If it wasn't for the traditional, non-conforming, old farts who subscribe to newspapers because they are resistant to change and quite possibly techno-phobs, newspapers would have been dead already. And while I sit back and watch them die a slow but sure inevitable death, I smile. Yes, I smile because I don't give a shit. I will not be campaigning to "Save Newspapers" because we already have a more cost efficient and eco-friendly comprehensive alternative that will eventually replace newspapers all together.

Unlike some, I love change! I love seeing the world evolve and this is just another area in which our future is going. So stop being a hater. Get with it and roll with the times. The new era is digital. You can either choose to embrace it, or be left in its electronic dust. (Yeah Dad, I'm talking to you. It's right up there with your AM talk radio obsession.)

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