Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Boy Farms Cipolline Italian Onions

The summer stone fruits are out at the farmers markets right now, but something that caught my eye while strolling the Grand Lake Farmers Market in Oakland were these lovely cipolline Italian onions. First off, they have such an odd, funny shape. But they had the transcendent glow to them that made them seem so enticing. What would you do with them? Do you think it would work in a French onion soup recipe? I bet Italians use this a lot in summer salads.

BTW, the Grand Lake Farmers Market had a new layout to their booths. Basically, they switched all the crafts booth to the other side, giving the farmers' booths more room to show off their produce. Such a simple change and it really made a difference. It no longer feels cramped. Kudos to the smart person who sat there one day and thought, hmmm, wonder what would happen if we just switched sides?

Related posts:
French Onion Soup Recipe
Waffle Mania Truck

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